Sycamore Scramble 2010 Official Results
Sycamore Scramble and the USOF Intercollegiate Championship Event for 2010 included a Sprint and Middle length event on Saturday 2/20/2010 and a Classic length event on Sunday 2/21/2010. We had three days of sunshine squeezed into weeks of rain and snow. The forest was open and fast and some good times were turned in.
Below are the combined Individual and Team results as well as splits per race. For some reason, we couldn’t get the sprint to be all one file. There are still some anomalies in the display of splits where people punched an extra punch or missed one and they aren’t aligned under the proper columns. The ‘best times’ under each class shows the best split time per control and the cumulative time of the person in 1st place as of that control.
If you still see any errors that you can help us correct, please let us know.
These courses have been certified for length by Coach Bob Turbyfill and are accredited for navigation certificates.
Sycamore Scramble 2010 Individual Results
Sycamore Scramble Middle Splits
Sycamore Scramble Sprint Splits (Except Varsity and JV)
Sycamore Scramble Sprint Varsity and JV Splits
Sycamore Scramble Classic Splits
These courses have been certified for length by Coach Bob Turbyfill and are accredited for navigation certificates. Lengths in meters, then climb in meters and finally number of controls on the course.
- Blue 5300 125 14 Controls
- Brown 2800 85 10 Controls
- Green X 3400 75 13 Controls
- Green Y 3500 84 13 Controls
- Orange 3100 75 10 Controls
- Red X 4400 105 12 Controls
- Red Y 4300 105 11 Controls
- White 2200 45 12 Controls
- Yellow 2200 45 10 Controls
- Long Sprint 2500 60 14 Controls
- Short A Sprint 2100 63 15 Controls
- Short B Sprint 2100 69 15 Controls
- W/Y Sprint 1400 33 14 Controls
- Blue 9700 320 17 Controls
- Brown 3800 110 9 Controls
- Green 5800 190 12 Controls
- Orange 4200 150 9 Controls
- Red 7300 200 14 Controls
- White 2000 45 8 Controls
- Yellow 2300 75 9 Controls