05-03-2009 Results

Filed under: Event Results by admin on May 4th, 2009

Not many people came to the event, but those who did enjoyed good warm (not too hot) weather and some unique orienteering challenges. 9 out of 32 controls were not printed on the map and only their legends could had been used to located them (or luck). As it appeared, luck didn’t play such a big role after all. In order to find bonus controls orienteers had to deliberately look for them and plan their route in such a way as to visit as many “possible spots” as possible. But when they did so, they controls were not that hard to come by.

8 out of 9 hidden controls were found at least once, with majority found by several orienteers!

Special thanks to Michael, who helped with the controls pickup.

Vladimir and Tanya.

Results for 1 hour limit

Start Finish Points Time Penalty Score
Thomas Hibbert 12:41:34 13:40:39 120 0:59:05 0 120
Michael Stemkovski 12:32:12 13:26:21 110 0:54:09 0 110
Joe Halloran 12:30:01 13:27:56 95 0:57:55 0 95
Ron Brown 13:14:31 14:17:52 90 1:03:21 4 86
Prakash Bhave 13:18:48 14:27:12 100 1:08:24 25 75

Results for 1.5 hour limit

Start Finish Points Time Penalty Score
Brian Thompson 12:17:01 13:40:33 330 1:23:32 0 330
Patrik Heuman 12:44:53 14:20:08 265 1:35:15 10 255
Chris Kreider 12:02:32 13:29:41 240 1:27:09 0 240
Nadia Scharlau 12:31:32 13:52:54 225 1:21:22 0 225
Charles Scharlau 12:29:43 14:04:06 220 1:34:23 5 215
Ken Walsh 12:05:58 13:34:57 190 1:28:59 0 190
William Ebenstein 13:12:28 14:45:08 160 1:32:40 3 157
Richard Stuart 12:01:25 13:35:29 130 1:34:04 5 125
Paul Weber 12:48:56 14:16:56 95 1:28:00 0 95


First name name start time Finish time No. of punches 1.CN 1.Time 2.CN 2.Time 3.CN 3.Time 4.CN 4.Time 5.CN 5.Time 6.CN 6.Time 7.CN 7.Time 8.CN 8.Time 9.CN 9.Time 10.CN 10.Time 11.CN 11.Time 12.CN 12.Time 13.CN 13.Time 14.CN 14.Time 15.CN 15.Time 16.CN 16.Time 17.CN 17.Time 18.CN 18.Time 19.CN 19.Time 20.CN 20.Time 21.CN 21.Time 22.CN 22.Time 23.CN 23.Time 24.CN 24.Time
Michael Stemkovski 12:32:12 13:26:21 9 71 12:32:52 50 12:39:05 52 12:52:54 67 12:55:05 53 12:58:19 54 13:03:21 44 13:16:34 41 13:19:42 45 13:24:12
Joe Halloran 12:30:01 13:27:56 10 41 12:31:41 43 12:36:31 46 12:43:50 42 12:50:24 62 12:57:51 57 13:04:51 60 13:08:39 63 13:16:03 56 13:21:18 44 13:25:50
Chris Kreider 12:02:32 13:29:41 19 41 12:03:49 43 12:07:43 46 12:12:50 42 12:17:10 47 12:21:51 62 12:25:36 57 12:31:37 59 12:37:23 60 12:41:24 58 12:45:28 61 12:49:42 55 12:58:05 53 13:03:28 54 13:06:53 50 13:15:52 52 13:17:25 45 13:21:33 71 13:23:46 49 13:27:04
Ken Walsh 12:05:58 13:34:57 16 41 12:06:53 43 12:12:20 46 12:17:40 47 12:22:44 62 12:25:57 63 12:36:29 57 12:42:49 60 12:46:00 58 12:56:02 61 12:59:27 55 13:06:40 52 13:12:36 50 13:14:45 49 13:20:04 48 13:24:48 71 13:28:34
Richard Stuart 12:01:25 13:35:29 10 41 12:02:51 44 12:04:43 42 12:09:19 46 12:16:19 62 12:29:15 63 12:36:48 57 12:47:10 59 13:00:55 74 13:03:25 58 13:13:12
Brian Thompson 12:17:01 13:40:33 24 41 12:17:56 43 12:21:23 46 12:26:17 42 12:30:40 72 12:33:22 47 12:34:26 62 12:38:28 57 12:43:54 60 12:48:09 59 12:50:18 58 12:55:04 61 12:58:31 73 13:01:05 65 13:04:33 64 13:06:01 63 13:07:07 53 13:12:28 54 13:14:31 67 13:18:33 52 13:19:55 49 13:27:00 48 13:31:04 44 13:36:26 45 13:38:16
Thomas Hibbert 12:41:34 13:40:39 12 41 12:43:06 44 12:45:35 42 12:50:19 46 12:55:49 47 13:02:15 62 13:07:01 63 13:13:06 55 13:20:17 52 13:27:20 50 13:29:31 49 13:37:08 71 13:39:42
Nadia Scharlau 12:31:32 13:52:54 17 41 12:32:41 43 12:35:38 46 12:39:35 42 12:43:35 47 12:46:35 62 12:49:31 63 12:51:52 57 12:55:16 60 12:58:16 59 13:00:49 58 13:05:08 61 13:15:40 53 13:23:32 54 13:25:26 71 13:41:20 49 13:47:08 48 13:50:31
Charles Scharlau 12:29:43 14:04:06 18 41 12:30:45 45 12:32:57 52 12:36:07 51 12:43:55 50 12:46:16 54 12:59:20 53 13:01:17 55 13:07:22 61 13:13:10 58 13:16:21 59 13:20:26 60 13:23:05 57 13:32:18 62 13:37:08 63 13:43:19 42 13:49:47 44 13:53:17 71 14:03:25
Paul Weber 12:48:56 14:16:56 10 41 12:50:18 44 12:52:43 45 12:56:17 42 13:07:19 43 13:18:36 46 13:33:11 47 13:41:02 62 13:50:53 63 13:55:36 57 14:04:18
Ron Brown 13:14:31 14:17:52 9 41 13:16:33 44 13:18:40 45 13:22:01 52 13:28:37 50 13:31:39 51 13:45:29 54 13:55:02 53 14:01:12 55 14:07:55
Patrik Heuman 12:44:53 14:20:08 20 41 12:45:50 45 12:48:10 44 12:52:02 70 12:55:02 42 12:59:45 43 13:07:03 46 13:11:34 47 13:18:09 62 13:21:05 65 13:26:38 57 13:33:35 60 13:37:22 59 13:42:21 74 13:45:17 58 13:47:41 61 13:51:09 73 13:56:10 63 14:00:39 55 14:04:51 53 14:10:00
Prakash Bhave 13:18:48 14:27:12 9 41 13:19:45 42 13:30:06 46 13:34:54 47 13:39:46 62 13:43:20 63 13:48:14 57 13:56:45 60 14:01:44 59 14:05:54
William Ebenstein 13:12:28 14:45:08 13 41 13:14:16 44 13:16:42 45 13:20:39 52 13:28:15 50 13:33:09 67 13:39:25 53 13:44:22 54 13:48:37 55 14:01:07 65 14:16:38 57 14:24:19 64 14:29:41 62 14:35:08

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