BOK 2024 Annual Meeting Dec 6, 2024
- When: Friday, December 6, 2024 6pm Pizza & 7-9pm Meeting
- Where: 904 Dorothea Drive, Raleigh
- OnLine: Google Meet – Register and you will get a link for the meeting
We are going to have our annual meeting as usual starting with a pizza dinner. After dinner we will start the meeting. The meeting will also be virtual on Google Meet. You will receve the meeting code on Thursday, but you need to register.
Everyone please register to attend the meeting both for in-person and via Google Meet.
Here is the link to the Agenda. You are welcome to comment on it.
Here is the link to our 2025 planning calendar. Current event directors should add events they want to run to the calendar others are welcome to comment on it. If you want to be an event director send an email to and let us know so we can match you up to help with an event so you can learn the ropes.