Open Radio-O/ARDF event at Eno River, Sun. Nov-4.

Filed under: Latest News,Radio Orienteering by Patrick Sears on October 25th, 2018

We will have an 80 m classic ARDF event at the Eno River State Park Few’s Ford Access on Sunday, Nov 4. For more information about Radio-O/ARDF, see the BOK ARDF page. Starts 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. We will have a class starting at noon. The course closes at 3:00 PM. Remember there is a $5 fee if you need to rent a receiver. We will also have a short (2.1 km) foxoring course. That course will not open until noon.

Open event with pre-registration: Newcomers welcome — you don’t have to be a BOK member. Please pre-register so we know how many maps to print. Soon after registering, we will send you an e-mail letting you know that we have reserved a receiver for you. If you’re not a member of an orienteering club, go ahead and choose “Other O Club Member” anyway in the registration form. Here is a link to the registration page. Don’t worry about the “Choose Course” field; you can change it when you arrive on Sunday. Groups of 5 or more separate entries may register using the group registration procedure.

Courses provided: There are two types of course, 80 m classic and foxoring.

white 1 fox 1.7 km
yellow 2 foxes 2.6 km
orange 3 foxes 4.5 km
green 4 foxes 5.7 km
red 5 foxes 6.1 km
foxoring 8 controls 2.1 km

Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools: Everyone from the CHCCS ARDF community is welcome. Note that this is not a school event. BOK fees apply. For more info about regular event fees, see What will it cost? Receiver rentals are an additional $5. Also, you must register with BOK, not on the usual registration page for CHCCS events. Students in middle school will need to go with a parent if they want to search for all five foxes.

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