Results — Eno River, 22 March 2020

Filed under: Event Results,Latest News,Uncategorized by David Waller on March 23rd, 2020

For the second time in two weeks – by coincidence – expert orienteers were treated to some long-form courses, with relatively few controls and relatively long legs that required careful route choice.  The red course, for example, had only five controls and one leg that was over 2.3 km long.  People really differed on their appreciation for this format, with some loving and preferring it, and others just putting up with it. 

Shortly after our event, we got word that several NC state parks are starting to close, and with the size of the crowds that are descending upon them it is understandable why they need to.  We were lucky to have slipped into Eno River while it is still open, but we realize that this may one of our last state park events in a while.  I’m confident that the precautions that BOK took for this event (limiting participant number, canceling beginner courses, not renting equipment, expanding the start window) did not add substantially to the interpersonal proximity at the park. I never saw more than three or four people together at once, and all were always at least a few meters apart.

Please check back to the BOK website in a couple of days for updates.  If nothing else, I will hopefully have figured out how to upload the event into Route Gadget so that people can examine their routes and compare them with others.

Finally, just a reminder that although orienteering is usually an excellent opportunity to get your kids out into nature, taking them out on a red course can sometimes push them too far.   Results follow the last photo of Roman Kraus ever taken.

RIP Roman Kraus

There were 26 starts.

Eno River. 22 March 2020, Results


Orange 3.6 km 7 Controls
1 2073236 Marcus Enochs   76:47
2 2049374 Matthew Craig   86:47 (+10:00)
3 2049366 Rod Butler   94:42 (+17:55)
4 2114162 Alex Burroughs   100:42 (+23:55)
2005021 Michael Tharp   MP
Brown 3.8 km 6 Controls
1 2073231 Team Thomkowski   60:00
2 2049367 Yuuki Butler   67:59 (+7:59)
3 2005002 Ruth Bromer   71:39 (+11:39)
4 2006377 Ken Walsh   90:22 (+30:22)
Green 5.7 km 8 Controls
1 2005018 Nadia Scharlau   66:49
2 2005005 Joseph Huberman   83:14 (+16:25)
3 2114141 William Allen   88:41 (+21:52)
4 2106552 Paul Emmerson   89:51 (+23:02)
5 2005017 Miles Deforest   133:16 (+66:27)
Red 6.3 km 5 Controls
1 2005151 Vladimir Stemkovski   56:01
2 7654323 Robert Enochs   61:14 (+5:13)
3 2114146 Brian Thompson   67:11 (+11:10)
4 2106554 Lina Lindberg   68:16 (+12:15)
5 2094192 Yuriy Bulka   70:17 (+14:16)
6 2005141 Mihai Ibanescu   75:29 (+19:28)
7 2114140 B McC   78:37 (+22:36)
8 2114152 Debra Rezeli   88:49 (+32:48)
9 2005008 Sean M Butler   89:19 (+33:18)
10 2114142 Bailey Karl   113:12 (+57:11)
11 2028427 Kevin Wilkinson   122:06 (+66:05)
12 2005153 Tatyana Stemkovski   124:19 (+68:18)

Eno River. 22 March 2020, Split times

2020-03-22  *Control 50 was not on Daylight Savings.  Joseph did his confusing best to correct the times.  

Orange (5) 3.6 km 7 C  
Pl Name / Club Time  
  1 (54) 2 (53) 3 (52) 4 (55) 5 (53) 6 (56) 7 (51) Finish
1 Marcus Enochs 76:47 1:53 +0:00 (1) 12:03 +0:00 (1) 22:14 +0:00 (1) 40:31 +0:00 (1) 49:53 +0:00 (1) 57:24 +0:00 (1) 71:00 +0:00 (1) 76:47 +0:00 (1)
      1:53 +0:00 (1) 10:10 +0:00 (1) 10:11 +0:00 (1) 18:17 +10:56 (5) 9:22 +0:00 (1) 7:31 +0:37 (2) 13:36 +5:32 (3) 5:47 +0:00 (1)
2 Matthew Craig 86:47 3:33 +1:40 (3) 17:39 +5:36 (2) 34:28 +12:14 (2) 43:40 +3:09 (2) 60:41 +10:48 (2) 70:49 +13:25 (2) 78:53 +7:53 (2) 86:47 +10:00 (2)
      3:33 +1:40 (3) 14:06 +3:56 (2) 16:49 +6:38 (3) 9:12 +1:51 (2) 17:01 +7:39 (4) 10:08 +3:14 (4) 8:04 +0:00 (1) 7:54 +2:07 (2)
3 Rod Butler 94:42 3:14 +1:21 (2) 19:48 +7:45 (3) 44:54 +22:40 (4) 52:15 +11:44 (4) 64:48 +14:55 (3) 71:42 +14:18 (3) 85:36 +14:36 (3) 94:42 +17:55 (3)
      3:14 +1:21 (2) 16:34 +6:24 (3) 25:06 +14:55 (4) 7:21 +0:00 (1) 12:33 +3:11 (2) 6:54 +0:00 (1) 13:54 +5:50 (4) 9:06 +3:19 (3)
4 Alex Burroughs 100:42 5:19 +3:26 (4) 26:22 +14:19 (4) 41:09 +18:55 (3) 50:22 +9:51 (3) 66:20 +16:27 (4) 76:01 +18:37 (4) 88:09 +17:09 (4) 100:42 +23:55 (4)
      5:19 +3:26 (4) 21:03 +10:53 (5) 14:47 +4:36 (2) 9:13 +1:52 (3) 15:58 +6:36 (3) 9:41 +2:47 (3) 12:08 +4:04 (2) 12:33 +6:46 (4)
Michael Tharp MP 9:15 +7:22 (5) 26:59 +14:56 (5) 52:30 +30:16 (5) 67:07 +26:36 (5) -:–     -:–     -:–     95:45    
      9:15 +7:22 (5) 17:44 +7:34 (4) 25:31 +15:20 (5) 14:37 +7:16 (4)                   -:–    
  Ideal time: 59:42 1:53   10:10   10:11   7:21   9:22   6:54   8:04   5:47  
Brown (4) 3.8 km 6 C  
Pl Name / Club Time  
  1 (60) 2 (50) 3 (58) 4 (52) 5 (64) 6 (54) Finish
1 Team Thomkowski 60:00 10:13 +3:12 (2) +24:0-13 +1:20 (2) 30:40 +0:00 (1) 40:20 +0:00 (1) 47:26 +0:30 (2) 57:17 +0:00 (1) 60:00 +0:00 (1)
      10:13 +3:12 (2) +14:0-26 +0:00 (1) +6:27 +0:00   9:40 +0:22 (2) 7:06 +2:00 (3) 9:51 +0:00 (1) -:–    
2 Yuuki Butler 67:59 7:01 +0:00 (1) +23:0-33 +0:00 (1) 32:32 +1:52 (2) 41:50 +1:30 (2) 46:56 +0:00 (1) 58:12 +0:55 (2) 67:59 +7:59 (2)
      7:01 +0:00 (1) +16:0-34 +1:52 (2) +8:59 +2:32 (3) 9:18 +0:00 (1) 5:06 +0:00 (1) 11:16 +1:25 (2) -:–    
3 Ruth Bromer 71:39 10:54 +3:53 (3) +28:0-59 +4:34 (3) 35:38 +4:58 (3) 46:47 +6:27 (3) 53:45 +6:49 (3) 66:52 +9:35 (3) 71:39 +11:39 (3)
      10:54 +3:53 (3) +17:0-53 +2:33 (3) +7:00 +1:27 (2) 11:09 +1:51 (3) 6:58 +1:52 (2) 13:07 +3:16 (3) -:–    
4 Ken Walsh 90:22 13:37 +6:36 (4) +36:0-3 +13:30 (4) 45:05 +14:25 (4) 56:37 +16:17 (4) 67:04 +20:08 (4) 84:17 +27:00 (4) 90:22 +30:22 (4)
      13:37 +6:36 (4) +23:0-40 +8:46 (4) +9:05 +2:38 (4) 11:32 +2:14 (4) 10:27 +5:21 (4) 17:13 +7:22 (4) -:–    
  Ideal time: -12:0-28 7:01   +14:0-26   6:27   9:18   5:06   9:51   2:43  
Green (5) 5.7 km 8 C  
Pl Name / Club Time  
  1 (60) 2 (59) 3 (50) 4 (63) 5 (57) 6 (65) 7 (58) 8 (52) Finish
1 Nadia Scharlau 66:49 6:30 +0:00 (1) 13:25 +0:00 (1) 20:0 +0:00 (1) 34:34 +0:00 (1) 40:33 +0:00 (1) 49:49 +0:00 (1) 55:42 +0:00 (1) 61:41 +0:00 (1) 66:49 +0:00 (1)
      6:30 +0:00 (1) 6:55 +0:00 (1) +6:0-2 +0:00 (1) 13:58 +0:00 (1) 5:59 +0:00 (1) 9:16 +0:00 (1) 5:53 +0:00 (1) 5:59 +0:00 (1) -:–    
2 Joseph Huberman 83:14 8:38 +2:08 (4) 18:04 +4:39 (4) 25:0 +5:03 (2) 44:50 +10:16 (3) 51:03 +10:30 (2) 61:31 +11:42 (2) 69:18 +13:36 (2) 76:23 +14:42 (2) 83:14 +16:25 (2)
      8:38 +2:08 (4) 9:26 +2:31 (4) +7:0 +0:24 (2) 19:16 +5:18 (3) 6:13 +0:14 (2) 10:28 +1:12 (3) 7:47 +1:54 (2) 7:05 +1:06 (2) -:–    
  40:06 15:06  
Wasted 7:16 going to 5 before 4 *57    
3 William Allen 88:41 7:57 +1:27 (3) 16:29 +3:04 (3) +26:0-39 +5:58 (3) 43:41 +9:07 (2) 52:37 +12:04 (3) 62:29 +12:40 (3) 70:48 +15:06 (3) 81:43 +20:02 (3) 88:41 +21:52 (3)
      7:57 +1:27 (3) 8:32 +1:37 (3) +9:0-8 +2:54 (3) 17:02 +3:04 (2) 8:56 +2:57 (4) 9:52 +0:36 (2) 8:19 +2:26 (4) 10:55 +4:56 (4) -:–    
4 Paul Emmerson 89:51 7:43 +1:13 (2) 15:37 +2:12 (2) +26:0-32 +6:05 (4) 45:51 +11:17 (4) 55:49 +15:16 (4) 67:02 +17:13 (4) 75:08 +19:26 (4) 83:38 +21:57 (4) 89:51 +23:02 (4)
      7:43 +1:13 (2) 7:54 +0:59 (2) +10:0-9 +3:53 (4) 19:19 +5:21 (4) 9:58 +3:59 (5) 11:13 +1:57 (4) 8:06 +2:13 (3) 8:30 +2:31 (3) -:–    
5 Miles Deforest 133:16 15:29 +8:59 (5) 28:42 +15:17 (5) +40:0-24 +20:13 (5) 70:03 +35:29 (5) 78:27 +37:54 (5) 96:47 +46:58 (5) 108:52 +53:10 (5) 121:52 +60:11 (5) 133:16 +66:27 (5)
      15:29 +8:59 (5) 13:13 +6:18 (5) +11:0-6 +4:56 (5) 29:39 +15:41   8:24 +2:25 (3) 18:20 +9:04 (5) 12:05 +6:12 (5) 13:00 +7:01 (5) -:–    
  Ideal time: -8:0-23 6:30   6:55   +6:0-2   0:0-1   5:59   9:16   5:53   5:59   5:08  
Red (12) 6.3 km 5 C  
Pl Name / Club Time  
  1 (60) 2 (61) 3 (62) 4 (63) 5 (65) Finish
1 Vladimir Stemkovski 56:01 5:22 +0:56 (3) 24:53 +0:00 (1) 26:20 +0:00 (1) 37:48 +0:00 (1) 48:10 +0:00 (1) 56:01 +0:00 (1)
      5:22 +0:56 (3) 19:31 +0:00 (1) 1:27 +0:14 (3) 11:28 +0:33 (2) 10:22 +0:00 (1) 7:51 +0:00 (1)
2 Robert Enochs 61:14 6:22 +1:56 (7) 26:36 +1:43 (2) 27:49 +1:29 (2) 41:05 +3:17 (2) 52:41 +4:31 (2) 61:14 +5:13 (2)
      6:22 +1:56 (7) 20:14 +0:43 (2) 1:13 +0:00 (1) 13:16 +2:21 (3) 11:36 +1:14 (2) 8:33 +0:42 (3)
3 Brian Thompson 67:11 4:26 +0:00 (1) 32:12 +7:19 (5) 34:06 +7:46 (6) 45:01 +7:13 (4) 59:11 +11:01 (4) 67:11 +11:10 (3)
      4:26 +0:00 (1) 27:46 +8:15 (7) 1:54 +0:41 (9) 10:55 +0:00 (1) 14:10 +3:48 (5) 8:00 +0:09 (2)
4 Lina Lindberg 68:16 5:44 +1:18 (5) 29:25 +4:32 (4) 30:56 +4:36 (4) 45:20 +7:32 (5) 58:40 +10:30 (3) 68:16 +12:15 (4)
      5:44 +1:18 (5) 23:41 +4:10 (4) 1:31 +0:18 (4) 14:24 +3:29 (4) 13:20 +2:58 (3) 9:36 +1:45 (4)
5 Yuriy Bulka 70:17 5:23 +0:57 (4) 27:57 +3:04 (3) 29:34 +3:14 (3) 44:42 +6:54 (3) 59:22 +11:12 (5) 70:17 +14:16 (5)
      5:23 +0:57 (4) 22:34 +3:03 (3) 1:37 +0:24 (5) 15:08 +4:13 (7) 14:40 +4:18 (6) 10:55 +3:04 (8)
6 Mihai Ibanescu 75:29 5:04 +0:38 (2) 32:12 +7:19 (5) 33:50 +7:30 (5) 50:01 +12:13 (6) 65:33 +17:23 (6) 75:29 +19:28 (6)
      5:04 +0:38 (2) 27:08 +7:37 (6) 1:38 +0:25 (6) 16:11 +5:16 (8) 15:32 +5:10 (8) 9:56 +2:05 (5)
7 B McC 78:37 10:08 +5:42 (8) 36:14 +11:21 (8) 37:57 +11:37 (8) 53:02 +15:14 (7) 67:45 +19:35 (7) 78:37 +22:36 (7)
      10:08 +5:42 (8) 26:06 +6:35 (5) 1:43 +0:30 (7) 15:05 +4:10 (6) 14:43 +4:21 (7) 10:52 +3:01 (6)
8 Debra Rezeli 88:49 5:54 +1:28 (6) 34:03 +9:10 (7) 35:53 +9:33 (7) 54:44 +16:56 (8) 75:47 +27:37 (8) 88:49 +32:48 (8)
      5:54 +1:28 (6) 28:09 +8:38 (8) 1:50 +0:37 (8) 18:51 +7:56 (9) 21:03 +10:41 (11) 13:02 +5:11 (10)
9 Sean M Butler 89:19 13:02 +8:36 (9) 49:02 +24:09 (9) 50:27 +24:07 (9) 64:52 +27:04 (9) 78:26 +30:16 (9) 89:19 +33:18 (9)
      13:02 +8:36 (9) 36:00 +16:29 (10) 1:25 +0:12 (2) 14:25 +3:30 (5) 13:34 +3:12 (4) 10:53 +3:02 (7)
10 Bailey Karl 113:12 28:41 +24:15 (12) 59:34 +34:41 (11) 61:28 +35:08 (11) 83:46 +45:58 (10) 100:20 +52:10 (10) 113:12 +57:11 (10)
      28:41 +24:15 (12) 30:53 +11:22 (9) 1:54 +0:41 (9) 22:18 +11:23 (10) 16:34 +6:12 (9) 12:52 +5:01 (9)
11 Kevin Wilkinson 122:06 15:50 +11:24 (11) 58:30 +33:37 (10) 61:09 +34:49 (10) 85:26 +47:38 (12) 103:32 +55:22 (11) 122:06 +66:05 (11)
      15:50 +11:24 (11) 42:40 +23:09 (11) 2:39 +1:26 (11) 24:17 +13:22 (12) 18:06 +7:44 (10) 18:34 +10:43 (12)
12 Tatyana Stemkovski 124:19 14:52 +10:26 (10) 59:39 +34:46 (12) 62:30 +36:10 (12) 85:09 +47:21 (11) 106:24 +58:14 (12) 124:19 +68:18 (12)
      14:52 +10:26 (10) 44:47 +25:16 (12) 2:51 +1:38 (12) 22:39 +11:44 (11) 21:15 +10:53 (12) 17:55 +10:04 (11)
  Ideal time: 54:18 4:26   19:31   1:13   10:55   10:22   7:51  

Created 2020-03-22 17:19:29 with SI-Droid Event 1.10

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