2021 US & Region II ARDF Championships Bulletin 2

Filed under: Latest News,Radio Orienteering by Joseph on September 28th, 2021

Everyone is welcome at the 2021 US & Region II ARDF Championships.

Bulletin II is now available containing all the necessary event information.

View Bulletin 2 as a Google Doc

View Bulletin 2 as a published web page.

The Bulletin is being regularly updated. Notices of changes to the Bulletin will be posted here & in the Bulletin as they occur. 

10/15/21 Saturday Start Times are in the bulletin in the FoxOring Event section.


Location: Durham, NC for the practice events and Asheboro, NC for the Championship Events

  • Practice Events
    • October 10-12, 2021
  • Championship Events
    • October 14-17

Everyone is welcome to participate. There will be awards for US Champion, Region II Champion and Overall.

Registration for the Championship Events is at EventReg.OrienteeringUSA (BOK current Annual Pass holders can enter “BOK” for a $7 discount coupon on the “Summary Page”.)

Registration for the three Practice events is at BackwoodsOK.org/Store When registering for the Carolina North event choose the event with your preferred arrival window.

All participants must be fully vaccinated against Covid and wear masks when approaching event volunteers.

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