Umstead North, February 10

Filed under: Uncategorized by misa on February 5th, 2013

Come enjoy Umstead in the middle of Winter, where we will offer a full range of courses on Sunday, Feb 10. Register and start between noon and 2:00 at the large shelter at the main picnic area on the north side of the park.  Courses close at 3:00, please be back promptly as control pickup starts at 3:00.


Use the main entrance off of US-70, about one mile east of Aviation Parkway.  Follow the park road to the end (without turning), and look for parking in either of the parking lots.  GPS coordinates of the registration area = N35.871645, W78.759795.  Groups of 5 or more are welcome, but please use the group pre-registration procedures and let us know before Friday the 8th if you’re coming with a large group.


Free for BOK Members, $5 for each entry (people going out together as a group can register as one entry), $2 for each additional map, $5 for rental of “finger stick” (Each entry must have a “finger stick” which is used to “punch in” at each control and time your event.)

Course lengths and information

  • White/Beginner, 1.9k (12 controls)
  • Yellow/Intermediate, 3.7k (11 controls)
  • Orange/Advanced, 4.5k (9 controls)
  • Brown/Expert, 4.3k (8 controls)
  • Green/Expert, 5.3k (9 controls)
  • Red/Expert, 7.9k (11 controls)

A wet foot crossing is likely on the red course, although avoidable based on route choice.  (The coursetter pre-ran the red course on Wednesday and kept his feet dry.) White and Yellow maps will be printed at a scale of 1:5000; Orange at 1:7500; and Brown, Green, and Red at 1:10000.  North on the red map will be tilted approximately 30 degrees with respect to the edges of page, but all  orientation-constrained symbols (e.g., small depression),  letters, and numbers will be oriented with magnetic north.

As usual, help with picking up controls will be greatly appreciated!

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