BOK Meeting Oct. 12, 2011
We are going to have our Annual Meeting at Joseph’s House at 904 Dorothea Drive, Raleigh, NC at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 12, 2011.
- Use Changes at Umstead park
- US Championships March 2012 at Birkhead
- Decide on Date
- Name the event
- Birkhead Wilderness Champs
Birkhead Bushwack
- Select Team Leaders
- Volunteer coordinator
- Start
- Finish
- Vetting
- Services (dinner, snacks, hotel)
- Transportation/Parking/Signage
- Results
- Logistics
- Review Park & OUSA applications
- Decide on event planning communication format: i.e. email groups, g+circles
- Review Bubba Goat plans
- Schedule for 2012
- Coordination with adventure racers
- Consider switching our email list to Google Groups from Yahoo so it will be integrated into our Google Docs Account.
Please let me know any other agenda items to include.
We will have our usual pizza dinner at 6:00 with the meeting starting at 7:00pm. You can bring a salad or desert to share, but that isn’t necessary.
Please RSVP by Oct. 11 using the form below so I know if you are coming to the dinner, the meeting or both.