Umstead South November 15th, 2009 (Advanced)

Filed under: Event Results by admin on December 31st, 2009


November 15th 2009, Umstead South


Thank you to everyone who participated, and for your patience with the late posting of results. Hopefully it was worth the wait for those who did well… and for everyone else perhaps enough time has passed to dull the pain. A big thank-you to Artem Kazantsev for his help with extracting the results from the depths of the Sport Ident bit bucket, and for posting the results to the web.
— Charles


Brown Course: 9 KP 3.8 km 

  1 BJ Creehan                     59:46     61 62 63 70 71 72 73 74 75
  2 Vlastik Trzicky              1:20:43     61 62 63 70 71 72 73 74 75
  3 Thomas Hibbert               1:22:04     61 62 63 70 71 72 73 74 75
  4 Jeffrey Eichman              1:35:34     61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 70 71 72 73 74 75
  5 Paul Weber                   2:06:25     61 62 63 70 71 72 73 74 75
  6 William Ebenstein            2:18:09     61 62 63 70 71 72 73 74 75

Green Course: 12 KP 5.7 km 

  1 Josef Trzicky                1:09:36     61 62 63 64 65 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
  2 Vladimir Stemkovski          1:12:01     61 62 63 64 65 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
  3 Mihai Ibanescu               1:24:01     61 62 63 64 65 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
  4 Ken. Hanson                  1:54:26     61 62 63 64 65 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
  5 Terese Camp                  1:58:06     61 62 63 64 65 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
  6 David Butler                 2:03:38     61 62 63 64 65 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

Red Course: 15 KP 6.6 km 

  1 Paul Gates                   1:21:46     61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
  2 Donald Childrey              1:35:10     61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
  3 Patrick Downie               1:35:37     61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
  4 Artem Kazantsev              1:49:05     61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
  5 Larisa Nord                  2:07:21     61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
  6 Chris Kreider                2:14:28     61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
  7 Richard Stuart               2:18:07     61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
    Brian Thompson                   DNF     61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73
    Ron Brown                        DNF     61 62

Unknown Course. Cannot guess course for the following runners (did not clear?):

    Tatyana Stemkovski               DNF     61 62 63 70

Brown Course: 9 KP 3.8 km 

  # Name                         Result   Start     1.( 61)   2.( 62)   3.( 63)   4.( 70)   5.( 71)   6.( 72)   7.( 73)   8.( 74)   9.( 75)   Finish.           min/km
  1 BJ Creehan                    59:46 11:58:52    6:53  3  13:47  2  16:51  2  28:36  1  34:18  1  40:43  1  45:18  1  52:23  1  57:10  1  59:46  1   59:46    15.73
                                                    6:53  3   6:54  2   3:04  1  11:45  2   5:42  1   6:25  1   4:35  1   7:05  5   4:47  1   2:36  1
                                                    1:53      1:57         0        12         0         0         0      3:35         0         0
  2 Vlastik Trzicky             1:20:43 12:43:13    5:24  2  21:06  6  27:42  6  39:15  3  49:09  3  56:13  2  66:20  3  71:23  3  77:39  2  80:43  2 1:20:43    21.24
                                                    5:24  2  15:42  6   6:36  4  11:33  1   9:54  3   7:04  3  10:07  6   5:03  2   6:16  3   3:04  3
                                                      24     10:45      3:32         0      4:12        39      5:32      1:33      1:29        28
  3 Thomas Hibbert              1:22:04 13:50:37    8:52  4  15:56  3  21:09  3  36:40  2  47:53  2  56:14  3  63:01  2  69:19  2  77:57  3  82:04  3 1:22:04    21.60
                                                    8:52  4   7:04  3   5:13  3  15:31  3  11:13  5   8:21  4   6:47  3   6:18  4   8:38  4   4:07  4
                                                    3:52      2:07      2:09      3:58      5:31      1:56      2:12      2:48      3:51      1:31
  4 Jeffrey Eichman             1:35:34 12:35:09    5:00  1   9:57  1  13:58  1  64:52  5  71:45  5  78:29  4  83:27  4  86:57  4  92:48  4  95:34  4 1:35:34    25.15
                                                    5:00  1   4:57  1   4:01  2  50:54  6   6:53  2   6:44  2   4:58  2   3:30  1   5:51  2   2:46  2
                                                       0         0        57     39:21      1:11        19        23         0      1:04        10
  5 Paul Weber                  2:06:25 12:24:58    9:33  6  19:03  4  27:27  5  70:28  6  81:28  6  92:34  5 102:38  5 108:18  5 121:10  5 126:25  5 2:06:25    33.27
                                                    9:33  6   9:30  4   8:24  6  43:01  5  11:00  4  11:06  5  10:04  5   5:40  3  12:52  6   5:15  6
                                                    4:33      4:33      5:20     31:28      5:18      4:41      5:29      2:10      8:05      2:39
  6 William Ebenstein           2:18:09 12:13:26    9:27  5  19:59  5  26:53  4  50:15  4  64:23  4 105:30  6 112:49  6 124:19  6 133:56  6 138:09  6 2:18:09    36.36
                                                    9:27  5  10:32  5   6:54  5  23:22  4  14:08  6  41:07  6   7:19  4  11:30  6   9:37  5   4:13  5
                                                    4:27      5:35      3:50     11:49      8:26     34:42      2:44      8:00      4:50      1:37   

Green Course: 12 KP 5.7 km 

  # Name                         Result   Start     1.( 61)   2.( 62)   3.( 63)   4.( 64)   5.( 65)   6.( 69)   7.( 70)   8.( 71)   9.( 72)  10.( 73)  11.( 74)  12.( 75)   Finish.           min/km
  1 Josef Trzicky               1:09:36 12:50:15    3:57  1   8:21  1  11:21  1  22:35  1  28:35  1  34:28  1  41:31  1  48:32  1  54:02  1  57:50  1  61:16  1  66:43  1  69:36  1 1:09:36    12.21
                                                    3:57  1   4:24  2   3:00  1  11:14  1   6:00  3   5:53  2   7:03  2   7:01  2   5:30  1   3:48  1   3:26  2   5:27  2   2:53  3
                                                       0         8         0         0        47         7        18        24         0         0        13         8        26
  2 Vladimir Stemkovski         1:12:01 12:47:21    4:12  2   9:24  2  12:38  2  25:46  2  31:16  2  37:02  2  43:47  2  50:52  2  56:43  2  60:58  2  64:11  2  69:30  2  72:01  2 1:12:01    12.63
                                                    4:12  2   5:12  3   3:14  2  13:08  3   5:30  2   5:46  1   6:45  1   7:05  3   5:51  2   4:15  3   3:13  1   5:19  1   2:31  2
                                                      15        56        14      1:54        17         0         0        28        21        27         0         0         4
  3 Mihai Ibanescu              1:24:01 13:56:59    6:08  4  10:24  3  14:51  3  26:47  3  32:00  3  44:41  3  52:48  3  59:25  3  67:24  3  71:20  3  75:01  3  81:34  3  84:01  3 1:24:01    14.74
                                                    6:08  4   4:16  1   4:27  4  11:56  2   5:13  1  12:41  5   8:07  3   6:37  1   7:59  4   3:56  2   3:41  3   6:33  3   2:27  1
                                                    2:11         0      1:27        42         0      6:55      1:22         0      2:29         8        28      1:14         0
  4 Ken. Hanson                 1:54:26 11:55:09    5:41  3  12:29  4  17:50  4  35:45  4  42:33  4  50:59  4  60:25  4  70:27  4  83:06  4  90:38  4 100:43  4 109:27  4 114:26  4 1:54:26    20.08
                                                    5:41  3   6:48  5   5:21  5  17:55  5   6:48  5   8:26  3   9:26  4  10:02  6  12:39  5   7:32  5  10:05  5   8:44  5   4:59  5
                                                    1:44      2:32      2:21      6:41      1:35      2:40      2:41      3:25      7:09      3:44      6:52      3:25      2:32
  5 Terese Camp                 1:58:06 11:53:34    7:12  5  14:00  5  19:29  5  37:14  5  44:04  5  52:46  5  62:12  5  71:55  5  84:55  5  92:31  5 102:44  5 111:57  5 118:06  5 1:58:06    20.72
                                                    7:12  5   6:48  5   5:29  6  17:45  4   6:50  6   8:42  4   9:26  4   9:43  5  13:00  6   7:36  6  10:13  6   9:13  6   6:09  6
                                                    3:15      2:32      2:29      6:31      1:37      2:56      2:41      3:06      7:30      3:48      7:00      3:54      3:42
  6 David Butler                2:03:38 12:39:22   21:37  6  27:56  6  31:17  6  49:24  6  55:31  6  74:57  6  84:51  6  92:58  6 100:22  6 106:11  6 111:30  6 119:51  6 123:38  6 2:03:38    21.69
                                                   21:37  6   6:19  4   3:21  3  18:07  6   6:07  4  19:26  6   9:54  6   8:07  4   7:24  3   5:49  4   5:19  4   8:21  4   3:47  4
                                                   17:40      2:03        21      6:53        54     13:40      3:09      1:30      1:54      2:01      2:06      3:02      1:20   

Red Course: 15 KP 6.6 km 

  # Name                         Result   Start     1.( 61)   2.( 62)   3.( 63)   4.( 64)   5.( 65)   6.( 66)   7.( 67)   8.( 68)   9.( 69)  10.( 70)  11.( 71)  12.( 72)  13.( 73)  14.( 74)  15.( 75)   Finish.           min/km
  1 Paul Gates                  1:21:46 00:46:13    4:28  2   9:15  1  15:41  5  26:29  4  30:41  1  35:31  1  39:25  1  44:03  1  52:16  1  58:09  1  63:51  1  67:43  1  71:48  1  74:50  1  79:54  1  81:46  1 1:21:46    12.39
                                                    4:28  2   4:47  1   6:26  8  10:48  1   4:12  1   4:50  1   3:54  1   4:38  2   8:13  8   5:53  1   5:42  1   3:52  1   4:05  2   3:02  1   5:04  1   1:52  1
                                                       6         0      3:24         0         0         0         0         7      2:32         0         0         0        40         0         0         0
  2 Donald Childrey             1:35:10 12:35:04    4:54  3   9:53  2  13:34  2  26:00  2  32:05  3  38:50  4  47:00  3  51:59  3  57:43  3  64:49  3  71:26  3  78:23  3  83:23  3  86:45  2  92:38  2  95:10  2 1:35:10    14.42
                                                    4:54  3   4:59  3   3:41  4  12:26  3   6:05  5   6:45  5   8:10  3   4:59  4   5:44  2   7:06  3   6:37  3   6:57  6   5:00  5   3:22  2   5:53  2   2:32  2
                                                      32        12        39      1:38      1:53      1:55      4:16        28         3      1:13        55      3:05      1:35        20        49        40
  3 Patrick Downie              1:35:37 12:35:07    4:57  4  10:02  3  13:40  3  26:17  3  32:14  4  38:30  3  47:12  4  52:06  4  57:47  4  64:56  4  71:43  4  78:35  4  83:25  4  86:53  3  92:54  3  95:37  3 1:35:37    14.49
                                                    4:57  4   5:05  4   3:38  3  12:37  4   5:57  4   6:16  4   8:42  6   4:54  3   5:41  1   7:09  4   6:47  4   6:52  5   4:50  4   3:28  3   6:01  3   2:43  3
                                                      35        18        36      1:49      1:45      1:26      4:48        23         0      1:16      1:05      3:00      1:25        26        57        51
  4 Artem Kazantsev             1:49:05 12:27:10    6:41  5  11:28  5  14:43  4  28:25  5  34:05  5  39:26  5  58:24  5  62:55  5  69:48  5  77:33  5  85:11  5  91:15  5  95:43  5  99:34  4 105:48  4 109:05  4 1:49:05    16.53
                                                    6:41  5   4:47  1   3:15  2  13:42  5   5:40  2   5:21  3  18:58  8   4:31  1   6:53  4   7:45  5   7:38  5   6:04  2   4:28  3   3:51  4   6:14  4   3:17  4
                                                    2:19         0        13      2:54      1:28        31     15:04         0      1:12      1:52      1:56      2:12      1:03        49      1:10      1:25
  5 Larisa Nord                 2:07:21 12:10:30    6:41  5  14:24  7  20:06  7  42:32  8  50:59  8  58:50  8  67:07  8  74:00  8  81:39  8  91:02  8  99:24  7 105:42  6 111:51  6 116:32  5 123:51  5 127:21  5 2:07:21    19.30
                                                    6:41  5   7:43  8   5:42  7  22:26  8   8:27  8   7:51  7   8:17  4   6:53  6   7:39  6   9:23  7   8:22  7   6:18  3   6:09  7   4:41  5   7:19  5   3:30  5
                                                    2:19      2:56      2:40     11:38      4:15      3:01      4:23      2:22      1:58      3:30      2:40      2:26      2:44      1:39      2:15      1:38
  6 Chris Kreider               2:14:28 12:03:32    7:34  8  15:16  8  20:41  8  39:04  7  46:37  7  54:36  7  63:02  7  71:51  7  78:39  7  87:24  6  95:23  6 111:07  7 116:53  7 121:57  6 130:53  6 134:28  6 2:14:28    20.37
                                                    7:34  8   7:42  7   5:25  6  18:23  6   7:33  6   7:59  8   8:26  5   8:49  8   6:48  3   8:45  6   7:59  6  15:44  8   5:46  6   5:04  6   8:56  7   3:35  6
                                                    3:12      2:55      2:23      7:35      3:21      3:09      4:32      4:18      1:07      2:52      2:17     11:52      2:21      2:02      3:52      1:43
  7 Richard Stuart              2:18:07 11:45:56    7:05  7  13:27  6  17:56  6  38:18  6  46:15  6  53:36  6  62:20  6  71:04  6  78:06  6  88:08  7 100:28  8 113:54  8 120:21  8 125:30  7 134:12  7 138:07  7 2:18:07    20.93
                                                    7:05  7   6:22  6   4:29  5  20:22  7   7:57  7   7:21  6   8:44  7   8:44  7   7:02  5  10:02  8  12:20  8  13:26  7   6:27  8   5:09  7   8:42  6   3:55  7
                                                    2:43      1:35      1:27      9:34      3:45      2:31      4:50      4:13      1:21      4:09      6:38      9:34      3:02      2:07      3:38      2:03
    Brian Thompson                  DNF 11:46:49    4:22  1  10:14  4  13:16  1  25:01  1  30:51  2  35:49  2  40:27  2  46:37  2  54:26  2  61:01  2  67:07  2  73:33  2  76:58  2
                                                    4:22  1   5:52  5   3:02  1  11:45  2   5:50  3   4:58  2   4:38  2   6:10  5   7:49  7   6:35  2   6:06  2   6:26  4   3:25  1
                                                       0      1:05         0        57      1:38         8        44      1:39      2:08        42        24      2:34         0
    Ron Brown                       DNF 12:12:47    8:45  9  38:33  9
                                                    8:45  9  29:48  9
                                                    4:23     25:01

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