Join E-Mail Group

Backwoods Orienteering Klub E-mail Notices

BOK sends out e-mail notices a couple of times a month to alert you to upcoming events and schedule changes.  There are several ways to subscribe.  You can enter your email address here…

Google Groups
Subscribe to BackwoodsOK
Visit this group

The address of this group is

The name of the GoogleGroup is BackwoodsOK.  and of course you can subscribe through your  regular Google account if you have one.  If you want to subscribe via email then you can send a message to

There are many ways to unsubscribe and they are described in Google Help.

After you subscribe you will be sent a welcome e-mail with some additional information.  If you don’t receive this welcome then there is a problem delivering to the e-mail address that you subscribed with.

Your address will be kept confidential and there will not be lots of messages.  This is not a mail group where anyone can send messages to the group.

2 Responses to “Join E-Mail Group”

  1. Please include myself on the notice list. Thank you

  2. Please add your email address to the subscription box above.

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