Open Radio-O/ARDF event at Carolina North Forest, April 24.

Filed under: Radio Orienteering by Patrick Sears on April 17th, 2022

We will have an 80 m classic course at Carolina North Forest on April 24, Sunday. Park at the Orange County Health Department off of Homestead Rd (GPS 35.9483 -79.0649, Google maps link). Then follow the BOK signs to pick up your map. For more information about Radio-O/ARDF, see the BOK ARDF page.

The course opens at 10 AM and closes at 2 PM. Everyone must pre-register here to participate. There is no need to sign up for a particular course. Everyone gets the same map. Please register by the end of the day on Friday, April 22.

The course. The homing beacon is the finish. There is only one control to punch at the homing beacon and it is the finish. There is no finish chute. There is a 300 m exclusion zone around the start and around each control. Foxes will be on 3.53 MHz, the homing beacon on 3.55 MHz. For getting all five foxes, the straight-line course length is 4.7 km.

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