Members event — June 4 — Eno River
On Sunday June 4, Josef Trzicky will challenge us with new courses at Eno River State Park. This event is open to club members who have completed an expert (brown, green, or red) course. Note that this event will have a mass start at 10:00. Competitors will first complete a short prologue on relatively flat terrain, choosing controls in any order (i.e., a score-O). After the prologue, you will start a traditional point-to-point course (brown, green, or red).
You must pre-register for this event here, before 5:00 PM on Friday, June 2, so that we know how many maps to print. Registration and start will be at the O-Briant cabin, approximately 100 meters SW of the swinging footbridge, below the Fews Ford parking lot. Park in the loop parking lot at the end of Cole Mill Rd. (GPS coordinates: 36.073867, -79.006216; Map here). On sunny weekend days, this lot fills up quickly, so please consider carpooling. Overflow parking may be available here.
Courses (including prologue score-O).
Brown: 4.4 km, 16 controls.
Green: 5.5 km, 21 controls.
Red: 6.8 km, 26 controls.