On Saturday we shifted gears to do fox-orienteering. Dave Waller designed some challenging courses for us.
Several competitors complained that the frequency on some transmitters was slightly off, enough that the transmitters couldn’t be heard on the nominal frequency. We are investigating that issue.
ARDF 2021 US & Region 2 Championship – Fox-o, Results
W-19 180 min (7 Controls)
1 Adalia Schafrath-Craig 6 p (57:27) 2049374 2 Elizabeth Afonkin 4 p (111:46) 2005050
W-45 180 min (8 Controls)
1 Alla Mezhevaya 6 p (142:27) 2068509
W-55 180 min (7 Controls)
1 Kelly L Sears KN4PAE 6 p (73:21) 2049364 2 Nadia Scharlau KO4ADV 5 p (68:56) 2005018
W-65 180 min (7 Controls)
1 Ruth Bromer WB4QZG 6 p (64:51) 2005002
M-21 180 min (11 Controls)
1 Norbert Linke 10 p (64:33) 830320 2 Gheorghe Fala 10 p (81:16) 8400555 3 William Allen KG4OQO 10 p (81:21) 2005060 4 Eduard Nasybulin 10 p (102:16) 7207970
M-40 180 min (10 Controls)
1 Matthew Craig 9 p (66:37) 7000530 2 Kenneth Harker WM5R 9 p (99:52) 9102215 3 Imre Polik KX4SO 9 p (108:35) 7300514 4 Joseph Burkhead KE8MKR 9 p (138:58) 2015732
M-50 180 min (10 Controls)
1 Alexander Myachin 9 p (73:59) 8115745 2 Vadim Afonkin KB1RLI 9 p (78:47) 2017848 3 Iurii Kolesnykov 9 p (90:48) 2068508 4 Patrick R Sears AK4JE 9 p (124:47) 2073217 5 Matthew Robbins AA9YH 9 p (128:35) 8004417 6 Nicolai Mejevoi 9 p (130:14) 2017675
M-60 180 min (8 Controls)
1 Michael Minium 7 p (61:23) 8004401 2 Bill Wright WB6CMD 7 p (82:55) 46691 3 Gerald Boyd WB8WFK 4 p (100:53) 247347
M-70 180 min (7 Controls)
1 Joseph Huberman K5JGH 6 p (46:58) 2005005 2 Ian Shields 6 p (78:45) 2013535 3 Robert Frey WA6EZV 6 p (80:10) 8004503
ARDF 2021 US & Region 2 Championship – Fox-o, Split times
W-19 (2) 180 min 7 C max 6 p Pl Name / Club Time 1 Adalia Schafrath-Craig 6 p (57:27) 124 (1 p) 123 (1 p) 122 (1 p) 120 (1 p) 125 (1 p) 127 (1 p) 188 Finish 6:16 6:16 10:44 4:28 15:58 5:14 21:35 5:37 30:35 9:00 44:41 14:06 57:14 12:33 57:27 0:13 2 Elizabeth Afonkin 4 p (111:46) 123 (1 p) 122 (1 p) 120 (1 p) 125 (1 p) 188 Finish 16:27 16:27 42:46 26:19 47:27 4:41 93:26 45:59 111:37 18:11 111:46 0:09
W-45 (1) 180 min 8 C max 7 p Pl Name / Club Time 1 Alla Mezhevaya 6 p (142:27) 124 (1 p) 127 (1 p) 125 (1 p) 129 (1 p) 121 (1 p) 123 (1 p) 188 Finish 9:33 9:33 20:14 10:41 31:09 10:55 68:19 37:10 83:45 15:26 131:00 47:15 142:02 11:02 142:27 0:25 120 40:11
W-55 (2) 180 min 7 C max 6 p Pl Name / Club Time 1 Kelly L Sears 6 p (73:21) 123 (1 p) 122 (1 p) 120 (1 p) 125 (1 p) 127 (1 p) 124 (1 p) 188 Finish KN4PAE 14:59 14:59 22:31 7:32 30:02 7:31 48:29 18:27 58:05 9:36 67:12 9:07 73:00 5:48 73:21 0:21 2 Nadia Scharlau 5 p (68:56) 124 (1 p) 123 (1 p) 122 (1 p) 120 (1 p) 125 (1 p) 188 Finish KO4ADV 6:41 6:41 12:17 5:36 15:07 2:50 24:27 9:20 33:30 9:03 68:31 35:01 68:56 0:25
W-65 (1) 180 min 7 C max 6 p Pl Name / Club Time 1 Ruth Bromer 6 p (64:51) 124 (1 p) 123 (1 p) 122 (1 p) 120 (1 p) 125 (1 p) 127 (1 p) 188 Finish WB4QZG 8:06 8:06 13:27 5:21 18:16 4:49 24:56 6:40 42:25 17:29 51:51 9:26 64:31 12:40 64:51 0:20
M-21 (4) 180 min 11 C max 10 p Pl Name / Club Time 1 Norbert Linke 10 p (64:33) 124 (1 p) 125 (1 p) 120 (1 p) 121 (1 p) 180 (1 p) 182 (1 p) 183 (1 p) 129 (1 p) 128 (1 p) 181 (1 p) 4:06 4:06 14:02 9:56 17:00 2:58 20:42 3:42 26:00 5:18 33:00 7:00 38:59 5:59 44:54 5:55 48:54 4:00 55:42 6:48 188 Finish 64:20 8:38 64:33 0:13 2 Gheorghe Fala 10 p (81:16) 124 (1 p) 125 (1 p) 120 (1 p) 121 (1 p) 180 (1 p) 182 (1 p) 183 (1 p) 129 (1 p) 128 (1 p) 181 (1 p) 4:02 4:02 15:17 11:15 18:09 2:52 25:20 7:11 34:37 9:17 41:52 7:15 56:47 14:55 66:37 9:50 69:14 2:37 73:08 3:54 188 Finish 81:07 7:59 81:16 0:09 3 William Allen 10 p (81:21) 124 (1 p) 181 (1 p) 128 (1 p) 129 (1 p) 183 (1 p) 182 (1 p) 180 (1 p) 121 (1 p) 120 (1 p) 125 (1 p) KG4OQO 5:43 5:43 14:21 8:38 19:27 5:06 24:14 4:47 27:51 3:37 37:25 9:34 50:22 12:57 56:51 6:29 61:47 4:56 71:03 9:16 188 Finish 81:06 10:03 81:21 0:15 4 Eduard Nasybulin 10 p (102:16) 124 (1 p) 125 (1 p) 181 (1 p) 128 (1 p) 129 (1 p) 183 (1 p) 182 (1 p) 180 (1 p) 121 (1 p) 120 (1 p) 4:35 4:35 12:09 7:34 28:26 16:17 32:02 3:36 37:17 5:15 40:39 3:22 54:58 14:19 73:40 18:42 81:02 7:22 85:15 4:13 188 Finish 102:02 16:47 102:16 0:14 127 19:37
M-40 (4) 180 min 10 C max 9 p Pl Name / Club Time 1 Matthew Craig 9 p (66:37) 123 (1 p) 125 (1 p) 127 (1 p) 181 (1 p) 128 (1 p) 129 (1 p) 180 (1 p) 126 (1 p) 122 (1 p) 188 7:18 7:18 11:56 4:38 17:17 5:21 22:41 5:24 29:24 6:43 35:06 5:42 40:30 5:24 44:56 4:26 56:59 12:03 66:22 9:23 Finish 66:37 0:15 2 Kenneth Harker 9 p (99:52) 123 (1 p) 125 (1 p) 122 (1 p) 126 (1 p) 180 (1 p) 129 (1 p) 128 (1 p) 181 (1 p) 127 (1 p) 188 WM5R 7:58 7:58 12:32 4:34 45:17 32:45 56:17 11:00 60:28 4:11 75:10 14:42 79:57 4:47 85:49 5:52 90:32 4:43 99:38 9:06 Finish 99:52 0:14 126 69:55 3 Imre Polik 9 p (108:35) 123 (1 p) 122 (1 p) 128 (1 p) 129 (1 p) 126 (1 p) 180 (1 p) 181 (1 p) 127 (1 p) 125 (1 p) 188 KX4SO 5:26 5:26 10:18 4:52 43:00 32:42 50:14 7:14 53:48 3:34 56:43 2:55 84:59 28:16 91:54 6:55 99:10 7:16 108:21 9:11 Finish 108:35 0:14 4 Joseph Burkhead 9 p (138:58) 123 (1 p) 122 (1 p) 125 (1 p) 126 (1 p) 180 (1 p) 129 (1 p) 128 (1 p) 181 (1 p) 127 (1 p) 188 KE8MKR 6:15 6:15 10:17 4:02 22:53 12:36 90:41 67:48 100:46 10:05 108:46 8:00 113:28 4:42 123:19 9:51 127:37 4:18 138:31 10:54 Finish 138:58 0:27
M-50 (6) 180 min 10 C max 9 p Pl Name / Club Time 1 Alexander Myachin 9 p (73:59) 127 (1 p) 181 (1 p) 128 (1 p) 129 (1 p) 180 (1 p) 126 (1 p) 122 (1 p) 125 (1 p) 123 (1 p) 188 17:17 17:17 20:13 2:56 23:50 3:37 29:04 5:14 35:50 6:46 49:34 13:44 59:36 10:02 63:23 3:47 67:07 3:44 73:44 6:37 Finish 73:59 0:15 2 Vadim Afonkin 9 p (78:47) 125 (1 p) 123 (1 p) 122 (1 p) 126 (1 p) 180 (1 p) 129 (1 p) 128 (1 p) 181 (1 p) 127 (1 p) 188 KB1RLI 25:12 25:12 28:23 3:11 30:43 2:20 41:04 10:21 43:53 2:49 49:53 6:00 62:10 12:17 67:58 5:48 71:40 3:42 78:31 6:51 Finish 78:47 0:16 120 120 19:20 35:15 3 Iurii Kolesnykov 9 p (90:48) 125 (1 p) 123 (1 p) 122 (1 p) 126 (1 p) 180 (1 p) 129 (1 p) 128 (1 p) 181 (1 p) 127 (1 p) 188 28:08 28:08 31:31 3:23 34:24 2:53 42:16 7:52 46:44 4:28 55:32 8:48 64:52 9:20 79:16 14:24 83:01 3:45 90:33 7:32 Finish 90:48 0:15 124 7:00 4 Patrick R Sears 9 p (124:47) 123 (1 p) 125 (1 p) 127 (1 p) 181 (1 p) 128 (1 p) 129 (1 p) 180 (1 p) 126 (1 p) 122 (1 p) 188 AK4JE 13:34 13:34 19:57 6:23 28:55 8:58 38:02 9:07 48:26 10:24 61:57 13:31 73:17 11:20 90:15 16:58 106:43 16:28 124:17 17:34 Finish 124:47 0:30 5 Matthew Robbins 9 p (128:35) 123 (1 p) 122 (1 p) 180 (1 p) 126 (1 p) 129 (1 p) 128 (1 p) 181 (1 p) 127 (1 p) 125 (1 p) 188 AA9YH 12:34 12:34 22:01 9:27 55:14 33:13 62:09 6:55 72:32 10:23 81:09 8:37 91:02 9:53 98:20 7:18 106:57 8:37 128:03 21:06 Finish 128:35 0:32 6 Nicolai Mejevoi 9 p (130:14) 123 (1 p) 122 (1 p) 126 (1 p) 180 (1 p) 129 (1 p) 128 (1 p) 125 (1 p) 127 (1 p) 181 (1 p) 188 11:21 11:21 17:01 5:40 29:58 12:57 35:04 5:06 78:24 43:20 87:09 8:45 95:30 8:21 103:56 8:26 110:30 6:34 129:53 19:23 Finish 130:14 0:21
M-60 (3) 180 min 8 C max 7 p Pl Name / Club Time 1 Michael Minium 7 p (61:23) 124 (1 p) 123 (1 p) 122 (1 p) 121 (1 p) 129 (1 p) 125 (1 p) 127 (1 p) 188 Finish 6:20 6:20 9:59 3:39 13:30 3:31 21:32 8:02 36:00 14:28 42:58 6:58 51:36 8:38 61:07 9:31 61:23 0:16 125 43:04 2 Bill Wright 7 p (82:55) 123 (1 p) 122 (1 p) 121 (1 p) 129 (1 p) 125 (1 p) 127 (1 p) 124 (1 p) 188 Finish WB6CMD 10:19 10:19 18:08 7:49 41:48 23:40 52:11 10:23 65:19 13:08 71:33 6:14 78:09 6:36 82:39 4:30 82:55 0:16 3 Gerald Boyd 4 p (100:53) 123 (1 p) 122 (1 p) 121 (1 p) 124 (1 p) 188 Finish WB8WFK 19:24 19:24 35:21 15:57 55:26 20:05 91:43 36:17 100:21 8:38 100:53 0:32
M-70 (3) 180 min 7 C max 6 p Pl Name / Club Time 1 Joseph Huberman 6 p (46:58) 127 (1 p) 125 (1 p) 120 (1 p) 122 (1 p) 123 (1 p) 124 (1 p) 188 Finish K5JGH 17:52 17:52 22:59 5:07 28:21 5:22 33:52 5:31 38:10 4:18 42:30 4:20 46:41 4:11 46:58 0:17 2 Ian Shields 6 p (78:45) 123 (1 p) 122 (1 p) 120 (1 p) 125 (1 p) 127 (1 p) 124 (1 p) 188 Finish 26:16 26:16 32:27 6:11 41:33 9:06 53:17 11:44 62:54 9:37 71:03 8:09 78:26 7:23 78:45 0:19 3 Robert Frey 6 p (80:10) 123 (1 p) 122 (1 p) 125 (1 p) 120 (1 p) 127 (1 p) 124 (1 p) 188 Finish WA6EZV 9:49 9:49 15:25 5:36 21:53 6:28 29:00 7:07 64:34 35:34 74:06 9:32 79:54 5:48 80:10 0:16 125 37:07
Master Map
Transmitter assignments
Classes Length Climb Effective Length Number of Controls Course W19, W55, W65, M70 3020m 122.5m 4.2 6 120,122,123,124,125, 127 W35, W45, M60 3960m 155m 5.5 7 121,122,123,124,125, 127,129 W21, M19, M40, M50 4890m 165m 6.5 9 122,123,125,126,127, 128,129,180,181 M21 7110m 245m 9.6 10 120,121,124,125,128, 129,180,181,182,183
Filed under: Event Results , Latest News , Radio Orienteering by Imre Polik
[…] Foxoring, a combination of radio direction finding and classic orienteering on 80 meters, followed the next day. […]
[…] Foxoring, a combination of radio direction finding and classic orienteering on 80 meters, followed the next day. […]