Results for Advanced Event, Umstead West

Filed under: Event Results by misa on October 5th, 2012

Apologies for the late results, my home computer died and I was too lazy busy to find a replacement.

Big thanks to Vladimir for designing a beautiful course.

Unfortunately, I tried to be too smart at control #13. I intended to have a honeypot control (very obviously placed in the wrong position), and a bunch of people fell for it. Unfortunately, the right control was misplaced. Only by about 20m, but low enough that it could not be seen from the place where it should have been. I thought I see a long ditch where I had set it, but that was just a shallow one that was not on the map. And when I verified myself from the rock pile on the top of the hill, I apparently picked the wrong rock pile too.

For this reason, I’ve created a Red* course that includes the honeypot control. (The control code not matching should have been an indication that it’s the wrong control, but since my mistake was bigger, I think you (yes, Roman, I’m looking at you) deserve a non-DNF). Either way, watching Josef’s reaction when I told him he picked the wrong control was priceless.

Big thanks also go to Ian Shields and Bill Ebenstein for helping pick up controls at the end.



Brown Course: 11 KP 4.7 km 

  1 Vladimir Stemkovski          1:13:35     40 41 42 43 44 45 48 49 50 51 55
  2 Thomas Hibbert               1:25:06     40 41 42 43 44 45 48 49 50 51 55
  3 Artem Kazantsev              1:26:36     40 41 42 43 44 45 48 49 50 51 55
  4 Tatyana Stemkovski           1:30:34     40 41 42 43 44 45 48 49 50 51 55
  5 Chris Kreider                1:55:17     40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 55
  6 William Ebenstein            2:15:19     40 41 42 43 44 45 48 49 50 51 55

Green Course: 13 KP 5.7 km 

  1 Tyler Woodruff               2:03:22     40 41 42 43 44 45 48 49 50 51 56 52 53 54
    Miles Deforest                   DNF     40 41 42 43 44 45 46 45 48 49
    Matthew Harmody                  DNF     40 41 42 43 44 45 48 49

Red* Course: 15 KP 6.7 km 

  1 Josef Trzicky                1:26:26     40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 56 53 54
  2 Jeff Sosa                    1:28:45     40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 56 53 54
  3 Brian Thompson               1:28:53     40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 56 53 54
  4 Roman Kraus                  1:40:22     40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 56 53 54 55
  5 Charles Scharlau             1:45:35     40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 56 53 54 55
  6 Ian Shields                  3:20:15     40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 56 53 54

Red Course: 15 KP 6.7 km 

  1 BJ Creehan                   1:17:50     40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 56 52 53 54
  2 Nadia Scharlau               1:31:31     40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
  3 Robert Enochs                1:40:09     40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 55 51 52 53 54
  4 David Waller                 1:43:56     40 42 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
  5 Ken. Hanson                  1:56:50     40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 56 52 53 54
  6 Terese Camp                  1:59:18     40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 56 52 53 54
  7 David Butler                 2:30:43     40 41 42 43 44 56 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
    Harold Meder                     DNF     40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 51 52 53 54
    Jay Crooker                      DNF     40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
    Kevin Wilkinson                  DNF     40 41 42 43 44 45 51 55
    Jerry Bledsoe                    DNF     40 41 42 43 44 52 52 53 54
    Holly Spain                      DNF     40 42 43 44 45 48
    Richard Stuart                   DNF     40 42 43 44 45 48 49 50 51 52 53 54



Brown Course: 11 KP 4.7 km 

  # Name                         Result   Start     1.( 40)   2.( 41)   3.( 42)   4.( 43)   5.( 44)   6.( 45)   7.( 48)   8.( 49)   9.( 50)  10.( 51)  11.( 55)   Finish.           min/km
  1 Vladimir Stemkovski         1:13:35 12:35:30    2:24  1  25:03  5  27:29  5  33:32  5  39:57  5  47:41  2  53:36  2  57:47  1  61:30  1  66:25  1  71:56  1  73:35  1 1:13:35    15.66
                                                    2:24  1  22:39  5   2:26  1   6:03  1   6:25  4   7:44  1   5:55  2   4:11  1   3:43  1   4:55  1   5:31  5   1:39  1
                                                       0     16:40         0         0        53         0         9         0         0         0      1:47         0   
  2 Thomas Hibbert              1:25:06 12:20:35    5:50  2  12:32  1  16:52  1  23:52  1  29:24  1  49:50  4  58:21  4  65:31  3  72:00  2  78:26  2  83:01  2  85:06  2 1:25:06    18.11
                                                    5:50  2   6:42  2   4:20  3   7:00  2   5:32  1  20:26  6   8:31  3   7:10  2   6:29  3   6:26  3   4:35  4   2:05  3
                                                    3:26        43      1:54        57         0     12:42      2:45      2:59      2:46      1:31        51        26   
  3 Artem Kazantsev             1:26:36 12:01:41    9:04  5  15:03  3  18:47  2  27:39  2  37:21  3  45:47  1  51:33  1  64:42  2  75:40  4  81:09  4  84:53  3  86:36  3 1:26:36    18.43
                                                    9:04  5   5:59  1   3:44  2   8:52  4   9:42  5   8:26  2   5:46  1  13:09  6  10:58  5   5:29  2   3:44  1   1:43  2
                                                    6:40         0      1:18      2:49      4:10        42         0      8:58      7:15        34         0         4   
  4 Tatyana Stemkovski          1:30:34 12:20:27    6:02  3  14:20  2  19:23  3  29:18  4  35:25  2  49:33  3  58:09  3  65:55  4  72:17  3  80:32  3  87:51  4  90:34  4 1:30:34    19.27
                                                    6:02  3   8:18  3   5:03  5   9:55  5   6:07  3  14:08  4   8:36  4   7:46  3   6:22  2   8:15  6   7:19  6   2:43  6
                                                    3:38      2:19      2:37      3:52        35      6:24      2:50      3:35      2:39      3:20      3:35      1:04   
  5 Chris Kreider               1:55:17 11:47:35    6:11  4  15:44  4  20:04  4  28:11  3  39:14  4  51:44  5  84:09  5  92:47  5 101:53  5 108:39  5 112:55  5 115:17  5 1:55:17    24.53
                                                    6:11  4   9:33  4   4:20  3   8:07  3  11:03  6  12:30  3  32:25  6   8:38  4   9:06  4   6:46  4   4:16  3   2:22  4
                                                    3:47      3:34      1:54      2:04      5:31      4:46     26:39      4:27      5:23      1:51        32        43   
  6 William Ebenstein           2:15:19 12:23:15    9:34  6  34:05  6  39:26  6  50:30  6  56:13  6  75:11  6  84:32  6  96:40  6 121:36  6 128:52  6 132:45  6 135:19  6 2:15:19    28.79
                                                    9:34  6  24:31  6   5:21  6  11:04  6   5:43  2  18:58  5   9:21  5  12:08  5  24:56  6   7:16  5   3:53  2   2:34  5
                                                    7:10     18:32      2:55      5:01        11     11:14      3:35      7:57     21:13      2:21         9        55   

Green Course: 13 KP 5.7 km 

  # Name                         Result   Start     1.( 40)   2.( 41)   3.( 42)   4.( 43)   5.( 44)   6.( 45)   7.( 48)   8.( 49)   9.( 50)  10.( 51)  11.( 52)  12.( 53)  13.( 54)   Finish.           min/km
  1 Tyler Woodruff              2:03:22 11:58:31    5:54  1  24:21  3  26:26  2  33:09  1  40:42  1  52:37  1  60:36  1  70:51  1  86:40  1  95:10  1 103:10  1 108:52  1 118:52  1 123:22  1 2:03:22    21.64
                                                    5:54  1  18:27  3   2:05  1   6:43  1   7:33  1  11:55  1   7:59  1  10:15  1  15:49  1   8:30  1   8:00  1   5:42  1  10:00  1   4:30  1
                                                       0      9:08         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0   
    Miles Deforest                  DNF 12:05:09    8:53  2  18:12  1  24:21  1  36:30  2  49:32  3  65:08  2  98:14  3 114:32  2
                                                    8:53  2   9:19  1   6:09  2  12:09  3  13:02  3  15:36  2  33:06  3  16:18  2
                                                    2:59         0      4:04      5:26      5:29      3:41     25:07      6:03   
    Matthew Harmody                 DNF 12:03:41    8:57  3  20:46  2  28:01  3  39:12  3  47:02  2  66:41  3  77:24  2 116:03  3
                                                    8:57  3  11:49  2   7:15  3  11:11  2   7:50  2  19:39  3  10:43  2  38:39  3
                                                    3:03      2:30      5:10      4:28        17      7:44      2:44     28:24   

Red* Course: 15 KP 6.7 km 

  # Name                         Result   Start     1.( 40)   2.( 41)   3.( 42)   4.( 43)   5.( 44)   6.( 45)   7.( 46)   8.( 47)   9.( 48)  10.( 49)  11.( 50)  12.( 51)  13.( 56)  14.( 53)  15.( 54)   Finish.           min/km
  1 Josef Trzicky               1:26:26 12:12:43    2:13  1   6:43  1  11:56  3  19:07  3  24:52  3  33:17  3  41:26  3  45:29  3  54:15  3  58:25  3  63:50  3  68:51  1  73:25  1  77:41  1  83:08  1  86:26  1 1:26:26    12.90
                                                    2:13  1   4:30  3   5:13  5   7:11  5   5:45  5   8:25  2   8:09  3   4:03  4   8:46  3   4:10  4   5:25  3   5:01  2   4:34  1   4:16  3   5:27  3   3:18  3
                                                       0        49      3:11      2:48      1:51        46      2:13        53      1:59        30      1:13        35         0        29        54        44   
  2 Jeff Sosa                   1:28:45 12:29:53    3:38  3   7:19  3   9:21  1  13:44  1  17:40  1  26:05  1  32:16  2  35:26  1  42:16  1  46:06  2  55:53  1  70:00  3  77:51  3  81:38  3  86:11  2  88:45  2 1:28:45    13.25
                                                    3:38  3   3:41  1   2:02  1   4:23  1   3:56  2   8:25  2   6:11  2   3:10  1   6:50  2   3:50  3   9:47  4  14:07  5   7:51  4   3:47  1   4:33  1   2:34  1
                                                    1:25         0         0         0         2        46        15         0         3        10      5:35      9:41      3:17         0         0         0   
  3 Brian Thompson              1:28:53 12:29:54    3:19  2   7:16  2   9:21  1  13:47  2  17:41  2  26:09  2  32:05  1  35:37  2  42:24  2  46:04  1  55:59  2  69:43  2  77:34  2  81:33  2  86:18  3  88:53  3 1:28:53    13.27
                                                    3:19  2   3:57  2   2:05  2   4:26  2   3:54  1   8:28  4   5:56  1   3:32  2   6:47  1   3:40  1   9:55  5  13:44  4   7:51  4   3:59  2   4:45  2   2:35  2
                                                    1:06        16         3         3         0        49         0        22         0         0      5:43      9:18      3:17        12        12         1   
  4 Roman Kraus                 1:40:22 12:01:02    3:59  4  11:29  5  14:01  4  20:53  5  25:38  5  33:17  3  52:20  5  57:28  5  67:48  5  71:34  5  75:46  5  80:12  5  84:56  4  89:21  4  95:25  4 100:22  4 1:40:22    14.98
                                                    3:59  4   7:30  5   2:32  3   6:52  4   4:45  4   7:39  1  19:03  5   5:08  5  10:20  5   3:46  2   4:12  1   4:26  1   4:44  2   4:25  4   6:04  4   4:57  4
                                                    1:46      3:49        30      2:29        51         0     13:07      1:58      3:33         6         0         0        10        38      1:31      2:23   
  5 Charles Scharlau            1:45:35 12:05:32    4:41  5  10:49  4  14:39  5  20:31  4  25:10  4  34:26  5  48:05  4  53:20  4  63:33  4  69:07  4  74:10  4  79:30  4  86:45  5  92:03  5  98:27  5 105:35  5 1:45:35    15.76
                                                    4:41  5   6:08  4   3:50  4   5:52  3   4:39  3   9:16  5  13:39  4   5:15  6  10:13  4   5:34  5   5:03  2   5:20  3   7:15  3   5:18  5   6:24  5   7:08  5
                                                    2:28      2:27      1:48      1:29        45      1:37      7:43      2:05      3:26      1:54        51        54      2:41      1:31      1:51      4:34   
  6 Ian Shields                 3:20:15 12:29:04   21:04  6  30:08  6  36:34  6  47:05  6  58:23  6  73:03  6  98:15  6 102:01  6 114:17  6 123:06  6 133:22  6 156:37  6 169:50  6 180:23  6 192:46  6 200:15  6 3:20:15    29.89
                                                   21:04  6   9:04  6   6:26  6  10:31  6  11:18  6  14:40  6  25:12  6   3:46  3  12:16  6   8:49  6  10:16  6  23:15  6  13:13  6  10:33  6  12:23  6   7:29  6
                                                   18:51      5:23      4:24      6:08      7:24      7:01     19:16        36      5:29      5:09      6:04     18:49      8:39      6:46      7:50      4:55   

Red Course: 15 KP 6.7 km 

  # Name                         Result   Start     1.( 40)   2.( 41)   3.( 42)   4.( 43)   5.( 44)   6.( 45)   7.( 46)   8.( 47)   9.( 48)  10.( 49)  11.( 50)  12.( 51)  13.( 52)  14.( 53)  15.( 54)   Finish.           min/km
  1 BJ Creehan                  1:17:50 12:03:52    2:32  1   8:34  3  10:54  2  17:48  3  22:52  3  29:53  2  35:29  1  38:54  1  46:20  1  50:35  1  54:00  1  59:53  1  66:53  1  70:07  1  74:23  1  77:50  1 1:17:50    11.62
                                                    2:32  1   6:02  3   2:20  3   6:54  5   5:04  4   7:01  1   5:36  1   3:25  3   7:26  2   4:15  3   3:25  1   5:53  2   7:00  4   3:14  1   4:16  1   3:27  3
                                                       0      1:27        24      2:23        49         0         0        44        36        31         0      1:36      2:37         0         0      1:10   
  2 Nadia Scharlau              1:31:31 12:05:27    4:39  7  11:06  4  14:39  4  20:29  4  24:50  4  34:12  3  47:59  3  52:36  3  59:26  3  63:10  3  67:26  2  71:43  2  76:06  2  79:59  2  85:55  2  91:31  2 1:31:31    13.66
                                                    4:39  7   6:27  4   3:33  5   5:50  4   4:21  2   9:22  5  13:47  7   4:37  5   6:50  1   3:44  1   4:16  2   4:17  1   4:23  1   3:53  3   5:56  3   5:36  7
                                                    2:07      1:52      1:37      1:19         6      2:21      8:11      1:56         0         0        51         0         0        39      1:40      3:19   
  3 Robert Enochs               1:40:09 12:18:03    3:17  3   8:31  2  11:16  3  15:48  2  21:12  2  28:46  1  44:00  2  46:41  2  56:39  2  60:40  2  68:24  3  79:44  3  88:46  4  93:12  4  97:52  3 100:09  3 1:40:09    14.95
                                                    3:17  3   5:14  2   2:45  4   4:32  2   5:24  5   7:34  2  15:14  8   2:41  1   9:58  5   4:01  2   7:44  6  11:20  7   9:02  5   4:26  4   4:40  2   2:17  1
                                                      45        39        49         1      1:09        33      9:38         0      3:08        17      4:19      7:03      4:39      1:12        24         0   
  4 David Waller                1:43:56 11:52:45    3:55  4  30:02  9  31:58  8  36:29  8  40:44  8  48:32  6  55:16  6  58:15  6  65:52  4  70:32  4  75:39  4  83:38  4  88:30  3  92:15  3  99:31  4 103:56  4 1:43:56    15.51
                                                    3:55  4  26:07 11   1:56  1   4:31  1   4:15  1   7:48  3   6:44  2   2:59  2   7:37  3   4:40  4   5:07  3   7:59  3   4:52  2   3:45  2   7:16  5   4:25  6
                                                    1:23     21:32         0         0         0        47      1:08        18        47        56      1:42      3:42        29        31      3:00      2:08   
  5 Ken. Hanson                 1:56:50 00:24:17    4:52  9  11:47  5  15:30  5  23:53  5  29:49  5  41:18  4  49:51  4  54:39  4  65:56  5  71:52  5  78:42  5  87:26  5  96:36  5 105:33  5 113:16  5 116:50  5 1:56:50    17.44
                                                    4:52  9   6:55  5   3:43  7   8:23  7   5:56  8  11:29  8   8:33  3   4:48  7  11:17  7   5:56  5   6:50  5   8:44  4   9:10  6   8:57  7   7:43  7   3:34  5
                                                    2:20      2:20      1:47      3:52      1:41      4:28      2:57      2:07      4:27      2:12      3:25      4:27      4:47      5:43      3:27      1:17   
  6 Terese Camp                 1:59:18 00:21:51    4:24  6  14:16  7  17:52  7  26:28  6  32:20  6  43:46  5  52:26  5  57:11  5  68:18  6  74:20  6  80:59  6  90:06  6  99:21  6 108:07  6 115:48  6 119:18  6 1:59:18    17.81
                                                    4:24  6   9:52  7   3:36  6   8:36  8   5:52  7  11:26  7   8:40  4   4:45  6  11:07  6   6:02  6   6:39  4   9:07  5   9:15  7   8:46  6   7:41  6   3:30  4
                                                    1:52      5:17      1:40      4:05      1:37      4:25      3:04      2:04      4:17      2:18      3:14      4:50      4:52      5:32      3:25      1:13   
  7 David Butler                2:30:43 12:14:55    3:11  2   7:46  1   9:51  1  15:00  1  19:52  1  50:56  7  61:42  7  69:13  8  77:06  7  90:33  7 118:12  7 128:50  7 135:32  7 140:59  7 147:25  7 150:43  7 2:30:43    22.50
                                                    3:11  2   4:35  1   2:05  2   5:09  3   4:52  3  31:04 10  10:46  6   7:31  9   7:53  4  13:27  7  27:39  7  10:38  6   6:42  3   5:27  5   6:26  4   3:18  2
                                                      39         0         9        38        37     24:03      5:10      4:50      1:03      9:43     24:14      6:21      2:19      2:13      2:10      1:01   
    Harold Meder                    DNF 11:52:23    4:49  8  12:16  6  17:37  6  29:39  7  35:53  7  55:17  8  64:01  8  69:04  7  82:47  8 101:06  8
                                                    4:49  8   7:27  6   5:21  9  12:02 11   6:14  9  19:24  9   8:44  5   5:03  8  13:43  8  18:19  8
                                                    2:17      2:52      3:25      7:31      1:59     12:23      3:08      2:22      6:53     14:35   
    Jay Crooker                     DNF 12:06:27   20:13 12  31:20 10  35:22 10  42:53  9  48:39  9  57:46  9  75:42  9  80:10  9  97:31  9
                                                   20:13 12  11:07  9   4:02  8   7:31  6   5:46  6   9:07  4  17:56  9   4:28  4  17:21  9
                                                   17:41      6:32      2:06      3:00      1:31      2:06     12:20      1:47     10:31   
    Kevin Wilkinson                 DNF 12:25:40   68:29 13  78:47 11  85:15 11  94:23 11 103:03 11 114:02 10
                                                   68:29 13  10:18  8   6:28 10   9:08 10   8:40 10  10:59  6
                                                   65:57      5:43      4:32      4:37      4:25      3:58   
    Jerry Bledsoe                   DNF 11:50:02   14:47 11  28:35  8  35:20  9  44:08 10  54:17 10
                                                   14:47 11  13:48 10   6:45 11   8:48  9  10:09 11
                                                   12:15      9:13      4:49      4:17      5:54   
    Holly Spain                     DNF 12:00:22    5:19 10
                                                    5:19 10
    Richard Stuart                  DNF 11:46:21    4:04  5
                                                    4:04  5

One Response to “Results for Advanced Event, Umstead West”

  1. Thank you O – Benevolent One! You are indeed wise and accurate. Well… maybe not so accurate. 😉