Expert Event, Schenck Forest, Sunday 20 March

Filed under: Uncategorized by misa on March 19th, 2022

After a fairly long hiatus, we will be back at Schenck Forest for an Expert event.

Please register before midnight on Friday so we can print the proper number of maps.

We will have Brown, Green and Red courses. You can start any time between noon and 2PM. Courses close at 3PM, so please plan to be back by then.

Registration and map pickup will be at the shelter

The park prohibits the presence of dogs, even on a leash.

One Response to “Expert Event, Schenck Forest, Sunday 20 March”

  1. I have had a bout of vertigo all day today. Even if it is gone in the morning, I do not think it wise for me to try to participate in the Schenck Forest event tomorrow. I hate to cancel, but I think that I must. Thanks.
