From David Alexander, President, COK:
COK has a meet scheduled for 10/27 – 10/28 at
Badin Lake. Josef Trzicky will set courses. COK will have regular distance courses Saturday, night-O Saturday night and short courses Sunday morning. COK rented group camp site C so anyone who wants to can camp. BOK members who would like to participate are welcome. They should contact David Alexander <davidalexander1813> so COK will know how many to plan for.
Thanks, David Alexander
Note: The Sunday COK event has an early 8:30am start, and is a “middle” distance event which is shorter than a standard event. After running the early morning event there should be time to drive the 2 hrs back to Umstead Park for the “Regular” BOK event at Umstead South off of I-40. The BOK start window is from Noon to 2 pm.
Filed under: Latest News by Joseph