Open Score-O Event at Schenck Forest, Feb 26 2023

Filed under: Latest News by Vladimir Stemkovski on February 19th, 2023

We will have an Open Score-O event at Schenck Forest on Sunday, Feb 26. You don’t need to be an expert to participate in this event – there will be plenty of controls to find for all levels.

There will be a mass start. Everybody must arrive at the shelter no later than 11.30 AM to pick up and study their maps. At 11.50 AM there will be a pre-race briefing followed by a mass start. Do not be late!

The Score-O time limit will be 1 hour. There will be 2 points penalty for every minute you are late coming back from the course (starting from the first second after the allotted 60 mins).

The map you will receive at the start will contain only 13 controls (out of 33 total placed in the woods). The rest of the controls will be revealed to you during the race. 5 out of 13 initial controls will be so called “reveal controls”. When you arrive at one of these controls you will find a small map which will reveal locations of 3-5 additional controls. You will be able to take this new small map with you or copy locations of the revealed controls on your master map and continue the race.

Please register before 5 PM on Friday, Feb 24 so we can print the proper number of maps. Registration is closed.

Even though the event is designated as an Open event, the registration for this event will be limited, so register as soon as you can.

Note that the park prohibits the presence of dogs, even on a leash.

Tatyana and Vladimir

One Response to “Open Score-O Event at Schenck Forest, Feb 26 2023”

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed today’s event. Thanks. Curious about which were the “reveal controls.” I found one (45) and talked to someone who found another (51). Which others were “reveal controls”?