Horton Grove Nature Preserve, Sep 29th, 2024
Join us for an advanced classic orienteering event on Sunday, September 29th, 2024 at Horton Grove Nature Preserve, which is located 10 minutes west of Butner, NC
Registration is closed. Please register here before 6:00 PM on Friday, September 27, to ensure we have enough maps.
On the day of the event, you will park in the northern parking lot (6879 Jock Rd, Bahama, NC)
Check-in is open between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM. Make sure that you finish by 1:30 PM because we will begin clearing the courses at that time.
You must return to the check-in area after completing your course. This is where we will download your results.
Advanced courses: Off-trail navigation is necessary. There is usually a “catch feature” or an “attack point”, within 100m of a control. Trails can frequently be used as a route choice but are usually not the best way.
Expert courses are all as complex as the terrain allows with minimal use of trails and differ only in length. The Brown course can be printed at scale 1:10000 upon request.
- Advanced (Orange) 3.5 km, map scale 1:10000
- Expert Short (Brown) 3.7 km, map scale 1:7500
- Expert Medium (Green) 5.7 km, map scale 1:10000
- Expert Long (Red) 6.6 km, map scale 1:10000
We will use LIVELOX so you can see your route on the map after the event, along with everyone else on your course. LIVELOX is great because you can learn a lot about route choice, and it is fun to see how others’ choices affect their runs. The easiest way to use LIVELOX is to download the LIVELOX app to your phone. Then, when you start your course, open the app on your phone, click “Start Recording,” and then “Stop Recording” at the end of your run. Later in the day, the event will be published on livelox.com, where you can select your course for viewing. Uploading your route from your Garmin or Strava account is also possible.)
To make it super easy to get your run into the correct course you can use these 6 character codes. After you open Livelox on your phone choose “Event” and then select “Select class by 6-character code” This will put you in the correct event and course.
Brown – JA2NE4
Green – BPMC5Q
Orange – QBJ7ZF
Red – 645GSU

There are no bathrooms in this preserve, so plan accordingly.
Meet director: Lina Lindberg