Results for Open event at Raven Rock State Park (Dec 3, 2017)

Filed under: Event Results,Latest News by Vladimir Stemkovski on December 4th, 2017

It was such a nice day for being in the woods. Couldn’t have been better!

We had a pretty good turnout at Raven Rock State Park – 51 starts! Thank you all for coming.

It is a hard forest to get through and the map hasn’t been updated for many years. Both factors were in play at control #1 on Orange, which resulted in a couple of DNFs. And it didn’t get easier after that. Just look at the times…

Brown, Green and Red courses included optional controls. Each one of these control, when found, was shaving 10 mins off the total time. The runners had to choose whether it made sense to go for this time bonus or not. Most people did, but not necessarily for all the controls. #73 was skipped a number of times. #72 was also skipped a few times.

Special thank you to people who helped during the event:
Ian Shields – teaching the class
Matt Craig, Joseph Marincel, Patrick and Kelly Sears – controls pick-up

Also check Brian’s and Robert’s routes at Rootgadget. Very interesting! Some people actually do run over the hills 🙂

Vladimir and Tatyana


White Course: 9 KP 2.3 km

     1 Sean Wootcock, Jackie, Mary Byrne            31:35     54 55 56 57 58 63 59 60 61 62
     2 April Wagner                                 31:51     54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
     3 Aaron Reams, Paul, Maddie Wright             43:57     54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
     4 Aditya, Ajay, Nidhi Prakash                1:04:30     54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
     5 Gary, Julia Poster, Audrey, David LeBoeuf  1:11:49     54 55 56 57 58 63 59 60 61 62

Yellow Course: 7 KP 2.7 km

     1 Olivia Jones                         51:49     63 64 77 65 67 69 60
     2 April Wagner                         53:07     63 64 77 65 67 69 60
     3 Allen, Georgina Jones              1:04:16     63 64 77 65 67 69 60
     4 John, Sussanna Morris              1:06:00     63 64 77 65 67 69 60
     5 Hunter Baker                       1:06:57     63 64 77 65 67 69 60
     6 Dominic Maestros                   1:10:55     63 64 77 65 67 69 60
     7 Devin Edwards                      1:16:54     63 64 77 65 67 69 60
     8 Sean Wootcock, Jackie, Mary Byrne  1:24:58     63 64 77 65 67 69 60
     9 James Travis                       1:27:46     63 64 77 65 67 69 60
    10 Pat McQuaid                        1:29:04     63 64 77 65 67 69 60
    11 Charles West                       1:36:48     63 64 77 65 67 69 60
    12 Scott Ellis                        1:43:09     63 64 77 65 67 69 60
       Matt Majors                            DNF     63 64 77 65 60
       Raldy Rodriguez                        DNF     63 64

Orange Course: 11 KP 3.5 km

     1 Martin Szorcsik  1:43:16     70 52 61 51 69 49 53 64 48 71 58
     2 Joshua Richter   1:44:37     70 52 61 51 69 49 53 64 48 71 58
     3 Mary Stevens     1:52:04     70 52 61 51 69 49 53 64 48 71 58
     4 Dalton Locklear  2:02:52     70 52 61 51 69 49 53 64 48 71 58
       Robert Nunnery       DNF     70 52 61 51 69 49
       Kris Donnell         DNF     70 61 52 48 71

Brown Course: 8 KP 3.6 km

     1 Doug Corkhill       1:01:02     40 41 42 45 46 47 48 53
     2 Joseph Huberman     1:19:15     72 40 41 42 45 46 47 48 53
     3 Richard Stuart      1:22:46     40 72 41 42 45 46 47 48 53
     4 Robert Howard       1:32:55     40 72 41 42 45 46 73 47 48 53
     5 Kelly Sears         1:48:43     40 41 42 45 46 47 48 53
     6 Al Geiger           1:49:54     40 72 41 42 45 46 47 48 53
     7 Ruth Bromer         2:04:52     40 41 42 45 46 47 48 53
     8 Ron Jackson         2:15:48     40 41 42 45 46 47 73 48 53
       Kevin Morris            DNF     40 41 42 45 46 48
       Steven Sanchez          DNF     40 41 42 45
       Ian Shields             DNF     40 40 72 41 41 42

Green Course: 11 KP 5.4 km

     1 David Waller                          59:08     40 72 41 42 44 45 46 73 47 48 49 51 74 76 75 52
     2 Matt Craig                          1:15:33     40 72 41 42 44 45 46 73 47 48 49 51 74 75 76 52
     3 Joseph Marincel                     1:22:56     40 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 51 75 74 76 52
     4 Nadia Scharlau                      2:30:20     40 72 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 51 52
       Harold Meder                            DNF     40 72 41 42 44 45 46

Red Course: 13 KP 6.7 km

     1 Kevin Wilkinson    48:49     40 72 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 73 49 50 75 74 76 51 52
     2 Robert Enochs      55:10     40 72 41 42 43 44 45 46 73 47 48 49 50 75 76 74 51 52
     3 Brian Thompson   1:17:56     72 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 73 47 48 49 50 75 76 74 51 52
     4 Paul Teale       1:20:01     40 72 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 73 49 50 75 74 76 51 52
     5 David Butler     1:29:47     40 72 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 73 48 49 50 75 76 74 51 52
     6 Josef Trzicky    1:49:03     40 72 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 75 74 76 52
     7 Joshua Gehret    2:22:54     40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
       Seth Vallet          DNF     40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 51

Total of 51 starts.


White Course: 9 KP 2.3 km

  # Name                                        Result   Start     1.( 54)   2.( 55)   3.( 56)   4.( 57)   5.( 58)   6.( 59)   7.( 60)   8.( 61)   9.( 62)   Finish.           min/km
  1 Sean Wootcock, Jackie, Mary Byrne            31:35 13:10:13    2:52  1   5:50  1   9:36  1  12:30  1  15:45  1  23:21  2  25:39  2  27:59  2  30:24  1  31:35  1   31:35    13.73
                                                                   2:52  1   2:58  2   3:46  2   2:54  1   3:15  2   7:36  3   2:18  2   2:20  1   2:25  1   1:11  1
                                                                      0        10         6         0         6      3:08         1         0         0         0   
  2 April Wagner                                 31:51 13:08:34    4:02  3   7:10  3  10:50  3  13:59  2  17:08  2  21:36  1  23:53  1  26:48  1  30:27  2  31:51  2   31:51    13.85
                                                                   4:02  3   3:08  3   3:40  1   3:09  2   3:09  1   4:28  1   2:17  1   2:55  2   3:39  2   1:24  2
                                                                   1:10        20         0        15         0         0         0        35      1:14        13   
  3 Aaron Reams, Paul, Maddie Wright             43:57 13:06:52    3:54  2   6:42  2  10:30  2  17:14  3  23:07  4  28:17  3  31:43  3  36:29  3  41:40  3  43:57  3   43:57    19.11
                                                                   3:54  2   2:48  1   3:48  3   6:44  5   5:53  4   5:10  2   3:26  3   4:46  3   5:11  3   2:17  3
                                                                   1:02         0         8      3:50      2:44        42      1:09      2:26      2:46      1:06   
  4 Aditya, Ajay, Nidhi Prakash                1:04:30 13:05:16    4:47  5   9:26  4  14:29  5  20:32  5  27:56  5  36:56  4  44:21  4  54:15  4  61:39  4  64:30  4 1:04:30    28.04
                                                                   4:47  5   4:39  4   5:03  5   6:03  4   7:24  5   9:00  4   7:25  5   9:54  5   7:24  5   2:51  4
                                                                   1:55      1:51      1:23      3:09      4:15      4:32      5:08      7:34      4:59      1:40   
  5 Gary, Julia Poster, Audrey, David LeBoeuf  1:11:49 13:11:47    4:19  4   9:47  5  14:27  4  18:02  4  21:51  3  52:50  5  57:15  5  63:09  5  68:43  5  71:49  5 1:11:49    31.22
                                                                   4:19  4   5:28  5   4:40  4   3:35  3   3:49  3  30:59  5   4:25  4   5:54  4   5:34  4   3:06  5
                                                                   1:27      2:40      1:00        41        40     26:31      2:08      3:34      3:09      1:55   

Yellow Course: 7 KP 2.7 km

  # Name                                Result   Start     1.( 63)   2.( 64)   3.( 77)   4.( 65)   5.( 67)   6.( 69)   7.( 60)   Finish.           min/km
  1 Olivia Jones                         51:49 11:37:50    2:33  1   9:16  1  15:07  1  21:18  1  31:13  1  43:50  2  50:11  1  51:49  1   51:49    19.19
                                                           2:33  1   6:43  2   5:51  1   6:11  3   9:55  7  12:37 11   6:21  2   1:38  4
                                                              0        54         0      1:00      6:50      9:22        21        18   
  2 April Wagner                         53:07 13:42:43    5:29  6  15:01  4  22:29  3  27:40  2  35:39  2  39:17  1  50:33  2  53:07  2   53:07    19.67
                                                           5:29  6   9:32  5   7:28  4   5:11  1   7:59  6   3:38  3  11:16 10   2:34  6
                                                           2:56      3:43      1:37         0      4:54        23      5:16      1:14   
  3 Allen, Georgina Jones              1:04:16 13:04:43    3:19  3  20:19  7  27:26  4  34:44  4  46:00  4  50:17  4  61:13  3  64:16  3 1:04:16    23.80
                                                           3:19  3  17:00 10   7:07  3   7:18  6  11:16  9   4:17  5  10:56  8   3:03 10
                                                             46     11:11      1:16      2:07      8:11      1:02      4:56      1:43   
  4 John, Sussanna Morris              1:06:00 12:51:54    3:41  4  12:48  2  21:16  2  29:06  3  41:53  3  48:47  3  62:33  4  66:00  4 1:06:00    24.44
                                                           3:41  4   9:07  4   8:28  5   7:50  8  12:47 10   6:54  8  13:46 11   3:27 11
                                                           1:08      3:18      2:37      2:39      9:42      3:39      7:46      2:07   
  5 Hunter Baker                       1:06:57 11:46:33    7:09  8  18:45  5  34:36  6  49:40  8  54:49  6  58:11  5  65:17  5  66:57  5 1:06:57    24.80
                                                           7:09  8  11:36  7  15:51  9  15:04 11   5:09  2   3:22  2   7:06  4   1:40  5
                                                           4:36      5:47     10:00      9:53      2:04         7      1:06        20   
  6 Dominic Maestros                   1:10:55 11:43:14    3:54  5  12:48  2  37:03  8  54:56 11  58:01  7  61:16  6  69:35  6  70:55  6 1:10:55    26.27
                                                           3:54  5   8:54  3  24:15 12  17:53 13   3:05  1   3:15  1   8:19  5   1:20  1
                                                           1:21      3:05     18:24     12:42         0         0      2:19         0   
  7 Devin Edwards                      1:16:54 12:51:38    9:03  9  33:25 12  40:23  9  47:47  6  58:58  8  63:13  7  74:14  7  76:54  7 1:16:54    28.48
                                                           9:03  9  24:22 12   6:58  2   7:24  7  11:11  8   4:15  4  11:01  9   2:40  7
                                                           6:30     18:33      1:07      2:13      8:06      1:00      5:01      1:20   
  8 Sean Wootcock, Jackie, Mary Byrne  1:24:58 13:51:41    3:01  2  24:53 10  47:41 12  58:56 12  66:53 10  72:53  8  81:56  8  84:58  8 1:24:58    31.47
                                                           3:01  2  21:52 11  22:48 10  11:15 10   7:57  5   6:00  7   9:03  6   3:02  9
                                                             28     16:03     16:57      6:04      4:52      2:45      3:03      1:42   
  9 James Travis                       1:27:46 12:43:22   17:16 14  23:05  9  36:21  7  42:42  5  49:20  5  80:21 11  86:21 10  87:46  9 1:27:46    32.51
                                                          17:16 14   5:49  1  13:16  8   6:21  4   6:38  3  31:01 12   6:00  1   1:25  2
                                                          14:43         0      7:25      1:10      3:33     27:46         0         5   
 10 Pat McQuaid                        1:29:04 11:31:19    9:51 10  19:55  6  43:18 11  54:20 10  69:31 11  76:36 10  86:08  9  89:04 10 1:29:04    32.99
                                                           9:51 10  10:04  6  23:23 11  11:02  9  15:11 12   7:05  9   9:32  7   2:56  8
                                                           7:18      4:15     17:32      5:51     12:06      3:50      3:32      1:36   
 11 Charles West                       1:36:48 13:46:36    6:40  7  22:45  8  34:26  5  49:51  9  63:09  9  74:44  9  92:33 11  96:48 11 1:36:48    35.85
                                                           6:40  7  16:05  9  11:41  6  15:25 12  13:18 11  11:35 10  17:49 12   4:15 12
                                                           4:07     10:16      5:50     10:14     10:13      8:20     11:49      2:55   
 12 Scott Ellis                        1:43:09 11:41:21   10:01 11  45:24 14  76:58 13  82:59 13  89:44 12  94:55 12 101:43 12 103:09 12 1:43:09    38.20
                                                          10:01 11  35:23 14  31:34 13   6:01  2   6:45  4   5:11  6   6:48  3   1:26  3
                                                           7:28     29:34     25:43        50      3:40      1:56        48         6   
    Matt Majors                            DNF 13:09:44   16:03 13  30:02 11  42:10 10  49:18  7
                                                          16:03 13  13:59  8  12:08  7   7:08  5
                                                          13:30      8:10      6:17      1:57   
    Raldy Rodriguez                        DNF 11:39:05   12:14 12  44:10 13
                                                          12:14 12  31:56 13
                                                           9:41     26:07   

Orange Course: 11 KP 3.5 km

  # Name              Result   Start     1.( 70)   2.( 52)   3.( 61)   4.( 51)   5.( 69)   6.( 49)   7.( 53)   8.( 64)   9.( 48)  10.( 71)  11.( 58)   Finish.           min/km
  1 Martin Szorcsik  1:43:16 11:40:15    5:52  4  11:41  3  31:13  4  40:35  4  46:20  3  60:33  4  77:17  2  82:59  2  90:56  2  99:05  2 101:33  2 103:16  1 1:43:16    29.50
                                         5:52  4   5:49  1  19:32  4   9:22  3   5:45  3  14:13  3  16:44  2   5:42  1   7:57  4   8:09  1   2:28  3   1:43  2
                                         2:48         0     17:15      4:15      2:34      7:16     14:01         0      1:50         0      1:07        12   
  2 Joshua Richter   1:44:37 11:40:51    5:21  3  11:17  2  30:40  3  40:09  3  45:47  2  60:05  3  76:53  1  82:53  1  90:42  1  98:54  1 101:16  1 104:37  2 1:44:37    29.89
                                         5:21  3   5:56  2  19:23  3   9:29  4   5:38  2  14:18  4  16:48  3   6:00  4   7:49  3   8:12  2   2:22  2   3:21  3
                                         2:17         7     17:06      4:22      2:27      7:21     14:05        18      1:42         3      1:01      1:50   
  3 Mary Stevens     1:52:04 12:40:56   12:43  5  20:32  4  25:14  2  35:50  2  49:06  4  56:03  2  81:44  3  87:26  3  93:33  3 104:51  3 108:29  3 112:04  3 1:52:04    32.02
                                        12:43  5   7:49  4   4:42  2  10:36  5  13:16  4   6:57  1  25:41  4   5:42  1   6:07  1  11:18  4   3:38  4   3:35  4
                                         9:39      2:00      2:25      5:29     10:05         0     22:58         0         0      3:09      2:17      2:04   
  4 Dalton Locklear  2:02:52 11:44:00    3:18  2  30:14  5  59:52  5  67:59  5  81:44  5  95:21  5  98:04  4 103:58  4 110:34  4 120:00  4 121:21  4 122:52  4 2:02:52    35.10
                                         3:18  2  26:56  6  29:38  5   8:07  2  13:45  5  13:37  2   2:43  1   5:54  3   6:36  2   9:26  3   1:21  1   1:31  1
                                           14     21:07     27:21      3:00     10:34      6:40         0        12        29      1:17         0         0   
    Robert Nunnery       DNF 11:46:48    3:04  1  10:40  1  12:57  1  18:04  1  21:15  1  36:05  1
                                         3:04  1   7:36  3   2:17  1   5:07  1   3:11  1  14:50  5
                                            0      1:47         0         0         0      7:53   
    Kris Donnell         DNF 13:12:03   19:40  6  42:33  6
                                        19:40  6  22:53  5
                                        16:36     17:04   

Brown Course: 8 KP 3.6 km

  # Name                 Result   Start     1.( 40)   2.( 41)   3.( 42)   4.( 45)   5.( 46)   6.( 47)   7.( 48)   8.( 53)   Finish.           min/km
  1 Doug Corkhill       1:01:02 12:38:05    5:33  1  11:00  1  16:31  1  23:56  1  28:11  1  38:00  1  47:36  1  54:31  1  61:02  1 1:01:02    16.95
                                            5:33  1   5:27  1   5:31  1   7:25  2   4:15  1   9:49  1   9:36  6   6:55  1   6:31  2
                                               0         0         0        29         0         0      3:05         0      2:05   
  2 Joseph Huberman     1:29:15 11:50:18   12:05  7  19:52  2  36:24  3  43:20  3  51:12  3  63:42  2  71:34  2  81:16  2  89:15  2 1:29:15    24.79
                                           12:05  7   7:47  2  16:32  8   6:56  1   7:52  4  12:30  2   7:52  4   9:42  6   7:59  5
                                            6:32      2:20     11:01         0      3:37      2:41      1:21      2:47      3:33   
  3 Richard Stuart      1:32:46 11:28:34    7:33  3  21:52  3  29:15  2  42:20  2  48:57  2  71:18  3  77:49  3  85:44  3  92:46  3 1:32:46    25.77
                                            7:33  3  14:19  4   7:23  2  13:05  7   6:37  2  22:21  8   6:31  1   7:55  2   7:02  3
                                            2:00      8:52      1:52      6:09      2:22     12:32         0      1:00      2:36   
  4 Kelly Sears         1:48:43 13:00:45   14:07  8  32:04  6  43:13  5  52:51  5  64:22  5  84:20  5  91:36  4 100:32  4 108:43  4 1:48:43    30.20
                                           14:07  8  17:57  6  11:09  4   9:38  4  11:31  8  19:58  6   7:16  3   8:56  3   8:11  6
                                            8:34     12:30      5:38      2:42      7:16     10:09        45      2:01      3:45   
  5 Robert Howard       1:52:55 11:19:22    9:32  6  32:57  7  45:14  6  60:27  7  74:59  8  92:13  7  98:48  7 108:29  5 112:55  5 1:52:55    31.37
                                            9:32  6  23:25  9  12:17  5  15:13  8  14:32  9  17:14  5   6:35  2   9:41  5   4:26  1
                                            3:59     17:58      6:46      8:17     10:17      7:25         4      2:46         0   
  6 Al Geiger           1:59:54 12:00:56    7:19  2  35:18  8  50:20  8  60:19  6  68:16  6  83:03  4  93:17  5 110:19  6 119:54  6 1:59:54    33.31
                                            7:19  2  27:59 10  15:02  7   9:59  5   7:57  5  14:47  3  10:14  7  17:02  7   9:35  7
                                            1:46     22:32      9:31      3:03      3:42      4:58      3:43     10:07      5:09   
  7 Ruth Bromer         2:04:52 11:53:41   17:27  9  28:34  5  52:35  9  64:00  8  71:40  7  87:38  6  95:30  6 117:24  7 124:52  7 2:04:52    34.69
                                           17:27  9  11:07  3  24:01 10  11:25  6   7:40  3  15:58  4   7:52  4  21:54  8   7:28  4
                                           11:54      5:40     18:30      4:29      3:25      6:09      1:21     14:59      3:02   
  8 Ron Jackson         2:25:48 12:01:22    8:34  4  27:02  4  41:21  4  66:13  9  75:04  9  97:11  8 124:00  8 133:38  8 145:48  8 2:25:48    40.50
                                            8:34  4  18:28  7  14:19  6  24:52  9   8:51  7  22:07  7  26:49  8   9:38  4  12:10  8
                                            3:01     13:01      8:48     17:56      4:36     12:18     20:18      2:43      7:44   
    Kevin Morris            DNF 12:55:10   17:46 10  37:01  9  45:16  7  52:43  4  60:54  4
                                           17:46 10  19:15  8   8:15  3   7:27  3   8:11  6
                                           12:13     13:48      2:44        31      3:56   
    Steven Sanchez          DNF 11:15:53   54:45 11  69:14 10 106:28 11 152:31 10
                                           54:45 11  14:29  5  37:14 11  46:03 10
                                           49:12      9:02     31:43     39:07   
    Ian Shields             DNF 10:27:27    8:57  5  71:27 11  90:16 10
                                            8:57  5  62:30 11  18:49  9
                                            3:24     57:03     13:18   

Green Course: 11 KP 5.4 km

  # Name                                 Result   Start     1.( 40)   2.( 41)   3.( 42)   4.( 44)   5.( 45)   6.( 46)   7.( 47)   8.( 48)   9.( 49)  10.( 51)  11.( 52)   Finish.           min/km
  1 David Waller                        1:49:08  1:37:17    4:51  1  16:02  1  21:29  1  27:40  1  36:27  1  46:48  2  59:54  1  65:17  1  73:24  1  80:59  1 101:47  1 109:08  1 1:49:08    20.21
                                                            4:51  1  11:11  2   5:27  2   6:11  1   8:47  2  10:21  3  13:06  2   5:23  2   8:07  1   7:35  3  20:48  3   7:21  2
                                                               0      4:23         7         0        19      4:55      2:40        15         0      1:57      7:42        41   
  2 Joseph Marincel                     1:52:56 11:19:11    9:31  4  16:19  2  22:42  2  29:07  2  38:40  2  44:18  1  61:04  2  67:24  2  77:41  2  85:00  2 103:00  2 112:56  2 1:52:56    20.91
                                                            9:31  4   6:48  1   6:23  3   6:25  2   9:33  4   5:38  2  16:46  3   6:20  3  10:17  3   7:19  2  18:00  2   9:56  3
                                                            4:40         0      1:03        14      1:05        12      6:20      1:12      2:10      1:41      4:54      3:16   
  3 Matt Craig                          2:05:33 12:59:27    6:06  2  23:15  3  32:03  3  38:47  3  47:15  3  52:41  3  72:48  3  77:56  3  86:33  3  92:11  3 118:53  3 125:33  3 2:05:33    23.25
                                                            6:06  2  17:09  3   8:48  5   6:44  3   8:28  1   5:26  1  20:07  4   5:08  1   8:37  2   5:38  1  26:42  4   6:40  1
                                                            1:15     10:21      3:28        33         0         0      9:41         0        30         0     13:36         0   
  4 Nadia Scharlau                      2:40:20 12:01:44    7:05  3  37:13  5  42:33  5  55:00  5  79:44  5  96:07  4 106:33  4 112:55  4 123:36  4 136:04  4 149:10  4 160:20  4 2:40:20    29.69
                                                            7:05  3  30:08  5   5:20  1  12:27  5  24:44  5  16:23  4  10:26  1   6:22  4  10:41  4  12:28  4  13:06  1  11:10  4
                                                            2:14     23:20         0      6:16     16:16     10:57         0      1:14      2:34      6:50         0      4:30   
    Harold Meder                            DNF 11:45:00   10:44  5  32:37  4  40:05  4  47:56  4  57:23  4          
                                                           10:44  5  21:53  4   7:28  4   7:51  4   9:27  3          
                                                            5:53     15:05      2:08      1:40        59             

Red Course: 13 KP 6.7 km

  # Name              Result   Start     1.( 40)   2.( 41)   3.( 42)   4.( 43)   5.( 44)   6.( 45)   7.( 46)   8.( 47)   9.( 48)  10.( 49)  11.( 50)  12.( 51)  13.( 52)   Finish.           min/km
  1 Kevin Wilkinson  1:38:49 12:24:20    7:07  6  16:14  4  19:48  1  25:46  1  30:49  1  37:58  1  40:45  1  45:43  1  49:32  1  60:07  1  67:24  1  88:00  1  93:27  1  98:49  1 1:38:49    14.75
                                         7:07  6   9:07  1   3:34  1   5:58  1   5:03  3   7:09  2   2:47  1   4:58  1   3:49  1  10:35  4   7:17  1  20:36  6   5:27  1   5:22  2
                                         3:17         0         0         0      1:36        28         0         0         0      4:23         0     11:40         0        26   
  2 Robert Enochs    1:45:10 12:29:35    3:50  1  13:11  1  22:30  3  29:54  2  34:15  2  40:56  2  45:36  2  55:04  2  59:11  2  65:23  2  72:58  2  89:28  2 100:14  2 105:10  2 1:45:10    15.70
                                         3:50  1   9:21  2   9:19  7   7:24  2   4:21  2   6:41  1   4:40  3   9:28  5   4:07  3   6:12  1   7:35  2  16:30  4  10:46  5   4:56  1
                                            0        14      5:45      1:26        54         0      1:53      4:30        18         0        18      7:34      5:19         0   
  3 Brian Thompson   2:07:56 11:54:06    7:43  7  18:58  7  24:29  5  33:11  4  38:21  4  46:42  3  57:50  4  70:29  5  75:49  5  83:29  4  93:26  3 113:15  4 120:49  3 127:56  3 2:07:56    19.09
                                         7:43  7  11:15  5   5:31  3   8:42  3   5:10  4   8:21  3  11:08  8  12:39  8   5:20  4   7:40  2   9:57  3  19:49  5   7:34  3   7:07  4
                                         3:53      2:08      1:57      2:44      1:43      1:40      8:21      7:41      1:31      1:28      2:40     10:53      2:07      2:11   
  4 Paul Teale       2:10:01 11:57:31    4:14  2  13:47  2  25:24  7  38:37  7  42:04  5  58:41  6  63:39  6  70:59  6  74:58  4  86:46  5 104:03  6 118:01  6 123:54  4 130:01  4 2:10:01    19.41
                                         4:14  2   9:33  3  11:37  8  13:13  8   3:27  1  16:37  8   4:58  5   7:20  3   3:59  2  11:48  5  17:17  7  13:58  3   5:53  2   6:07  3
                                           24        26      8:03      7:15         0      9:56      2:11      2:22        10      5:36     10:00      5:02        26      1:11   
  5 David Butler     2:19:47 12:19:37    5:15  4  16:02  3  21:22  2  31:04  3  37:02  3  46:44  4  51:15  3  58:10  3  69:43  3  81:40  3  93:26  3 117:43  5 130:38  5 139:47  5 2:19:47    20.86
                                         5:15  4  10:47  4   5:20  2   9:42  4   5:58  6   9:42  6   4:31  2   6:55  2  11:33  7  11:57  7  11:46  4  24:17  7  12:55  6   9:09  6
                                         1:25      1:40      1:46      3:44      2:31      3:01      1:44      1:57      7:44      5:45      4:29     15:21      7:28      4:13   
  6 Joshua Gehret    2:22:54 11:56:05    5:09  3  17:18  6  23:58  4  36:22  5  53:41  7  63:19  7  68:07  7  80:31  7  88:50  7 100:43  7 114:53  7 123:49  7 133:49  6 142:54  6 2:22:54    21.33
                                         5:09  3  12:09  7   6:40  5  12:24  7  17:19  7   9:38  5   4:48  4  12:24  7   8:19  6  11:53  6  14:10  6   8:56  1  10:00  4   9:05  5
                                         1:19      3:02      3:06      6:26     13:52      2:57      2:01      7:26      4:30      5:41      6:53         0      4:33      4:09   
  7 Josef Trzicky    2:29:03 12:50:19    5:17  5  17:08  5  24:43  6  36:39  6  42:34  6  52:10  5  59:34  5  70:18  4  77:45  6  87:41  6 100:53  5 110:08  3 135:30  7 149:03  7 2:29:03    22.25
                                         5:17  5  11:51  6   7:35  6  11:56  6   5:55  5   9:36  4   7:24  7  10:44  6   7:27  5   9:56  3  13:12  5   9:15  2  25:22  7  13:33  7
                                         1:27      2:44      4:01      5:58      2:28      2:55      4:37      5:46      3:38      3:44      5:55        19     19:55      8:37   
    Seth Vallet          DNF 11:50:31    8:36  8  25:12  8  31:21  8  41:49  8  63:10  8  73:46  8  79:41  8  88:41  8 104:13  8 127:20  8
                                         8:36  8  16:36  8   6:09  4  10:28  5  21:21  8  10:36  7   5:55  6   9:00  4  15:32  8  23:07  8
                                         4:46      7:29      2:35      4:30     17:54      3:55      3:08      4:02     11:43     16:55   

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