Permit for Umstead Park

Filed under: Latest News by Joseph on December 12th, 2008

We have submitted our permit to Umstead for our 2009 schedule, and we are waiting for their approval of our dates.  When that is done we will get the insurance (BOK provides insurance through the United States Orienteering Federation that is paid through your event fees.)  Umstead is making some changes to the procedures for our use of the park, and they are not final  as of yet.  Our events have gotten larger, and the area population has grown putting more pressure on the park.  So it is likely our fees will go up, and our use of the park more restricted.   To take some of the pressure off of Umstead we will try and have more events at other places.  We will keep you posted.

2 Responses to “Permit for Umstead Park”

  1. It would be useful to scan it into PDF and post to the website, so that directors can print it before the meet.

  2. I’m not sure that is necessary. I’ll put the permit in the front of the folder that we keep the map in so we’ll always have it with us.