BOK Meeting Oct. 12, 2011
We are going to have our Annual Meeting at Joseph’s House at 904 Dorothea Drive, Raleigh, NC at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 12, 2011.
- Use Changes at Umstead park
- US Championships March 2012 at Birkhead
- Decide on Date
- Name the event
- Birkhead Wilderness Champs
Birkhead Bushwack
- Select Team Leaders
- Volunteer coordinator
- Start
- Finish
- Vetting
- Services (dinner, snacks, hotel)
- Transportation/Parking/Signage
- Results
- Logistics
- Review Park & OUSA applications
- Decide on event planning communication format: i.e. email groups, g+circles
- Review Bubba Goat plans
- Schedule for 2012
- Coordination with adventure racers
- Consider switching our email list to Google Groups from Yahoo so it will be integrated into our Google Docs Account.