Score-O Results
10 Dec 2017, Umstead State Park
This year’s long score event at Umstead came on a beautiful, though chilly, Sunday in the Piedmont. The course was especially long, offering 47 controls to runners in either a 2-hour or a 6-hour race. The course stretched so far to the southeast that a new map was created that linked-up Umstead state park with Schenck forest. Six controls in Schenck forest (and two along the way) came with especially high point values, and so several runners on the 6-hour course were easily tempted into that area. Punching all 47 controls within the 6-hour time limit proved to be just slightly too hard of a challenge, and everyone had to leave at least a few unpunched. Recent snow and rain had swollen the creeks, which added to runners’ difficulties. Very few places allowed safe passage over Reedy or Sycamore creeks, and this undoubtedly cost most runners a significant chunk of time.
The 6-hour race was amazingly close. Robert Enochs punched 43 controls in just under 5 hours and 59 minutes. Cutting it even closer, Kevin Wilkinson punched 44 controls in just seconds under 6 hours. Although Kevin punched more controls, Robert’s were worth slightly more points, and so Robert squeaked through as champion – his second victory in three years.
Richard Stuart turned in a very impressive and smart performance to earn top honors in the 2-hour event. Richard was able to nab a bunch of the higher-valued controls, in addition to many of the low-valued controls clustered in the south of the course. He also finished with nearly 15 minutes to spare!
Everyone involved in the race should be interested in checking-out this web page:
This page illustrates different runner’s routes over the course. If you have your own gps track for your effort, you can also upload it to this page so that others can compare your choices with theirs. This “Route Gadget” is an excellent tool for post-race analysis.
Many thanks to the volunteers who helped with this event. Foremost is Debra Rezeli, who both set a batch of controls and picked up a huge bunch after the event. Jonas Karlsson also offered significant help with putting out controls; and Harold Meder spent several hours on Monday – after being out for 6 hours the day before – helping to clear controls from Schenck.
Results follow. Because of the manual punches, these results required an unusual amount of editing by hand, which introduces an increased risk of mistakes. Please let me know if you see anything wrong by sending me an email at
6 Hour Score Course: 47 KP. Time Penalty: 360 minutes, then 9 pt/min to 361min, then 1 pt/min.
SI+Man-Pnlt=Total Time 1 93 + 86 -0 179 5:58:40 Robert Enochs 50 46 41 40 44 42 43 53 59 61 55 66 68 69 57 63 54 58 67 62 65 49 60 47 51 + 95 96 80 83 91 94 81 84 86 88 89 82 87 92 93 90 85 2 101 + 72 -0 173 5:59:49 Kevin Wilkinson 52 64 47 51 56 48 45 46 50 41 40 44 42 53 43 56 59 61 55 66 68 69 57 63 67 62 58 65 49 + 95 80 83 91 94 81 84 86 89 82 87 93 90 85 3 91 + 69 -0 157 5:53:44 Vladimir Stemkovski 52 64 47 51 56 60 49 65 62 67 58 54 63 57 69 66 61 59 53 43 41 40 44 46 50 + 95 96 80 83 81 84 86 88 89 82 87 90 85 4 87 + 65 -0 152 5:54:04 Brian Thompson 50 41 40 43 53 59 61 55 66 68 69 57 63 67 58 65 60 56 48 51 47 52 + 05 80 83 91 94 81 84 89 82 87 92 93 90 5 68 + 61 -0 129 5:51:30 Paul Teale 46 45 48 47 56 60 49 62 67 58 54 63 57 69 61 43 53 40 41 50 + 95 96 80 83 84 86 88 89 82 87 90 85 6 51 + 36 -0 87 5:57:09 Seth Vallet 52 64 49 65 62 67 54 58 59 61 43 53 40 41 + 96 80 84 86 88 87 85 7 53 + 26 -0 79 5:46:09 David Valenziano 50 46 45 48 42 44 40 41 43 53 59 61 55 66 57 63 58 65 + 83 81 84 82 87 8 38 + 55-14 79 6:05:26 Imre Polik 60 49 65 62 57 69 68 43 + 96 80 83 91 94 86 88 89 92 90 85 9 61 + 14 -0 75 5:35:18 Tatyana Stemkovski 50 46 44 40 41 53 43 61 55 66 65 59 56 60 47 51 48 45 52 64 + 95 84 87 10 53 + 14 -0 67 5:46:04 Matthew Craig 52 64 47 60 49 65 56 51 45 46 50 41 43 53 59 61 54 + 95 84 87 11 38 + 32-22 48 6:13:53 Harold Meder 52 64 47 60 49 62 67 58 61 + 96 84 86 88 87 85
2 Hour Score Course: 39 KP. Time Penalty: 120 minutes, then 9 pt/min to 121min, then 1 pt/min.
SI+Man-Pnlt=Total Time 1 42 + 0 -0 42 1:45:13 Richard Stuart 50 46 45 48 42 44 40 43 53 59 56 60 47 51 52 64 2 42 + 0 -0 42 1:59:53 Jonas Karlsson 52 64 47 60 56 51 48 42 59 53 43 44 40 41 46 50 3 29 + 11-0 40 1:57:35 Joseph Huberman 52 51 47 60 49 65 61 59 + 84 87 4 34 + 0 -0 34 1:57:09 Kevin Morris 52 51 47 60 49 65 61 43 53 40 50 5 32 + 0 -0 32 1:53:55 Kelly Sears 50 46 45 48 42 44 40 41 53 43 61 59 56 51 6 25 + 6 -0 31 1:59:03 David Butler 51 56 65 60 47 52 50 + 87 7 29 + 0 -0 29 1:54:55 Ruth Bromer 52 51 47 60 65 59 56 48 8 33 + 6-10 29 2:01:42 Nadia Scharlau 50 46 45 48 42 44 40 43 53 59 61 65 60 + 87 9 25 + 0 -0 25 1:54:16 Ian Shields 50 46 45 48 42 44 53 59 56 51 10 25 + 0 -0 25 1:54:19 Debra Rezeli 50 46 45 48 42 44 53 59 56 51 11 18 + 0 -0 18 1:50:27 Charles Scharlau 52 64 47 60 49 12 17 + 0 -0 17 1:51:09 Team Thomkowski 50 46 45 48 42 44 40 41 43 53 13 15 + 0 -0 15 1:31:56 Ron Brown 50 46 45 51 48 42 44 40 41 14 2 + 0 -0 2 1:56:57 Susan Carl 41 41 40
Total of 25 starts.
6 Hour Score Course.
# Name Time Start 1 Robert Enochs 5:58:40 9:00:07 50( 3) 46( 1) 41( 1) 40( 0) 44( 1) 42( 1) 43( 1) 53( 4) 59( 4) 61( 4) 55( 4) 66( 6) 68( 9) 69( 6) 57( 4) 63( 5) 54( 4) 58( 4) 67( 6) 62( 6) 65( 5) 49( 3) 60( 4) 47( 3) 51( 3) Finish 3:37 6:03 9:08 10:18 12:09 14:49 20:07 21:48 29:57 35:14 56:20 64:46 116:49 128:46 156:24 177:29 214:51 242:18 254:03 274:15 312:38 330:56 335:42 341:33 345:28 358:40 3:37 2:26 3:05 1:10 1:51 2:40 5:18 1:41 8:09 5:17 21:06 8:26 52:03 11:57 27:38 21:05 37:22 27:27 11:45 20:12 38:23 18:18 4:46 5:51 3:55 13:12 2 Kevin Wilkinson 5:59:49 9:00:07 52( 3) 64( 5) 47( 3) 51( 3) 56( 4) 48( 3) 45( 1) 46( 1) 50( 3) 41( 1) 40( 0) 44( 1) 42( 1) 53( 4) 43( 1) 56( 0) 59( 4) 61( 4) 55( 4) 66( 6) 68( 9) 69( 6) 57( 4) 63( 5) 67( 6) 62( 6) 58( 4) 65( 5) 49( 3) Finish 7:00 11:41 21:58 25:40 30:42 35:20 37:10 39:02 40:36 44:01 45:25 47:23 49:48 54:53 56:17 68:01 72:55 79:10 101:20 110:43 167:25 186:06 207:57 231:29 255:33 270:38 295:17 328:20 341:09 359:49 7:00 4:41 10:17 3:42 5:02 4:38 1:50 1:52 1:34 3:25 1:24 1:58 2:25 5:05 1:24 11:44 4:54 6:15 22:10 9:23 56:42 18:41 21:51 23:32 24:04 15:05 24:39 33:03 12:49 18:40 3 Vladimir Stemkovski 5:53:44 9:00:07 52( 3) 64( 5) 47( 3) 51( 3) 56( 4) 60( 4) 49( 3) 65( 5) 62( 6) 67( 6) 58( 4) 54( 4) 63( 5) 57( 4) 69( 6) 66( 6) 61( 4) 59( 4) 53( 4) 43( 1) 41( 1) 40( 0) 44( 1) 46( 1) 50( 3) Finish 6:21 12:35 22:17 25:32 30:44 37:25 46:22 60:10 97:29 114:39 122:49 147:10 187:02 203:30 226:23 271:12 304:00 314:16 325:49 328:19 333:33 336:04 338:49 342:40 345:49 353:44 6:21 6:14 9:42 3:15 5:12 6:41 8:57 13:48 37:19 17:10 8:10 24:21 39:52 16:28 22:53 44:49 32:48 10:16 11:33 2:30 5:14 2:31 2:45 3:51 3:09 7:55 4 Brian Thompson 5:54:04 9:00:07 50( 3) 41( 1) 40( 0) 43( 1) 53( 4) 59( 4) 61( 4) 55( 4) 66( 6) 68( 9) 69( 6) 57( 4) 63( 5) 67( 6) 58( 4) 65( 5) 60( 4) 56( 4) 48( 3) 51( 3) 47( 3) 52( 3) Finish 3:34 6:57 8:07 11:13 12:52 21:28 27:36 77:53 88:16 143:02 163:25 184:55 217:19 257:41 269:01 287:55 304:11 312:46 326:39 332:38 337:09 345:58 354:04 3:34 3:23 1:10 3:06 1:39 8:36 6:08 50:17 10:23 54:46 20:23 21:30 32:24 40:22 11:20 18:54 16:16 8:35 13:53 5:59 4:31 8:49 8:06 5 Paul Teale 5:51:30 9:00:07 46( 1) 45( 1) 48( 3) 47( 3) 56( 4) 60( 4) 49( 3) 62( 6) 67( 6) 58( 4) 54( 4) 63( 5) 57( 4) 69( 6) 61( 4) 43( 1) 53( 4) 40( 0) 41( 1) 50( 3) Finish 5:34 8:54 10:55 23:24 37:33 44:49 49:05 91:45 107:31 115:06 162:41 203:13 221:39 253:20 317:58 331:12 333:11 337:41 343:13 347:08 351:30 5:34 3:20 2:01 12:29 14:09 7:16 4:16 42:40 15:46 7:35 47:35 40:32 18:26 31:41 64:38 13:14 1:59 4:30 5:32 3:55 4:22 6 Seth Vallet 5:57:09 9:00:07 52( 3) 64( 5) 49( 3) 65( 5) 62( 6) 67( 6) 54( 4) 58( 4) 59( 4) 61( 4) 43( 1) 53( 4) 40( 1) 41( 1) Finish 6:20 17:25 71:05 93:34 183:47 218:37 247:15 260:11 315:30 325:19 338:04 340:37 345:27 349:04 357:30 6:20 11:05 53:40 22:29 90:13 34:50 28:38 12:56 55:19 9:49 12:45 2:33 4:50 3:37 8:26 7 David Valenziano 5:46:09 9:00:07 50( 3) 46( 1) 45( 1) 48( 3) 42( 1) 44( 1) 40( 0) 41( 1) 43( 1) 53( 4) 59( 4) 61( 4) 55( 4) 66( 6) 57( 4) 63( 5) 58( 4) 65( 5) Finish 6:36 11:06 14:11 17:11 21:21 24:47 27:46 30:26 36:00 38:29 55:55 65:24 90:35 105:27 159:49 194:53 261:55 283:48 346:09 6:36 4:30 3:05 3:00 4:10 3:26 2:59 2:40 5:34 2:29 17:26 9:29 25:11 14:52 54:22 35:04 67:02 21:53 62:21 8 Imre Polik 6:05:26 9:00:07 60( 4) 49( 3) 65( 5) 62( 6) 57( 4) 69( 6) 68( 9) 43( 1) Finish 34:02 43:45 70:56 134:25 202:48 235:15 272:54 351:07 365:26 34:02 9:43 27:11 63:29 68:23 32:27 37:39 78:13 14:19 9 Tatyana Stemkovski 5:35:18 9:00:07 50( 3) 46( 1) 44( 1) 40( 0) 41( 1) 53( 4) 43( 1) 61( 4) 55( 4) 66( 6) 65( 5) 59( 4) 56( 4) 60( 4) 47( 3) 51( 3) 48( 3) 45( 1) 52( 3) 64( 5) Finish 7:03 11:33 16:04 19:06 24:44 33:15 38:30 63:03 112:45 129:25 209:18 229:10 242:04 255:28 267:11 277:21 285:59 290:03 305:25 314:55 335:18 7:03 4:30 4:31 3:02 5:38 8:31 5:15 24:33 49:42 16:40 79:53 19:52 12:54 13:24 11:43 10:10 8:38 4:04 15:22 9:30 20:23 10 Matthew Craig 5:46:04 9:00:07 52( 3) 64( 5) 47( 3) 60( 4) 49( 3) 65( 5) 56( 4) 51( 3) 45( 1) 46( 1) 50( 3) 41( 1) 43( 1) 53( 4) 59( 4) 61( 4) 54( 4) Finish 7:56 16:24 33:19 40:47 48:22 84:08 106:58 117:38 128:07 132:47 138:35 173:39 180:40 184:06 199:19 212:15 260:47 346:04 7:56 8:28 16:55 7:28 7:35 35:46 22:50 10:40 10:29 4:40 5:48 35:04 7:01 3:26 15:13 12:56 48:32 85:17 11 Harold Meder 6:13:53 9:00:07 52( 3) 64( 5) 47( 3) 60( 4) 49( 3) 62( 6) 67( 6) 58( 4) 61( 4) Finish 25:25 35:27 49:36 71:45 127:47 209:10 254:19 270:16 332:25 373:53 25:25 10:02 14:09 22:09 56:02 81:23 45:09 15:57 62:09 41:28
2 Hour Score Course.
# Name Time Start 1 Richard Stuart 1:45:13 13:00:07 50( 3) 46( 1) 45( 1) 48( 3) 42( 1) 44( 1) 40( 1) 43( 1) 53( 4) 59( 4) 56( 4) 60( 4) 47( 3) 51( 3) 52( 3) 64( 5) Finish 4:58 7:48 10:19 13:04 17:32 20:56 22:57 27:30 29:57 44:22 54:04 62:35 69:57 74:25 83:44 90:57 105:13 4:58 2:50 2:31 2:45 4:28 3:24 2:01 4:33 2:27 14:25 9:42 8:31 7:22 4:28 9:19 7:13 14:16 2 Jonas Karlsson 1:59:53 9:00:07 52( 3) 64( 5) 47( 3) 60( 4) 56( 4) 51( 3) 48( 3) 42( 1) 59( 4) 53( 4) 43( 1) 44( 1) 40( 1) 41( 1) 46( 1) 50( 3) Finish 6:10 12:38 23:01 28:45 38:30 45:54 50:38 54:03 62:36 79:52 82:26 88:07 89:51 91:40 103:11 106:07 119:53 6:10 6:28 10:23 5:44 9:45 7:24 4:44 3:25 8:33 17:16 2:34 5:41 1:44 1:49 11:31 2:56 13:46 3 Joseph Huberman 1:57:35 13:00:07 52( 3) 51( 3) 47( 3) 60( 4) 49( 3) 65( 5) 61( 4) 59( 4) Finish 8:22 14:17 18:07 26:54 33:57 49:27 84:00 91:18 117:35 8:22 5:55 3:50 8:47 7:03 15:30 34:33 7:18 26:17 4 Kevin Morris 1:57:09 13:00:07 52( 3) 51( 3) 47( 3) 60( 4) 49( 3) 65( 5) 61( 4) 43( 1) 53( 4) 40( 1) 50( 3) Finish 8:07 15:48 22:13 34:12 44:52 64:51 78:05 95:37 98:32 105:00 111:13 117:09 8:07 7:41 6:25 11:59 10:40 19:59 13:14 17:32 2:55 6:28 6:13 5:56 5 Kelly Sears 1:53:55 13:00:07 50( 3) 46( 1) 45( 1) 48( 3) 42( 1) 44( 1) 40( 1) 41( 1) 53( 4) 43( 1) 61( 4) 59( 4) 56( 4) 51( 3) Finish 8:56 12:49 15:57 19:16 24:28 29:10 32:33 36:20 49:41 52:38 71:54 82:23 90:14 97:33 113:55 8:56 3:53 3:08 3:19 5:12 4:42 3:23 3:47 13:21 2:57 19:16 10:29 7:51 7:19 16:22 6 David Butler 1:59:03 13:00:07 51( 3) 56( 4) 65( 5) 60( 4) 47( 3) 52( 3) 50( 3) Finish 7:27 17:53 28:52 92:37 98:43 106:13 115:21 119:03 7:27 10:26 10:59 63:45 6:06 7:30 9:08 3:42 7 Ruth Bromer 1:54:55 13:00:07 52( 3) 51( 3) 47( 3) 60( 4) 65( 5) 59( 4) 56( 4) 48( 3) Finish 8:30 16:24 22:05 44:35 64:18 79:20 90:52 103:09 114:55 8:30 7:54 5:41 22:30 19:43 15:02 11:32 12:17 11:46 8 Nadia Scharlau 2:01:42 13:00:07 50( 3) 46( 1) 45( 1) 48( 3) 42( 1) 44( 1) 40( 1) 43( 1) 53( 4) 59( 4) 61( 4) 65( 5) 60( 4) Finish 4:55 8:06 10:30 12:56 17:48 20:46 23:04 27:19 29:43 41:16 49:46 91:43 104:41 121:42 4:55 3:11 2:24 2:26 4:52 2:58 2:18 4:15 2:24 11:33 8:30 41:57 12:58 17:01 9 Ian Shields 1:54:16 13:00:07 50( 3) 46( 1) 45( 1) 48( 3) 42( 1) 44( 1) 53( 4) 59( 4) 56( 4) 51( 3) Finish 9:38 13:55 19:16 24:51 40:52 47:05 55:00 81:44 91:32 103:41 114:16 9:38 4:17 5:21 5:35 16:01 6:13 7:55 26:44 9:48 12:09 10:35 10 Debra Rezeli 1:54:19 13:00:07 50( 3) 46( 1) 45( 1) 48( 3) 42( 1) 44( 1) 53( 4) 59( 4) 56( 4) 51( 3) Finish 9:29 13:49 18:52 25:25 40:56 47:07 55:09 81:49 91:35 103:36 114:19 9:29 4:20 5:03 6:33 15:31 6:11 8:02 26:40 9:46 12:01 10:43 11 Charles Scharlau 1:50:27 13:00:07 52( 3) 64( 5) 47( 3) 60( 4) 49( 3) Finish 9:00 17:53 34:06 41:45 61:15 110:27 9:00 8:53 16:13 7:39 19:30 49:12 12 Team Thomkowski 1:51:09 13:00:07 50( 3) 46( 1) 45( 1) 48( 3) 42( 1) 44( 1) 40( 1) 41( 1) 43( 1) 53( 4) Finish 7:18 13:44 19:51 29:51 41:35 46:59 56:13 60:56 68:16 79:48 111:09 7:18 6:26 6:07 10:00 11:44 5:24 9:14 4:43 7:20 11:32 31:21 13 Ron Brown 1:31:56 13:00:07 50( 3) 46( 1) 45( 1) 51( 3) 48( 3) 42( 1) 44( 1) 40( 1) 41( 1) Finish 11:06 17:24 22:32 35:18 46:47 53:26 63:00 67:54 71:59 91:56 11:06 6:18 5:08 12:46 11:29 6:39 9:34 4:54 4:05 19:57 14 Susan Carl 1:56:57 13:00:07 41( 1) 41( 0) 40( 1) Finish 46:13 51:43 54:47 116:57 46:13 5:30 3:04 62:10