Results for Open Orienteering at Umstead South Jan. 23, 2022

Filed under: Event Results by ian.shields on January 24th, 2022

After snow and freezing rain closed the park altogether on Saturday we were monitoring for announcements of opening on Sunday. Finally the word came that the park would open at 10:00, so we delayed our first starts till 11:00 to allow for set out of the final controls.

We had almost 40 starts and most folks seemed to have a good time despite the cold. Snow on the ground meant there were usually lots of tracks in the vicinity of controls, so finding the control wasn’t too hard if you were near it. Following tracks elsewhere was probably only useful if you already had a good idea of where to go. Those tracks might or might not be going to your control!

We had a bit of a SNAFU with control #65 which unfortunately was the first control on white. I accidentally set out #58 instead. I changed this when I was told about it and we tried to get the results straight. I think all is good now although your printout might differ from the results shown here. Consider 58 and 65 interchangeable for results purposes!

Many thanks to Paul who helped design and vet courses as well as set out the off-trail controls last Wednesday (while it was warm and sunny!). Particular thanks to Imre for lighting the fire, Dave for showing up early to help set up, and Imre and Matt for major help with registration. Thanks also to Tony, Susan, Matt and Julien for help with control pickup. Julien is here temporarily from the French Riviera, so this was quite an introduction to NC orienteering. Thanks also to hike Jay who stopped to ask about orienteering and then helped haul gear back to the parking lot.


Umstead S Results



1.6 km
(8 Controls)

1 Carteret 09   32:47 2121511
2 Carteret 10   37:38 +4:51 2121512
3 Carteret 08   43:47 +11:00 2121510
4 Hank Stroup   54:33 +21:46 2005031
5 Alana Pavuk   60:35 +27:48 2114176
6 trembath   69:01 +36:14 2005036
7 Dakota Westmoreland   86:15 +53:28 2006763
8 Henry Thomas   86:33 +53:46 2005033


2.4 km
(9 Controls)

1 Erin Avery   72:21 2005037
2 Carteret 04   79:10 +6:49 2121506
3 Carteret 05   80:26 +8:05 2121507
4 Frank Bojdo   99:17 +26:56 2005030
Carteret 06   MP 2121508
Dana Lapple   DNF 2114153


3.3 km
(14 Controls)

1 Carteret 02   70:39 2121504
2 Carteret 01   70:57 +0:18 2121503
Marilyn Hays   DNF 2005608


3.6 km
(11 Controls)

1 Imre Polik Backwoods Orienteering Klub 46:33 7300514
2 Joseph Huberman   68:59 +22:26 2005005
3 Julien Agaloux   69:20 +22:47 8190799
4 Karan Strat   85:58 +39:25 1120900
5 Bo Dixon   126:51 +80:18 2114178
Susan Carl   DNF 2073218


5.8 km
(12 Controls)

1 Joseph Stevens   77:58 1120890
2 David Waller   93:04 +15:06 2006764
3 William Allen Backwoods Orienteering Klub 94:48 +16:50 7019429
4 Justin Mann   98:40 +20:42 8174759
5 Tony Landauer   122:33 +44:35 2106556
Donald Hohenstein   DNF 2114137
Doug Clark   DNF 2114169
Miles Deforest   DNF 2005017


6.7 km
(14 Controls)

1 Brian Thompson   63:02 7019425
2 Matt Craig   69:23 +6:21 7000530
3 Marcin Stermolewski   91:51 +28:49 2114145
4 Joseph Marincel   103:32 +40:30 2073229
5 Adam   128:21 +65:19 2143311
6 Rich J   174:25 +111:23 2150751
7 Sean   174:32 +111:30 2005032
8 Tony Lawrence   212:30 +149:28 2028449

Umstead S, Split times


White (8) 1.6 km 8 C  
Pl Name / Club Time  
  1 (58) 2 (70) 3 (61) 4 (62) 5 (63) 6 (70) 7 (67) 8 (69) Finish
1 Carteret 09 32:47 6:36 +0:02 (2) 14:35 +2:28 (2) 17:13 +0:00 (1) 18:40 +0:05 (2) 22:01 +0:00 (1) 25:24 +0:00 (1) 28:49 +0:00 (1) 30:48 +0:00 (1) 32:47 +0:00 (1)
    6:36 +0:02 (2) 7:59 +5:30 (5) 2:38 +0:28 (2) 1:27 +0:33 (2) 3:21 +0:00 (1) 3:23 +0:00 (1) 3:25 +0:00 (1) 1:59 +0:00 (1) 1:59 +0:00 (1)
2 Carteret 10 37:38 6:39 +0:05 (3) 12:07 +0:00 (1) 17:41 +0:28 (2) 18:35 +0:00 (1) 22:17 +0:16 (2) 26:06 +0:42 (2) 32:53 +4:04 (2) 35:20 +4:32 (2) 37:38 +4:51 (2)
    6:39 +0:05 (3) 5:28 +2:59 (4) 5:34 +3:24 (5) 0:54 +0:00 (1) 3:42 +0:21 (2) 3:49 +0:26 (2) 6:47 +3:22 (5) 2:27 +0:28 (2) 2:18 +0:19 (2)
3 Carteret 08 43:47 6:34 +0:00 (1) 17:57 +5:50 (4) 21:49 +4:36 (4) 23:50 +5:15 (3) 28:14 +6:13 (3) 33:37 +8:13 (3) 38:20 +9:31 (3) 41:09 +10:21 (3) 43:47 +11:00 (3)
    6:34 +0:00 (1) 11:23 +8:54 (8) 3:52 +1:42 (4) 2:01 +1:07 (4) 4:24 +1:03 (3) 5:23 +2:00 (4) 4:43 +1:18 (3) 2:49 +0:50 (3) 2:38 +0:39 (3)
4 Hank Stroup 54:33 11:15 +4:41 (4) 15:54 +3:47 (3) 19:34 +2:21 (3) 24:22 +5:47 (4) 31:14 +9:13 (4) 39:30 +14:06 (4) 46:05 +17:16 (4) 50:39 +19:51 (4) 54:33 +21:46 (4)
    11:15 +4:41 (4) 4:39 +2:10 (3) 3:40 +1:30 (3) 4:48 +3:54 (8) 6:52 +3:31 (5) 8:16 +4:53 (5) 6:35 +3:10 (4) 4:34 +2:35 (6) 3:54 +1:55 (5)
5 Alana Pavuk 60:35 26:20 +19:46 (8) 28:49 +16:42 (6) 34:25 +17:12 (6) 36:03 +17:28 (6) 41:10 +19:09 (5) 45:54 +20:30 (5) 53:03 +24:14 (5) 57:10 +26:22 (5) 60:35 +27:48 (5)
    26:20 +19:46 (8) 2:29 +0:00 (1) 5:36 +3:26 (6) 1:38 +0:44 (3) 5:07 +1:46 (4) 4:44 +1:21 (3) 7:09 +3:44 (6) 4:07 +2:08 (5) 3:25 +1:26 (4)
6 trembath 69:01 20:08 +13:34 (5) 23:20 +11:13 (5) 25:30 +8:17 (5) 27:32 +8:57 (5) 46:18 +24:17 (6) 56:19 +30:55 (6) 60:28 +31:39 (6) 63:37 +32:49 (6) 69:01 +36:14 (6)
    20:08 +13:34 (5) 3:12 +0:43 (2) 2:10 +0:00 (1) 2:02 +1:08 (5) 18:46 +15:25 (8) 10:01 +6:38 (8) 4:09 +0:44 (2) 3:09 +1:10 (4) 5:24 +3:25 (6)
7 Dakota Westmoreland 86:15 25:57 +19:23 (6) 35:27 +23:20 (7) 42:07 +24:54 (7) 45:38 +27:03 (8) 55:01 +33:00 (8) 64:13 +38:49 (7) 72:54 +44:05 (7) 80:19 +49:31 (7) 86:15 +53:28 (7)
    25:57 +19:23 (6) 9:30 +7:01 (6) 6:40 +4:30 (8) 3:31 +2:37 (7) 9:23 +6:02 (6) 9:12 +5:49 (6) 8:41 +5:16 (8) 7:25 +5:26 (7) 5:56 +3:57 (7)
  13:54     36:00     58:21    
  *51     *70     *63    
8 Henry Thomas 86:33 26:14 +19:40 (7) 36:01 +23:54 (8) 42:12 +24:59 (8) 45:05 +26:30 (7) 54:59 +32:58 (7) 64:22 +38:58 (8) 72:54 +44:05 (7) 80:37 +49:49 (8) 86:33 +53:46 (8)
    26:14 +19:40 (7) 9:47 +7:18 (7) 6:11 +4:01 (7) 2:53 +1:59 (6) 9:54 +6:33 (7) 9:23 +6:00 (7) 8:32 +5:07 (7) 7:43 +5:44 (8) 5:56 +3:57 (7)
  Ideal time: 26:14 6:34   2:29   2:10   0:54   3:21   3:23   3:25   1:59   1:59  
Yellow (6) 2.4 km 9 C  
Pl Name / Club Time  
  1 (58) 2 (45) 3 (43) 4 (71) 5 (72) 6 (73) 7 (74) 8 (75) 9 (76) Finish
1 Erin Avery 72:21 6:29 +0:45 (3) 11:44 +0:00 (1) 17:14 +0:00 (1) 22:49 +0:00 (1) 31:14 +0:00 (1) 37:51 +0:00 (1) 41:43 +0:00 (1) 50:51 +0:00 (1) 67:17 +0:00 (1) 72:21 +0:00 (1)
    6:29 +0:45 (3) 5:15 +0:00 (1) 5:30 +2:21 (5) 5:35 +0:04 (2) 8:25 +2:12 (2) 6:37 +0:36 (2) 3:52 +0:58 (2) 9:08 +5:04 (4) 16:26 +8:57 (5) 5:04 +0:06 (2)
2 Carteret 04 79:10 10:52 +5:08 (5) 19:28 +7:44 (4) 22:37 +5:23 (4) 37:30 +14:41 (5) 43:43 +12:29 (3) 49:44 +11:53 (2) 52:38 +10:55 (2) 60:30 +9:39 (2) 70:51 +3:34 (2) 79:10 +6:49 (2)
    10:52 +5:08 (5) 8:36 +3:21 (2) 3:09 +0:00 (1) 14:53 +9:22 (6) 6:13 +0:00 (1) 6:01 +0:00 (1) 2:54 +0:00 (1) 7:52 +3:48 (3) 10:21 +2:52 (4) 8:19 +3:21 (4)
3 Carteret 05 80:26 5:58 +0:14 (2) 15:37 +3:53 (2) 20:46 +3:32 (2) 27:10 +4:21 (2) 46:59 +15:45 (4) 56:34 +18:43 (3) 60:51 +19:08 (3) 67:43 +16:52 (3) 75:28 +8:11 (3) 80:26 +8:05 (3)
    5:58 +0:14 (2) 9:39 +4:24 (4) 5:09 +2:00 (4) 6:24 +0:53 (4) 19:49 +13:36 (5) 9:35 +3:34 (3) 4:17 +1:23 (3) 6:52 +2:48 (2) 7:45 +0:16 (2) 4:58 +0:00 (1)
4 Frank Bojdo 99:17 9:03 +3:19 (4) 17:59 +6:15 (3) 21:44 +4:30 (3) 27:56 +5:07 (3) 39:30 +8:16 (2) 62:01 +24:10 (5) 73:57 +32:14 (4) 86:09 +35:18 (4) 94:05 +26:48 (4) 99:17 +26:56 (4)
    9:03 +3:19 (4) 8:56 +3:41 (3) 3:45 +0:36 (2) 6:12 +0:41 (3) 11:34 +5:21 (3) 22:31 +16:30 (5) 11:56 +9:02 (4) 12:12 +8:08 (5) 7:56 +0:27 (3) 5:12 +0:14 (3)
Carteret 06 MP 5:44 +0:00 (1) 20:14 +8:30 (5) 28:33 +11:19 (5) 34:04 +11:15 (4) 49:33 +18:19 (5) 59:55 +22:04 (4) -:–     112:21     119:50     124:52    
    5:44 +0:00 (1) 14:30 +9:15 (5) 8:19 +5:10 (6) 5:31 +0:00 (1) 15:29 +9:16 (4) 10:22 +4:21 (4)       -:–     7:29 +0:00 (1) -:–    
  7:23     70:12    
  *58     *42    
Dana Lapple DNF -:–     15:49     20:46     27:59     -:–     -:–     119:53     123:57     -:–     0:00    
          -:–     4:57 +1:48 (3) 7:13 +1:42 (5)             -:–     4:04 +0:00 (1)       -:–    
  Ideal time: 51:18 5:44   5:15   3:09   5:31   6:13   6:01   2:54   4:04   7:29   4:58  
Orange (3) 3.3 km 14 C  
Pl Name / Club Time  
  1 (51) 2 (67) 3 (46) 4 (65) 5 (45) 6 (43) 7 (49) 8 (78) 9 (72) 10 (42)
  11 (73) 12 (75) 13 (77) 14 (76) Finish
1 Carteret 02 70:39 7:15 +0:58 (2) 9:33 +1:16 (2) 13:16 +0:00 (1) 14:44 +0:00 (1) 20:00 +0:00 (1) 23:02 +0:34 (2) 26:22 +0:00 (1) 36:22 +0:00 (1) 45:14 +0:00 (1) 49:53 +0:00 (1)
    7:15 +0:58 (2) 2:18 +0:18 (2) 3:43 +0:00 (1) 1:28 +0:32 (2) 5:16 +0:14 (2) 3:02 +1:00 (2) 3:20 +0:00 (1) 10:00 +0:00 (1) 8:52 +0:00 (1) 4:39 +0:48 (2)
  51:48 +0:00 (1) 57:17 +0:00 (1) 64:03 +0:00 (1) 67:15 +0:00 (1) 70:39 +70:39 (2)
  1:55 +0:00 (1) 5:29 +0:00 (1) 6:46 +3:18 (3) 3:12 +0:07 (2) 3:24 +116:41 (3)
2 Carteret 01 70:57 6:17 +0:00 (1) 8:17 +0:00 (1) 14:28 +1:12 (2) 15:24 +0:40 (2) 20:26 +0:26 (2) 22:28 +0:00 (1) 26:55 +0:33 (2) 37:54 +1:32 (2) 48:38 +3:24 (2) 52:29 +2:36 (2)
    6:17 +0:00 (1) 2:00 +0:00 (1) 6:11 +2:28 (2) 0:56 +0:00 (1) 5:02 +0:00 (1) 2:02 +0:00 (1) 4:27 +1:07 (2) 10:59 +0:59 (3) 10:44 +1:52 (2) 3:51 +0:00 (1)
  54:38 +2:50 (2) 61:42 +4:25 (2) 65:10 +1:07 (2) 68:15 +1:00 (2) 70:57 +70:57 (3)
  2:09 +0:14 (2) 7:04 +1:35 (3) 3:28 +0:00 (1) 3:05 +0:00 (1) 2:42 +115:59 (2)
Marilyn Hays DNF 12:02 +5:45 (3) 16:14 +7:57 (3) 32:24 +19:08 (3) 36:39 +21:55 (3) 45:38 +25:38 (3) 51:04 +28:36 (3) 59:56 +33:34 (3) 70:28 +34:06 (3) 87:41 +42:27 (3) 94:01 +44:08 (3)
    12:02 +5:45 (3) 4:12 +2:12 (3) 16:10 +12:27 (3) 4:15 +3:19 (3) 8:59 +3:57 (3) 5:26 +3:24 (3) 8:52 +5:32 (3) 10:32 +0:32 (2) 17:13 +8:21 (3) 6:20 +2:29 (3)
  96:56 +45:08 (3) 102:59 +45:42 (3) 109:09 +45:06 (3) 113:17 +46:02 (3) 0:00 +0:00 (1)
  2:55 +1:00 (3) 6:03 +0:34 (2) 6:10 +2:42 (2) 4:08 +1:03 (3) -113:0-17 +0:00 (1)
  Ideal time: -53:0-17 6:17   2:00   3:43   0:56   5:02   2:02   3:20   10:00   8:52   3:51  
  1:55   5:29   3:28   3:05   -113:0-17  
Brown (6) 3.6 km 11 C  
Pl Name / Club Time  
  1 (51) 2 (46) 3 (52) 4 (47) 5 (48) 6 (49) 7 (40) 8 (50) 9 (42) 10 (43)
  11 (45) Finish
1 Imre Polik 46:33 1:39 +0:00 (1) 4:37 +0:00 (1) 9:24 +0:00 (1) 15:52 +0:00 (1) 19:33 +0:00 (1) 22:16 +0:00 (1) 28:32 +0:00 (1) 33:36 +0:00 (1) 37:16 +0:00 (1) 40:28 +0:00 (1)
  Backwoods Orienteering Klub   1:39 +0:00 (1) 2:58 +0:00 (1) 4:47 +0:00 (1) 6:28 +0:00 (1) 3:41 +0:00 (1) 2:43 +0:00 (1) 6:16 +1:07 (2) 5:04 +0:00 (1) 3:40 +0:00 (1) 3:12 +0:00 (1)
  42:29 +0:00 (1) 46:33 +0:00 (1)
  2:01 +0:00 (1) 4:04 +0:00 (1)
2 Joseph Huberman 68:59 5:30 +3:51 (4) 8:52 +4:15 (3) 14:43 +5:19 (2) 22:47 +6:55 (2) 27:05 +7:32 (2) 31:26 +9:10 (2) 36:35 +8:03 (2) 43:35 +9:59 (2) 56:21 +19:05 (2) 61:14 +20:46 (3)
    5:30 +3:51 (4) 3:22 +0:24 (3) 5:51 +1:04 (2) 8:04 +1:36 (2) 4:18 +0:37 (2) 4:21 +1:38 (3) 5:09 +0:00 (1) 7:00 +1:56 (3) 12:46 +9:06 (5) 4:53 +1:41 (3)
  63:30 +21:01 (2) 68:59 +22:26 (2)
  2:16 +0:15 (2) 5:29 +1:25 (2)
3 Julien Agaloux 69:20 3:54 +2:15 (2) 7:08 +2:31 (2) 16:07 +6:43 (3) 25:02 +9:10 (3) 31:25 +11:52 (3) 35:43 +13:27 (3) 45:43 +17:11 (3) 52:18 +18:42 (3) 57:10 +19:54 (3) 60:43 +20:15 (2)
    3:54 +2:15 (2) 3:14 +0:16 (2) 8:59 +4:12 (4) 8:55 +2:27 (3) 6:23 +2:42 (4) 4:18 +1:35 (2) 10:00 +4:51 (4) 6:35 +1:31 (2) 4:52 +1:12 (2) 3:33 +0:21 (2)
  63:32 +21:03 (3) 69:20 +22:47 (3)
  2:49 +0:48 (3) 5:48 +1:44 (3)
4 Karan Strat 85:58 4:17 +2:38 (3) 15:04 +10:27 (6) 22:30 +13:06 (4) 31:47 +15:55 (4) 37:44 +18:11 (4) 42:33 +20:17 (4) 49:03 +20:31 (4) 58:47 +25:11 (4) 67:38 +30:22 (4) 75:42 +35:14 (4)
    4:17 +2:38 (3) 10:47 +7:49 (6) 7:26 +2:39 (3) 9:17 +2:49 (4) 5:57 +2:16 (3) 4:49 +2:06 (4) 6:30 +1:21 (3) 9:44 +4:40 (4) 8:51 +5:11 (3) 8:04 +4:52 (4)
  79:08 +36:39 (4) 85:58 +39:25 (4)
  3:26 +1:25 (4) 6:50 +2:46 (4)
5 Bo Dixon 126:51 7:35 +5:56 (6) 14:02 +9:25 (5) 24:53 +15:29 (5) 37:50 +21:58 (5) 45:31 +25:58 (5) 55:45 +33:29 (5) 66:30 +37:58 (5) 82:32 +48:56 (5) 92:21 +55:05 (5) 108:28 +68:00 (5)
    7:35 +5:56 (6) 6:27 +3:29 (4) 10:51 +6:04 (5) 12:57 +6:29 (5) 7:41 +4:00 (5) 10:14 +7:31 (5) 10:45 +5:36 (5) 16:02 +10:58 (5) 9:49 +6:09 (4) 16:07 +12:55 (5)
  114:06 +71:37 (5) 126:51 +80:18 (5)
  5:38 +3:37 (5) 12:45 +8:41 (5)
Susan Carl DNF 7:23 +5:44 (5) 13:50 +9:13 (4) 27:59 +18:35 (6) 91:06 +75:14 (6) 105:03 +85:30 (6) 116:33 +94:17 (6) 138:31 +109:59 (6) -:–     -:–     -:–    
    7:23 +5:44 (5) 6:27 +3:29 (4) 14:09 +9:22 (6) 63:07 +56:39 (6) 13:57 +10:16 (6) 11:30 +8:47 (6) 21:58 +16:49 (6)                  
  -:–     0:00    
  Ideal time: 45:26 1:39   2:58   4:47   6:28   3:41   2:43   5:09   5:04   3:40   3:12  
  2:01   4:04  
Green (8) 5.8 km 12 C  
Pl Name / Club Time  
  1 (51) 2 (52) 3 (79) 4 (54) 5 (57) 6 (56) 7 (55) 8 (59) 9 (41) 10 (40)
  11 (49) 12 (45) Finish
1 Joseph Stevens 77:58 2:33 +0:59 (2) 8:27 +0:00 (1) 16:19 +0:00 (1) 22:51 +0:00 (1) 31:07 +0:00 (1) 34:18 +0:00 (1) 43:09 +0:00 (1) 49:06 +0:00 (1) 56:18 +0:00 (1) 60:34 +0:00 (1)
    2:33 +0:59 (2) 5:54 +0:00 (1) 7:52 +1:14 (3) 6:32 +0:00 (1) 8:16 +0:00 (1) 3:11 +0:00 (1) 8:51 +2:34 (3) 5:57 +0:00 (1) 7:12 +0:00 (1) 4:16 +0:00 (1)
  64:40 +0:00 (1) 68:34 +0:00 (1) 77:58 +0:00 (1)
  4:06 +0:00 (1) 3:54 +0:00 (1) 9:24 +4:57 (5)
2 David Waller 93:04 2:58 +1:24 (3) 10:27 +2:00 (2) 18:14 +1:55 (2) 27:45 +4:54 (3) 36:26 +5:19 (2) 40:50 +6:32 (2) 48:59 +5:50 (3) 59:07 +10:01 (3) 69:27 +13:09 (2) 75:11 +14:37 (2)
    2:58 +1:24 (3) 7:29 +1:35 (2) 7:47 +1:09 (2) 9:31 +2:59 (4) 8:41 +0:25 (3) 4:24 +1:13 (3) 8:09 +1:52 (2) 10:08 +4:11 (4) 10:20 +3:08 (3) 5:44 +1:28 (4)
  81:39 +16:59 (2) 87:11 +18:37 (2) 93:04 +15:06 (2)
  6:28 +2:22 (4) 5:32 +1:38 (4) 5:53 +1:26 (3)
3 William Allen 94:48 1:34 +0:00 (1) 13:40 +5:13 (5) 21:55 +5:36 (4) 30:46 +7:55 (4) 39:24 +8:17 (4) 45:52 +11:34 (4) 56:57 +13:48 (4) 66:01 +16:55 (4) 75:06 +18:48 (3) 80:28 +19:54 (3)
  Backwoods Orienteering Klub   1:34 +0:00 (1) 12:06 +6:12 (5) 8:15 +1:37 (4) 8:51 +2:19 (3) 8:38 +0:22 (2) 6:28 +3:17 (7) 11:05 +4:48 (5) 9:04 +3:07 (3) 9:05 +1:53 (2) 5:22 +1:06 (3)
  84:59 +20:19 (3) 90:21 +21:47 (3) 94:48 +16:50 (3)
  4:31 +0:25 (2) 5:22 +1:28 (3) 4:27 +0:00 (1)
4 Justin Mann 98:40 4:32 +2:58 (6) 12:15 +3:48 (3) 18:53 +2:34 (3) 27:17 +4:26 (2) 37:16 +6:09 (3) 41:13 +6:55 (3) 47:30 +4:21 (2) 54:42 +5:36 (2) 79:33 +23:15 (4) 84:41 +24:07 (4)
    4:32 +2:58 (6) 7:43 +1:49 (3) 6:38 +0:00 (1) 8:24 +1:52 (2) 9:59 +1:43 (4) 3:57 +0:46 (2) 6:17 +0:00 (1) 7:12 +1:15 (2) 24:51 +17:39 (7) 5:08 +0:52 (2)
  89:15 +24:35 (4) 93:19 +24:45 (4) 98:40 +20:42 (4)
  4:34 +0:28 (3) 4:04 +0:10 (2) 5:21 +0:54 (2)
5 Tony Landauer 122:33 4:17 +2:43 (5) 16:24 +7:57 (6) 25:18 +8:59 (6) 36:39 +13:48 (5) 47:31 +16:24 (5) 52:04 +17:46 (5) 61:05 +17:56 (5) 72:00 +22:54 (5) 82:49 +26:31 (5) 91:22 +30:48 (5)
    4:17 +2:43 (5) 12:07 +6:13 (6) 8:54 +2:16 (5) 11:21 +4:49 (5) 10:52 +2:36 (5) 4:33 +1:22 (5) 9:01 +2:44 (4) 10:55 +4:58 (5) 10:49 +3:37 (4) 8:33 +4:17 (5)
  104:51 +40:11 (5) 113:19 +44:45 (5) 122:33 +44:35 (5)
  13:29 +9:23 (5) 8:28 +4:34 (5) 9:14 +4:47 (4)
Donald Hohenstein DNF 5:17 +3:43 (7) 24:04 +15:37 (8) 37:56 +21:37 (8) 54:24 +31:33 (8) 73:36 +42:29 (8) 78:00 +43:42 (8) 97:30 +54:21 (8) 111:58 +62:52 (8) -:–     -:–    
    5:17 +3:43 (7) 18:47 +12:53 (8) 13:52 +7:14 (7) 16:28 +9:56 (6) 19:12 +10:56 (7) 4:24 +1:13 (3) 19:30 +13:13 (8) 14:28 +8:31 (7)            
  -:–     -:–     0:00    
Doug Clark DNF 3:17 +1:43 (4) 13:22 +4:55 (4) 23:03 +6:44 (5) 41:16 +18:25 (6) 62:07 +31:00 (6) 67:10 +32:52 (6) 79:44 +36:35 (6) 91:05 +41:59 (6) 105:29 +49:11 (6) -:–    
    3:17 +1:43 (4) 10:05 +4:11 (4) 9:41 +3:03 (6) 18:13 +11:41 (8) 20:51 +12:35 (8) 5:03 +1:52 (6) 12:34 +6:17 (6) 11:21 +5:24 (6) 14:24 +7:12 (5)      
  -:–     -:–     0:00    
Miles Deforest DNF 9:25 +7:51 (8) 22:07 +13:40 (7) 36:30 +20:11 (7) 53:11 +30:20 (7) 67:51 +36:44 (7) 74:23 +40:05 (7) 92:53 +49:44 (7) 107:47 +58:41 (7) 126:17 +69:59 (7) -:–    
    9:25 +7:51 (8) 12:42 +6:48 (7) 14:23 +7:45 (8) 16:41 +10:09 (7) 14:40 +6:24 (6) 6:32 +3:21 (8) 18:30 +12:13 (7) 14:54 +8:57 (8) 18:30 +11:18 (6)      
  -:–     -:–     0:00    
  Ideal time: 68:14 1:34   5:54   6:38   6:32   8:16   3:11   6:17   5:57   7:12   4:16  
  4:06   3:54   4:27  
Red (8) 6.7 km 14 C  
Pl Name / Club Time  
  1 (51) 2 (52) 3 (79) 4 (54) 5 (57) 6 (56) 7 (55) 8 (59) 9 (41) 10 (50)
  11 (42) 12 (43) 13 (64) 14 (45) Finish
1 Brian Thompson 63:02 2:05 +0:00 (1) 6:40 +0:00 (1) 11:18 +0:00 (1) 16:53 +0:00 (1) 21:46 +0:00 (1) 24:40 +0:00 (1) 29:25 +0:00 (1) 34:38 +0:00 (1) 39:56 +0:00 (1) 46:11 +0:00 (1)
    2:05 +0:00 (1) 4:35 +0:00 (1) 4:38 +0:00 (1) 5:35 +0:00 (1) 4:53 +0:00 (1) 2:54 +0:33 (4) 4:45 +0:00 (1) 5:13 +0:00 (1) 5:18 +0:00 (1) 6:15 +0:00 (1)
  49:30 +0:00 (1) 53:11 +0:00 (1) 55:29 +0:00 (1) 59:36 +0:00 (1) 63:02 +0:00 (1)
  3:19 +0:00 (1) 3:41 +0:27 (2) 2:18 +0:00 (1) 4:07 +2:11 (7) 3:26 +0:00 (1)
2 Matt Craig 69:23 2:28 +0:23 (2) 7:40 +1:00 (2) 12:56 +1:38 (2) 19:52 +2:59 (2) 25:44 +3:58 (2) 28:05 +3:25 (2) 33:24 +3:59 (2) 39:31 +4:53 (2) 46:07 +6:11 (2) 54:14 +8:03 (2)
    2:28 +0:23 (2) 5:12 +0:37 (2) 5:16 +0:38 (3) 6:56 +1:21 (4) 5:52 +0:59 (2) 2:21 +0:00 (1) 5:19 +0:34 (2) 6:07 +0:54 (2) 6:36 +1:18 (2) 8:07 +1:52 (3)
  57:45 +8:15 (2) 61:34 +8:23 (2) 63:54 +8:25 (2) 65:50 +6:14 (2) 69:23 +6:21 (2)
  3:31 +0:12 (2) 3:49 +0:35 (3) 2:20 +0:02 (2) 1:56 +0:00 (1) 3:33 +0:07 (2)
3 Marcin Stermolewski 91:51 2:39 +0:34 (4) 10:13 +3:33 (4) 16:12 +4:54 (4) 22:54 +6:01 (3) 28:59 +7:13 (3) 31:28 +6:48 (3) 49:10 +19:45 (4) 56:15 +21:37 (4) 63:04 +23:08 (4) 74:04 +27:53 (3)
    2:39 +0:34 (4) 7:34 +2:59 (3) 5:59 +1:21 (5) 6:42 +1:07 (3) 6:05 +1:12 (3) 2:29 +0:08 (2) 17:42 +12:57 (5) 7:05 +1:52 (3) 6:49 +1:31 (3) 11:00 +4:45 (4)
  79:10 +29:40 (3) 83:16 +30:05 (3) 85:58 +30:29 (3) 87:54 +28:18 (3) 91:51 +28:49 (3)
  5:06 +1:47 (3) 4:06 +0:52 (4) 2:42 +0:24 (3) 1:56 +0:00 (1) 3:57 +0:31 (4)
4 Joseph Marincel 103:32 2:28 +0:23 (2) 10:07 +3:27 (3) 16:05 +4:47 (3) 23:57 +7:04 (4) 32:13 +10:27 (4) 36:06 +11:26 (4) 45:10 +15:45 (3) 52:15 +17:37 (3) 61:59 +22:03 (3) 74:37 +28:26 (4)
    2:28 +0:23 (2) 7:39 +3:04 (4) 5:58 +1:20 (4) 7:52 +2:17 (5) 8:16 +3:23 (4) 3:53 +1:32 (5) 9:04 +4:19 (3) 7:05 +1:52 (3) 9:44 +4:26 (5) 12:38 +6:23 (5)
  80:06 +30:36 (4) 87:25 +34:14 (4) 93:41 +38:12 (4) 97:25 +37:49 (4) 103:32 +40:30 (4)
  5:29 +2:10 (4) 7:19 +4:05 (5) 6:16 +3:58 (8) 3:44 +1:48 (4) 6:07 +2:41 (5)
5 Adam 128:21 3:24 +1:19 (5) 32:57 +26:17 (8) 38:10 +26:52 (8) 44:31 +27:38 (5) 54:50 +33:04 (5) 57:26 +32:46 (5) 66:38 +37:13 (5) 84:12 +49:34 (5) 93:19 +53:23 (5) 101:17 +55:06 (5)
    3:24 +1:19 (5) 29:33 +24:58 (8) 5:13 +0:35 (2) 6:21 +0:46 (2) 10:19 +5:26 (5) 2:36 +0:15 (3) 9:12 +4:27 (4) 17:34 +12:21 (8) 9:07 +3:49 (4) 7:58 +1:43 (2)
  115:10 +65:40 (5) 118:24 +65:13 (5) 121:27 +65:58 (5) 124:29 +64:53 (5) 128:21 +65:19 (5)
  13:53 +10:34 (8) 3:14 +0:00 (1) 3:03 +0:45 (4) 3:02 +1:06 (3) 3:52 +0:26 (3)
6 Rich J 174:25 5:48 +3:43 (7) 18:38 +11:58 (6) 31:47 +20:29 (6) 47:18 +30:25 (6) 67:34 +45:48 (7) 73:24 +48:44 (6) 91:54 +62:29 (7) 108:15 +73:37 (7) 125:01 +85:05 (6) 140:08 +93:57 (6)
    5:48 +3:43 (7) 12:50 +8:15 (6) 13:09 +8:31 (8) 15:31 +9:56 (6) 20:16 +15:23 (8) 5:50 +3:29 (6) 18:30 +13:45 (7) 16:21 +11:08 (5) 16:46 +11:28 (6) 15:07 +8:52 (7)
  146:24 +96:54 (6) 158:57 +105:46 (6) 162:49 +107:20 (7) 166:35 +106:59 (6) 174:25 +111:23 (6)
  6:16 +2:57 (6) 12:33 +9:19 (7) 3:52 +1:34 (6) 3:46 +1:50 (5) 7:50 +4:24 (6)
7 Sean 174:32 5:56 +3:51 (8) 18:35 +11:55 (5) 31:33 +20:15 (5) 47:29 +30:36 (7) 67:39 +45:53 (8) 73:33 +48:53 (8) 91:31 +62:06 (6) 108:10 +73:32 (6) 126:06 +86:10 (7) 140:12 +94:01 (7)
    5:56 +3:51 (8) 12:39 +8:04 (5) 12:58 +8:20 (7) 15:56 +10:21 (7) 20:10 +15:17 (7) 5:54 +3:33 (7) 17:58 +13:13 (6) 16:39 +11:26 (7) 17:56 +12:38 (7) 14:06 +7:51 (6)
  146:24 +96:54 (6) 159:04 +105:53 (7) 162:47 +107:18 (6) 166:36 +107:00 (7) 174:32 +111:30 (7)
  6:12 +2:53 (5) 12:40 +9:26 (8) 3:43 +1:25 (5) 3:49 +1:53 (6) 7:56 +4:30 (7)
8 Tony Lawrence 212:30 5:06 +3:01 (6) 20:33 +13:53 (7) 32:59 +21:41 (7) 55:33 +38:40 (8) 66:48 +45:02 (6) 73:29 +48:49 (7) 113:26 +84:01 (8) 129:50 +95:12 (8) 153:31 +113:35 (8) 173:01 +126:50 (8)
    5:06 +3:01 (6) 15:27 +10:52 (7) 12:26 +7:48 (6) 22:34 +16:59 (8) 11:15 +6:22 (6) 6:41 +4:20 (8) 39:57 +35:12 (8) 16:24 +11:11 (6) 23:41 +18:23 (8) 19:30 +13:15 (8)
  180:50 +131:20 (8) 188:44 +135:33 (8) 193:56 +138:27 (8) 200:27 +140:51 (8) 212:30 +149:28 (8)
  7:49 +4:30 (7) 7:54 +4:40 (6) 5:12 +2:54 (7) 6:31 +4:35 (8) 12:03 +8:37 (8)
  Ideal time: 59:51 2:05   4:35   4:38   5:35   4:53   2:21   4:45   5:13   5:18   6:15  
  3:19   3:14   2:18   1:56   3:26  

Created 2022-01-23 21:44:03 with SI-Droid Event 1.14.5

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