Open Orienteering & 80m Radio-O at Umstead North 2025-02-09

Filed under: Uncategorized by Debra Rezeli on February 4th, 2025

Update 2/4/2025: We will also be holding a 80m Radio-O event on Sunday. See below for details. The registration page has been updated. If you have already registered for orienteering and wish to register for Radio-O please register again and select the ‘Adding Radio-O’ option under course and entry fee so you aren’t charged twice. Make sure to select a rental receiver if needed.

We will have an OPEN event at Umstead Park (North) on Sunday, February 9, 2025. Note: Start and end times updated 2025-02-04.

The event starts at 11:00 am and everybody must finish by 3:00 PM when we will start control pickup

Registration closes at 5pm on Friday, February 7. Click the following button to go directly to the registration page.

We will have all regular courses from beginner to expert, White through Blue.

  • White 2.1km 10 controls
  • Yellow 3.0km 9 controls
  • Yellow to Orange 2.7km 11 controls
  • Orange 3.5km 8 controls
  • Brown 3.8km 8 controls
  • Green 5.9km 10 controls
  • Red 7.4km 13 controls
  • Blue 9.1km 16 controls

We are also offering a special yellow to orange class for participants wanting to move up to orange. The class will start promptly at 11:30. Register for a Yellow to Orange course and you can try orange after the yellow to orange class. Your registration will include maps for both yellow to orange class and the orange course. Note that orange and above courses have control descriptions that are pictorial rather than English words. See our Control Descriptions and Map Symbols Explained page which includes a link to a handy online quiz.

Expert courses (brown and up) will have a remote start with about 500m walk to the start.

We will also have a beginners Q&A session starting at noon. If you are new to orienteering we recommend that you check out these short videos to prepare for the event.

80m Radio-O

  • This will be a standard 80 meter classic event
    • 3 available courses
      • 3 transmitters: 4.6km effective length (distance + climb*10)
      • 4 transmitters: 5.4km
      • 5 transmitters: 7.6km
    • 500m exclusion zone for start instead of normal 750m
    • Maps are letter (8.5x11in) size
    • Frequencies
      • Foxes: 3.53 MHz, Beacon: 3.60 MHz. Will be printed on the map.
  • There will be no scheduled beginner class. If you would like to try 80 meter we will be able to give some basic instructions.

Take Glenwood Ave to the park entrance. Go south past the visitor center to the parking lots at the end of the road. Registration and starts will be in the large picnic shelter to the east of the parking area. (GPS = 35.871668, -78.759166)

As always, help with control pick-up would be greatly appreciated.

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