Bond Park Night-O Results

Filed under: Event Results by misa on March 15th, 2010

March 13 proved to be a night with no moon – but that was about the scariest thing about it. The weather was very nice during the day, to the point where I assumed it’s going to stay like that. Except for the wind, it was not bad. And wearing shorts was not such a great idea after all, given all the thorny vines. But we had no injuries, and we had fun, and that’s all that matters.

I’ve started setting the controls about half an hour later than I wanted, but I thought that would be good; some controls were close to the trail, and I wanted to minimize the possibility of them disappearing. I was doing great progress until the night set in; at that point I was on the lake shore, with no headlamp. After wasting a lot of time trying to find the ribbons that were under water anyway, I finally decided to go to the parking lot and get the headlamp. And even though I remember it being very bright, I was still unable to see the ribbons. I probably should have replaced the batteries.

This meant that, at 7:45PM, the time for meeting in the parking lot, I was still left with 3 controls to set. So I rushed back to the parking lot, handed out the clear box and went to set the rest of the controls. Control 40 lacked a string, so I had to hang it to a tree, really high, compared to the rest.  Then I noticed that I placed #41 instead of #42, so I had to run and swap them. I was finally back around 8PM – only to find out that I forgot to print the spreadsheet for starts. Given the low number of attendants, that didn’t delay us that much. We finally started at 8:09PM.

Then I realized I left the gym bag at home – so I had no dry socks or shoes.  Ended up wearing flip-flops while I waited for everybody to be back.

I totally miscalculated how much the darkness changes the perspective. I was really afraid the fast runners will be able to tour the park in less than 45 minutes (and that would probably have been very true during the day).  Following Ruth’s suggestion, I extended the courses to be 45 minutes (for short) and an hour (for the other two). And that was really not enough – the most controls to be picked were 33 out of 40.
Which outlined another problem – most of our fingersticks are SI-Card8, which only hold 30 punches. Unfortunately, I only realized this after the two runners who punched more than 30 controls came back to report some controls did not beep. I’ve added the controls to their result, but the final splits are made up.

I’ve asked for feedback regarding the location. I’ve heard mixed opinions: some liked the additional ambient light (being able to consult the map under a street light was preferred by some); some found it annoying. Personally, as I was coming back from having set control #45, I could see nothing because of the lights in front of me. Overall, I believe I heard mostly positive comments. Please feel free to use the comments below the post, if you want to share your experience.

I think during the day it is very challenging to set a difficult course at Bond Park. This is the reason I’ve put out so many controls. I was also hoping to make things more interesting with the Parity-O, but that seemed not to be necessary – the darkness and the rainy night before the event made even the trails quite challenging. However, having the Community Center open (until 9PM I think) in case of emergencies is a great plus.

Many thanks to the folks who helped with control pick-up: Paul Weber,  Tom, Roman, Evgueny, Artem, Don, Joseph and Ruth, Ken.

The pts column is the total number of points, computed by subtracting the penalties (column pen) from the total points (column ptt).

Course: Short

 #. Name                   Time  pts ptt pen
 1. Ron Brown             41:44   56  56   0  3#40   6#41   8#42  11#43   9#44   9#45   6#46   4#60
                                             01:23  02:46  06:22  09:39  13:24  18:40  29:21  37:13
                                             01:23  01:23  03:36  03:17  03:45  05:16  10:41  07:52

Course: Medium

 #. Name                   Time  pts ptt pen
 1. Vladimir Stemkovski   60:26  380 385   5  3#61   4#78  10#79  14#62  15#63  20#64  20#65  23#66  22#67  20#68  14#70  13#71  16#69  13#74  12#73  11#43   8#42  11#72   8#75   6#76   4#77   6#41   3#40   8#57   9#58  12#56  12#55  13#54  14#53  15#52  12#49  10#59   4#60
                                             01:06  01:43  03:24  04:39  06:22  08:56  10:11  12:51  14:45  15:55  18:59  20:50  22:50  24:53  26:27  27:46  29:37  31:50  32:42  33:30  34:31  35:36  36:53  40:07  42:04  44:37  45:22  49:24  50:59  53:02  54:27  54:57  55:27
                                             01:06  00:37  01:41  01:15  01:43  02:34  01:15  02:40  01:54  01:10  03:04  01:51  02:00  02:03  01:34  01:19  01:51  02:13  00:52  00:48  01:01  01:05  01:17  03:14  01:57  02:33  00:45  04:02  01:35  02:03  01:25  00:30  00:30
 2. Donald Childrey       57:20  361 361   0  6#46   4#60   8#47  11#48  12#50  16#51  15#52  12#49  14#53  13#54  12#55  12#56   4#78  14#62  15#63  23#66  22#67  20#68  16#69  13#74  12#73  11#43   8#42   8#75   6#76  13#71  10#79   4#77   6#41   9#44   9#45   3#40
                                             02:35  04:18  06:24  08:49  09:49  10:36  12:19  13:37  15:10  16:40  18:44  19:33  22:38  24:43  26:44  30:30  33:02  34:01  35:47  37:45  38:49  40:25  41:41  43:07  44:04  45:38  47:06  49:18  50:16  51:50  52:27  52:57
                                             02:35  01:43  02:06  02:25  01:00  00:47  01:43  01:18  01:33  01:30  02:04  00:49  03:05  02:05  02:01  03:46  02:32  00:59  01:46  01:58  01:04  01:36  01:16  01:26  00:57  01:34  01:28  02:12  00:58  01:34  00:37  00:30
 3. Josef Trzicky         56:38  345 345   0  3#40   6#41   4#77   6#76   8#75  11#72  13#71  10#79  14#62  15#63  20#64  20#65  23#66  22#67  20#68  16#69  14#70  13#74  12#73  11#43   8#42   9#44   9#45   4#60  10#59   9#58  12#56  12#55   8#57   3#61
                                             00:46  01:32  02:36  04:09  05:02  06:22  07:59  09:24  10:56  12:43  14:53  16:38  18:16  20:11  21:20  24:03  26:22  29:10  30:26  32:21  34:02  36:07  38:48  42:14  44:31  46:01  48:00  48:53  51:53  54:04
                                             00:46  00:46  01:04  01:33  00:53  01:20  01:37  01:25  01:32  01:47  02:10  01:45  01:38  01:55  01:09  02:43  02:19  02:48  01:16  01:55  01:41  02:05  02:41  03:26  02:17  01:30  01:59  00:53  03:00  02:11
 4. Roman Kraus           60:53  295 300   5  4#77   6#76   8#75  11#72  12#73  13#74  16#69  20#68  22#67  23#66  20#65  20#64  15#63  14#70  13#71  10#79  14#62   4#78  12#55  12#56  13#54  14#53   4#60
                                             02:52  04:55  06:00  07:24  10:40  11:59  14:27  16:23  17:55  19:54  22:45  23:54  26:56  31:27  33:13  34:56  36:55  41:00  46:58  48:06  51:25  54:13  58:32
                                             02:52  02:03  01:05  01:24  03:16  01:19  02:28  01:56  01:32  01:59  02:51  01:09  03:02  04:31  01:46  01:43  01:59  04:05  05:58  01:08  03:19  02:48  04:19
 5. Jeffrey Eichman       61:27  259 274  15  3#61   4#78  10#79  14#62  15#63  20#64  20#65  23#66  22#67  20#68  16#69  14#70  13#71   8#75   4#77   8#42  12#73  13#74  11#43   9#44   9#45   6#41
                                             02:50  04:31  08:12  09:58  11:39  13:33  14:53  17:10  19:03  21:36  23:54  26:36  31:18  33:32  36:13  40:28  42:36  44:00  46:10  47:51  56:20  59:01
                                             02:50  01:41  03:41  01:46  01:41  01:54  01:20  02:17  01:53  02:33  02:18  02:42  04:42  02:14  02:41  04:15  02:08  01:24  02:10  01:41  08:29  02:41
 6. Artem Kazantsev       60:04  258 263   5  3#61   4#78  14#62  15#63  20#64  20#65  23#66  22#67  16#69  13#74  12#73  11#43   8#42  10#59  12#49  12#50  16#51  15#52   8#47   6#46   3#40
                                             01:37  02:38  10:14  11:43  13:20  14:29  17:05  19:07  21:37  24:23  25:36  27:38  29:30  37:09  38:38  41:10  42:03  43:44  49:31  55:05  59:20
                                             01:37  01:01  07:36  01:29  01:37  01:09  02:36  02:02  02:30  02:46  01:13  02:02  01:52  07:39  01:29  02:32  00:53  01:41  05:47  05:34  04:15
 7. Ken. Hanson           54:31  251 251   0  3#61   4#78  14#62  15#63  20#65  20#64  23#66  20#68  22#67  16#69  14#70  13#71   8#75   6#76   4#77   6#41   8#42  12#73  11#43   9#44   3#40
                                             02:08  04:05  06:31  09:19  12:28  14:20  17:18  22:06  23:11  27:31  30:28  32:43  34:33  35:52  38:10  39:45  41:57  44:41  46:50  49:42  53:15
                                             02:08  01:57  02:26  02:48  03:09  01:52  02:58  04:48  01:05  04:20  02:57  02:15  01:50  01:19  02:18  01:35  02:12  02:44  02:09  02:52  03:33
 8. Terese Camp           54:30  251 251   0  3#61   4#78  14#62  15#63  20#65  20#64  23#66  20#68  22#67  16#69  14#70  13#71   8#75   6#76   4#77   6#41   8#42  12#73  11#43   9#44   3#40
                                             02:12  04:10  07:13  09:22  12:33  14:27  17:17  22:05  23:13  27:33  30:29  32:46  34:27  35:57  38:17  39:52  41:55  44:43  46:49  49:38  53:20
                                             02:12  01:58  03:03  02:09  03:11  01:54  02:50  04:48  01:08  04:20  02:56  02:17  01:41  01:30  02:20  01:35  02:03  02:48  02:06  02:49  03:42
 9. Thomas Hibbert        56:44  251 251   0  3#61   4#78  14#62  15#63  20#64  20#65  23#66  22#67  20#68  16#69  14#70  13#71   6#76   8#75  11#72  13#74  12#73   8#42   6#41   3#40
                                             03:25  05:18  10:44  13:12  16:46  19:24  22:26  25:23  26:45  31:00  33:56  37:06  39:36  41:38  44:14  46:46  48:26  51:15  53:00  54:50
                                             03:25  01:53  05:26  02:28  03:34  02:38  03:02  02:57  01:22  04:15  02:56  03:10  02:30  02:02  02:36  02:32  01:40  02:49  01:45  01:50
10. Joseph Huberman       58:34  225 225   0  3#61  12#55  12#56  13#54  14#53  15#52  16#51  12#50  11#48   4#60   4#78  14#62  15#63  20#64  20#65  10#79  13#71   8#42   6#41   3#40
                                             02:43  07:30  08:43  11:46  14:19  17:34  19:59  22:08  27:26  31:56  35:11  38:30  40:21  43:22  44:45  50:49  52:30  55:14  56:35  57:25
                                             02:43  04:47  01:13  03:03  02:33  03:15  02:25  02:09  05:18  04:30  03:15  03:19  01:51  03:01  01:23  06:04  01:41  02:44  01:21  00:50
11. Evgueni Kountikov     57:53  211 211   0  3#40   6#41   8#42  12#73  11#43   9#44   9#45   6#46   8#47  11#48  12#50  16#51  15#52  14#53  13#54  12#55  12#56   9#58  10#59   8#57   3#61   4#78
                                             00:51  01:38  02:57  05:16  07:09  09:23  12:16  14:54  17:12  21:37  23:10  26:14  29:11  32:21  35:08  38:45  40:09  44:04  46:41  51:47  53:58  55:38
                                             00:51  00:47  01:19  02:19  01:53  02:14  02:53  02:38  02:18  04:25  01:33  03:04  02:57  03:10  02:47  03:37  01:24  03:55  02:37  05:06  02:11  01:40
12. David Butler          52:06  210 210   0 10#79  23#66  22#67  20#68  16#69  13#74  12#73  11#43   8#42   8#75  11#72  13#71   6#76   4#77   6#41   9#44   9#45   6#46   3#40
                                             03:27  08:46  11:25  12:45  14:52  17:20  19:19  21:36  23:10  24:50  26:22  30:06  32:56  34:43  35:33  38:25  42:12  45:51  49:54
                                             03:27  05:19  02:39  01:20  02:07  02:28  01:59  02:17  01:34  01:40  01:32  03:44  02:50  01:47  00:50  02:52  03:47  03:39  04:03
13. Ken Walsh             58:55  207 207   0  3#61   8#57   9#58  10#59  12#49  15#52  16#51  12#50  11#48   8#47   6#46   9#45   9#44  11#43  12#73  13#74  11#72  13#71  10#79   3#40   6#41
                                             03:39  07:05  10:04  11:55  13:53  16:28  18:33  20:06  22:55  25:33  29:09  32:21  34:30  36:46  38:29  40:17  42:42  47:08  49:45  54:37  57:13
                                             03:39  03:26  02:59  01:51  01:58  02:35  02:05  01:33  02:49  02:38  03:36  03:12  02:09  02:16  01:43  01:48  02:25  04:26  02:37  04:52  02:36
14. Miles Deforest        57:17  199 199   0  3#40   6#41   8#42  11#43  12#73  13#74  16#69  20#68  22#67  14#70  23#66  15#63  14#62   4#78   9#44   9#45
                                             00:56  01:44  03:30  05:49  07:59  09:37  12:27  16:52  18:55  33:24  38:51  43:10  45:06  47:58  53:26  55:13
                                             00:56  00:48  01:46  02:19  02:10  01:38  02:50  04:25  02:03  14:29  05:27  04:19  01:56  02:52  05:28  01:47
15. David Notts           60:15  161 166   5  3#61   4#78   4#77   6#76   8#75  11#72  16#69  20#68  22#67  20#65  20#64  23#66   6#41   3#40
                                             02:55  08:10  12:23  14:40  17:10  22:50  27:16  33:02  34:28  39:54  41:14  43:35  57:38  59:10
                                             02:55  05:15  04:13  02:17  02:30  05:40  04:26  05:46  01:26  05:26  01:20  02:21  14:03  01:32
16. William Ebenstein     60:52  154 159   5  3#61  14#62  20#64  20#65  23#66  22#67  20#68  15#63  10#79   3#40   9#45
                                             03:14  10:09  20:14  22:56  28:07  34:18  36:35  43:29  47:11  52:19  57:55
                                             03:14  06:55  10:05  02:42  05:11  06:11  02:17  06:54  03:42  05:08  05:36
17. Ruth Bromer           57:48  138 138   0  3#61  10#79  13#71  14#70  16#69  15#63  14#62  10#59  12#49  12#50  11#48   8#47
                                             02:52  08:56  11:08  15:14  18:20  27:59  30:15  38:32  41:05  43:47  49:39  52:17
                                             02:52  06:04  02:12  04:06  03:06  09:39  02:16  08:17  02:33  02:42  05:52  02:38
18. Paul Weber            57:44  128 128   0  3#40   6#41   4#77   6#76   8#75  11#72  13#74  16#69  20#68  12#73  11#43   9#44   9#45
                                             03:23  05:59  07:52  11:40  16:17  19:03  22:54  26:13  32:34  40:41  44:13  48:17  53:57
                                             03:23  02:36  01:53  03:48  04:37  02:46  03:51  03:19  06:21  08:07  03:32  04:04  05:40
19. Tatyana Stemkovski    52:28  112 112   0  3#40   6#41   8#42  12#73  13#74  11#72  13#71  14#70  10#79  14#62   4#78   4#77
                                             01:43  04:09  07:40  12:11  17:08  22:12  26:33  30:38  34:39  38:48  43:33  47:46
                                             01:43  02:26  03:31  04:31  04:57  05:04  04:21  04:05  04:01  04:09  04:45  04:13
20. Matthew Harmody       60:16  101 106   5  6#41   4#60   8#47  11#48  12#49  13#54  12#55   3#61   4#78  10#79   8#42  12#73   3#40
                                             02:36  05:54  09:43  13:23  15:58  32:16  36:29  40:24  43:44  50:33  54:55  56:53  59:26
                                             02:36  03:18  03:49  03:40  02:35  16:18  04:13  03:55  03:20  06:49  04:22  01:58  02:33
21. Melanie Wright        58:32   93  93   0  6#46   8#47  11#48  12#50  16#51  15#52  12#49  10#59   3#40
                                             07:31  13:41  21:59  26:32  32:21  37:53  41:45  51:03  57:19
                                             07:31  06:10  08:18  04:33  05:49  05:32  03:52  09:18  06:16

Course: Long

 #. Name                   Time  pts ptt pen
 1. Charles Scharlau      58:47  188 188   0  6#41  11#43  12#73  16#69  22#67  20#65  20#64  23#66  14#70  11#72  13#74   8#42   9#44   3#40
                                             02:22  06:35  08:22  13:25  20:23  26:08  31:41  36:25  41:15  45:43  48:19  52:04  54:40  57:24
                                             02:22  04:13  01:47  05:03  06:58  05:45  05:33  04:44  04:50  04:28  02:36  03:45  02:36  02:44

3 Responses to “Bond Park Night-O Results”

  1. Thanks, Mihai — it was fun. I like Bond park much better for Night-O !

  2. What great fun. The water sure was deeper than I expected, especially at a rootstock where I slid 2 ft. down into the puddle. Bond Park was plenty challenging at night. I had a great time.

  3. Mihai, Love the Night-O’s. Glad you extended the time and put out tons-o-controls. Bond is better at night vs day but not as intimidating as Lake Johnson in the rain last year. Best part was seeing Josef swimming across the creek between controls 58 & 56… thats impressive.