Lake Johnson Night-O
First and foremost, I owe everybody an apology for the long-delayed post, I did not have time to finish the script that was computing the results.
Despite the weather, a good number of people showed up, and everybody was in good spirits. For a moment I thought we were going to be really lucky – the rain almost stopped around 2:30PM, when I went to pick up the maps from Kinko’s. However, by the time I started to hang controls, around 4:30, the rain was in full force, and it lasted probably enough to get me drenched to the bone. Right before the event start, however, the rain seemed to taper off a bit. The cloud cover was glowing from city lights, so at least we did not have a very dark event.
Something we will have to address in the future, especially in cold weather, is sticking to the schedule. I waited for late participants, and after explaining the rules and moving to the mass-start location, we ended up starting a few minutes before 20:00. I am sure people dressed for running did not appreciate the delay.
I think I over-complicated things a bit too – the odd/even type of event was probably OK for Lake Johnson during the day, but it was way too much for a night-o. I do believe it’s an interesting twist that will allow us to run longer score-o events in small parks, but in this case 34 controls spread out on both sides of the park were probably enough even for the fastest runners.
As several people pointed out, there were several mistakes too. I misplaced the easiest control (#41) because, being the easiest, I did not hang ribbons for it, and I placed the control right before the start, with no flashlight. Then, control #55 was placed about 25m East of the location on the map (and in this case, the map was wrong). Finally, control #42 may have been too far down the reentrant (even though I did pace-count trying to get it right).
Many thanks to everybody who generously helped throughout the event: Terese Camp with registration, Roman Kraus, Bob May, Sandro Gisler, Artem Kazantsev, Vladimir Stemkovski, Ruth Bromer and Ken. Hanson with control pick-up, Joseph Huberman for reviewing the map and fixing the print layout.
The “pts” column is the number of points after the penalties were deducted; “ptt” is total number of points, “pen” is the total penalty.
The format for a control punch in the lines below: the number of points#control number (number of points can be 0 if picked up twice or out of order), the total time and the split time for the control (on separate lines).
Please let me know if you spot inaccuracies in the results.
Course: Short
#. Name Time pts ptt pen 1. Ruth Bromer 41:39 107 107 0 3#48 10#49 15#50 7#51 10#52 7#46 15#45 6#44 3#43 5#41 16#42 10#47 01:29 03:03 06:54 13:02 15:19 19:35 24:22 27:21 28:40 29:39 35:45 39:02 01:29 01:34 03:51 06:08 02:17 04:16 04:47 02:59 01:19 00:59 06:06 03:17 2. Thomas Hibbert 34:58 92 92 0 3#43 5#41 16#42 10#47 10#49 3#48 15#50 7#46 7#51 10#52 6#44 01:00 01:57 04:57 07:35 10:36 12:03 14:33 19:21 22:26 24:49 32:17 01:00 00:57 03:00 02:38 03:01 01:27 02:30 04:48 03:05 02:23 07:28 3. Nathan Robbins 57:22 -63 107 170 3#48 10#49 10#47 16#42 5#41 3#43 6#44 15#45 7#46 7#51 10#52 15#50 05:31 07:36 11:12 18:22 25:25 27:24 29:10 33:58 37:51 40:43 44:15 51:38 05:31 02:05 03:36 07:10 07:03 01:59 01:46 04:48 03:53 02:52 03:32 07:23 4. Ben Benedict 57:53 -82 88 170 10#49 10#47 5#41 3#43 6#44 15#45 7#46 7#51 10#52 15#50 0#45 07:15 11:21 18:20 20:25 22:47 28:39 33:42 36:07 38:38 48:48 54:43 07:15 04:06 06:59 02:05 02:22 05:52 05:03 02:25 02:31 10:10 05:55 5. Susan Swagger 67:30 -314 91 405 3#48 10#49 10#47 5#41 3#43 6#44 7#46 7#51 10#52 15#50 15#45 03:08 04:37 11:00 27:49 29:05 30:54 34:30 36:29 39:03 58:55 63:48 03:08 01:29 06:23 16:49 01:16 01:49 03:36 01:59 02:34 19:52 04:53
Course: Medium
#. Name Time pts ptt pen 1. Donald Childrey 64:44 511 556 45 3#43 20#66 25#67 35#68 40#69 40#70 40#71 45#72 35#73 33#74 32#75 6#44 7#46 7#51 34#65 35#64 36#62 38#61 20#53 10#52 15#45 01:45 07:46 10:40 15:16 19:29 20:09 22:58 25:17 31:57 34:18 37:36 43:14 44:58 46:19 48:40 50:38 52:21 54:02 56:49 59:23 63:29 01:45 06:01 02:54 04:36 04:13 00:40 02:49 02:19 06:40 02:21 03:18 05:38 01:44 01:21 02:21 01:58 01:43 01:41 02:47 02:34 04:06 2. Jeffrey Eichman 64:42 511 556 45 3#43 20#66 25#67 35#68 40#69 40#70 40#71 45#72 35#73 33#74 32#75 6#44 7#46 7#51 34#65 35#64 36#62 38#61 20#53 10#52 15#45 01:49 07:32 11:02 12:50 19:18 20:06 23:09 25:15 32:07 34:21 37:31 43:12 45:03 46:23 48:48 50:54 52:19 54:06 56:54 59:30 63:33 01:49 05:43 03:30 01:48 06:28 00:48 03:03 02:06 06:52 02:14 03:10 05:41 01:51 01:20 02:25 02:06 01:25 01:47 02:48 02:36 04:03 3. Patrick Downie 65:35 491 546 55 3#43 20#66 25#67 35#68 40#69 40#70 40#71 45#72 35#73 33#74 32#75 6#44 7#46 7#51 34#65 35#64 36#62 38#61 20#53 15#45 01:47 07:54 10:50 12:47 19:27 20:13 23:16 25:18 32:14 34:25 37:40 43:17 45:03 46:27 48:57 50:55 52:28 54:13 57:30 64:07 01:47 06:07 02:56 01:57 06:40 00:46 03:03 02:02 06:56 02:11 03:15 05:37 01:46 01:24 02:30 01:58 01:33 01:45 03:17 06:37 4. Bob May 64:41 442 487 45 3#43 6#44 5#41 20#66 25#67 35#68 40#69 40#70 40#71 45#72 35#73 33#74 32#75 15#45 7#46 7#51 10#52 20#53 35#64 34#65 00:46 01:45 03:24 05:58 10:54 12:18 17:23 18:19 25:20 30:20 36:34 39:12 42:10 47:48 49:43 51:19 53:04 55:58 57:12 58:27 00:46 00:59 01:39 02:34 04:56 01:24 05:05 00:56 07:01 05:00 06:14 02:38 02:58 05:38 01:55 01:36 01:45 02:54 01:14 01:15 5. Artem Kazantsev 57:23 397 397 0 20#66 32#75 35#73 45#72 40#71 40#70 40#69 35#68 25#67 16#42 10#47 10#49 15#50 15#45 7#46 6#44 3#43 3#48 04:28 07:32 12:39 19:42 21:44 24:31 25:04 30:30 33:09 39:57 41:50 43:50 46:02 48:12 51:21 53:37 54:44 56:26 04:28 03:04 05:07 07:03 02:02 02:47 00:33 05:26 02:39 06:48 01:53 02:00 02:12 02:10 03:09 02:16 01:07 01:42 6. Vladimir Stemkovski 58:46 391 391 0 3#43 20#66 32#75 33#74 35#73 35#68 40#69 40#70 40#71 45#72 5#41 3#48 10#49 15#50 7#51 7#46 15#45 6#44 00:41 04:55 07:10 09:53 11:49 16:08 20:35 21:18 24:34 26:29 36:52 44:00 44:51 46:34 49:46 52:13 55:12 57:04 00:41 04:14 02:15 02:43 01:56 04:19 04:27 00:43 03:16 01:55 10:23 07:08 00:51 01:43 03:12 02:27 02:59 01:52 7. Evgueni Kountikov 64:45 363 408 45 3#48 10#49 10#47 3#43 6#44 15#50 15#45 7#46 7#51 10#52 28#55 30#54 32#56 33#57 30#63 36#62 38#61 40#60 35#64 20#53 00:53 01:49 04:01 14:06 15:08 20:43 23:37 25:31 26:48 28:32 32:05 36:04 39:06 41:40 43:38 46:24 49:28 51:29 55:47 57:32 00:53 00:56 02:12 10:05 01:02 05:35 02:54 01:54 01:17 01:44 03:33 03:59 03:02 02:34 01:58 02:46 03:04 02:01 04:18 01:45 8. Ryan Stagner 60:05 244 249 5 5#41 3#43 10#47 10#49 7#51 20#53 33#57 34#59 38#61 30#63 34#65 25#67 01:38 02:14 05:33 07:04 11:55 15:45 22:50 27:26 32:58 34:52 38:52 49:50 01:38 00:36 03:19 01:31 04:51 03:50 07:05 04:36 05:32 01:54 04:00 10:58 9. Roman Kraus 61:14 239 254 15 10#47 3#48 10#49 15#50 15#45 7#46 6#44 3#43 5#41 20#66 32#75 33#74 35#73 35#68 25#67 02:49 04:12 05:15 07:44 17:03 19:47 22:17 23:22 24:15 27:17 31:48 35:17 49:36 53:49 56:06 02:49 01:23 01:03 02:29 09:19 02:44 02:30 01:05 00:53 03:02 04:31 03:29 14:19 04:13 02:17 10. Ken. Hanson 60:12 208 213 5 3#43 20#66 25#67 35#68 40#69 40#70 45#72 5#41 00:50 05:53 11:48 14:11 21:31 22:25 46:40 58:10 00:50 05:03 05:55 02:23 07:20 00:54 24:15 11:30 11. Terese Camp 60:09 208 213 5 3#43 20#66 25#67 35#68 40#69 40#70 45#72 5#41 0#43 00:52 05:47 11:51 14:16 21:10 22:29 46:47 58:08 59:04 00:52 04:55 06:04 02:25 06:54 01:19 24:18 11:21 00:56 12. William Ebenstein 68:50 106 206 100 3#48 10#49 15#50 35#64 38#61 40#60 34#59 31#58 01:19 02:49 05:41 23:10 31:06 35:17 40:49 46:59 01:19 01:30 02:52 17:29 07:56 04:11 05:32 06:10
Course: Long
#. Name Time pts ptt pen 1. Brian Thompson 59:59 406 406 0 20#66 35#68 45#72 40#70 40#69 40#71 35#73 32#75 25#67 5#41 3#43 15#45 7#51 20#53 34#65 10#49 0#48 04:32 08:24 13:23 16:23 17:04 19:51 28:13 31:57 35:26 40:09 40:48 43:27 46:11 49:53 51:56 58:22 59:18 04:32 03:52 04:59 03:00 00:41 02:47 08:22 03:44 03:29 04:43 00:39 02:39 02:44 03:42 02:03 06:26 00:56 2. Michael Madigan 60:55 278 283 5 10#49 10#47 3#43 15#45 7#51 34#65 20#53 30#63 33#57 34#59 38#61 36#62 7#46 6#44 02:01 05:23 08:59 13:36 17:00 21:18 23:15 26:11 28:27 34:12 43:00 44:43 57:17 59:30 02:01 03:22 03:36 04:37 03:24 04:18 01:57 02:56 02:16 05:45 08:48 01:43 12:34 02:13 3. Sandro Gisler 59:32 256 256 0 7#46 6#44 35#68 45#72 40#70 40#69 40#71 10#47 10#49 15#45 3#43 5#41 03:20 05:27 15:12 18:58 22:20 22:56 26:17 48:50 50:55 54:37 57:13 58:01 03:20 02:07 09:45 03:46 03:22 00:36 03:21 22:33 02:05 03:42 02:36 00:48