Ft. Macon, 07 Feb

Filed under: Latest News by David Waller on January 23rd, 2021

On Sunday, 07 February, we will have a 90 minute score course at Ft. Macon State Park in Atlantic Beach, NC.  A ‘score course’ means that you can visit any controls that you want, in any order — but if you don’t return within 90 minutes, you will lose lots of points.  Carl Briscoe will be designing and setting the course.  Note a new start location: from the picnic area on the west side of the park — not near the visitor’s center.  Register here.  When you register, you must select a 30-minute starting window between 10:00 10:30 AM and 12:30 PM.  When 10 people have registered in the same window, it will be closed.  Control pickup will begin promptly at 2:00 PM.

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