Schenck Forest New Year’s Day Team Score O – 1 January

Filed under: Latest News by Matt on December 23rd, 2024

UPDATE: Explorer course option added.

Backwoods Orienteering Klub will have an Team Score-O event at Schenck Forest on Wednesday, January 1st. You should have completed an orange or higher course to participate in this event and you do need to run with a team. Teammates can be chosen at the event, you do not need to be teamed up already. If we end up with an odd number of runners or there is another reason people would like to have a 3-member team, we can adapt the rules and classes accordingly.

Explorer Course: For those who have completed at least a Yellow course in the past and would just like a chance to try some more challenging controls, sign up for the Explorer option. You’ll be given an “all-controls” map and you can find as many or as few controls as you want in any order within the 90 minute time limit. Explorers do not need to wait for the mass start of the score O.

Be sure to register by New Year’s Eve at 5pm.

There will be a mass start at noon (12pm). Everybody should arrive at the shelter (35.816069, -78.723603) no later than 11.30 AM to pick up maps and attend the briefing. You will then have 15 minutes to plan before we start. Do not be late!

The Score-O time limit will be 90 minutes. There will be 2 points penalty for every minute you are late coming back from the course (starting from the first second after the allotted 90 mins).

The format this year includes co-punching, but all normal controls will be worth 1 point. Co-punched controls are one point per team member.

The exact rules are as follows:

Any single control may only be used once per team.

The sequence that each team must follow to score points is one individual control per team member and then a common co-punched control. Repeat until you run out of controls or time. (co-punch is where you punch together within 10 seconds of each other as recorded on your fingersticks)

The individual controls score points if followed by the co-punch control. And the co-punch control counts as a point for each team member.
(For example, team member 1 punches a control 31, team member 2 punches control 32, then they co-punch 33, the team has scored 4 points)

Any additional controls an individual punches between co-punches will score 0 points and no longer be available for the team to use.

If any team member misses an individual punch, then the ostensible co-punch doesn’t finish that sequence. It will count as the individual punch for that team member who is missing a punch, but that means the team should co-punch a different control next.
(For example, team member 1 punches 31, then they co-punch control 32 without team member 2 having punched a control. 32 counts as the individual control for team member 2 and they need to co-punch another control to score the sequence)

Teams must co-punch the Finish control. This will also complete their last sequence. An exception at the Finish is that each team member does not need to punch an individual control for the Finish co-punch to complete the sequence.
The Finish control does not score any points.
(For example, if team member 1 gets a final individual control and team member 2 just meets them at the Finish, the team still scores 1 point.)

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