Regular Event in South Umstead – Apr 22

Filed under: Uncategorized by Vladimir Stemkovski on April 17th, 2012

We will have a REGULAR event at Umstead Park (South) on Sunday April 22, 2012.
Everyone is welcome, and we will have a beginners class at 12:30. Enter the park from I-40 and follow the signs from the parking lot. We will start from the big shelter.
The event starts at noon and everybody must finish by 3 PM.
We will have all regular courses from beginner to advanced, White through Red.

Help with control pick-up would be appreciated.


5 Responses to “Regular Event in South Umstead – Apr 22”

  1. What if it rains? Forecast says 100 percent chance of rain.

  2. The event will take place regardless of the weather. Sometimes it is even more fun when it rains 🙂

  3. Use the force, Luke!

  4. Does the klub provide umbrellas?

    Just kidding. 😉

  5. managed to finish right before the rain returned. glad you ran the event.