Results from Lake Crabtree sprint
Thanks to: Ken. Hanson, Terese Camp, Vladimir Stemkovski, Tatyana Stemkovski, Patrick & Kelly Sears, and Ian Shields for help and control pickup.
Sunday was a near-perfect day for orienteering: comfortably warm, dry, and enough sunlight to provide good directional guidance during the races. Thanks to Lake Crabtree’s most agreeable park manager, we were able to re-schedule our sprint event to this great venue on relatively short notice. My very first visit ever to the park was on Wednesday, and when I arrived to start scouting some control sites, I found several large areas of unmapped bike trails, and many mapped bike trails that no longer existed. It was a scramble on Thursday and Friday to create a workable map of the new trail system; but in the end, it seemed to work out fairly well. Here are before (left) and after (right) map snippets of one portion of the park:
The dense network of bike trails throughout the park provided good route options which, although uncommon in longer events, are generally regarded as appropriate in sprints, especially in the summer.
The courses were two “deja-vu” style sprints, inspired by Pat Meehan from Orienteering Cincinnati, who set a similar event several years ago in Ohio. In this style, a pair of courses go in opposite directions – one clockwise, and one counterclockwise. Each course visits different controls that are nearby and on similar features. (The proximity of many of these control pairs on Sunday were very noncompliant with standard coursesetting practices; however, I took some leeway for this advanced local event.) Controls on one course are set to serve as decoys for the other; and running both courses can give participants an interesting “deja-vu” sensation.
In a particularly nice karmic twist of fate, I got the chance to run my own course on Sunday and was duped by my own devious design, mispunching a control in the wrong reentrant. Of course, I’m not proud of having done this; but I am sincerely pleased that no one else did! Anyway. . .here are the results (apologies for the formatting — someday I’ll figure out how to post this more legibly.)
DejaVu1 Course: 11 KP 2.3 km
1 Vladimir Stemkovski 18:59 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
2 BJ Creehan 21:15 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
3 Josef Trzicky 23:15 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
4 Roman Kraus 25:29 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
5 Robert Enochs 29:38 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
6 Ken. Hanson 31:28 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
7 William Mason 34:23 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 51
8 Tim Devine 38:54 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
9 Ian Shields 40:25 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
10 Kevin Wilkinson 42:25 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
11 Ruth Bromer 43:28 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
12 Tatyana Stemkovski 43:29 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
13 William Ebenstein 53:30 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
14 Terese Camp 55:14 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
15 Tony Lawrence 55:55 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
16 Chorney Family 1:15:50 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
Patrick Sears DNF 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
Rob Ward DNF 41 42 43 44 45 46 49 48
DejaVu2 Course: 11 KP 2.3 km
1 Vladimir Stemkovski 19:04 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
2 BJ Creehan 20:14 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
3 Josef Trzicky 24:03 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
4 Kevin Wilkinson 27:31 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
5 Roman Kraus 28:19 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
6 Robert Enochs 31:30 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
7 Tim Devine 32:12 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
8 Ken. Hanson 33:59 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
9 Alan McNeely 35:53 52 53 54 55 47 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
10 Ruth Bromer 36:07 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
11 William Mason 37:24 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
12 Patrick Sears 39:56 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
13 Ian Shields 40:19 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
14 Tony Lawrence 47:07 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
15 William Ebenstein 51:29 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
16 Terese Camp 53:40 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
17 Tatyana Stemkovski 1:02:44 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
David Waller mp 52 53 54 55 56 46 58 59 60 61 62
DejaVu1 Course: 11 KP 2.3 km
# Name Result Start 1.( 41) 2.( 42) 3.( 43) 4.( 44) 5.( 45) 6.( 46) 7.( 47) 8.( 48) 9.( 49) 10.( 50) 11.( 51) Finish. min/km
1 Vladimir Stemkovski 18:59 11:06:14 44 3 1:48 1 3:36 1 4:22 1 5:26 1 7:33 1 10:57 1 12:33 1 13:25 1 15:42 1 18:16 1 18:59 1 18:59 8.25
44 3 1:04 1 1:48 1 46 1 1:04 4 2:07 1 3:24 5 1:36 1 52 1 2:17 1 2:34 1 43 2
5 0 0 0 13 0 1:01 0 0 0 0 8
2 BJ Creehan 21:15 10:14:28 39 1 2:02 2 4:03 2 4:59 2 5:50 2 8:16 2 11:34 2 13:15 2 14:16 2 16:59 2 20:40 2 21:15 2 21:15 9.24
39 1 1:23 3 2:01 2 56 2 51 1 2:26 2 3:18 3 1:41 2 1:01 3 2:43 2 3:41 5 35 1
0 19 13 10 0 19 55 5 9 26 1:07 0
3 Josef Trzicky 23:15 10:08:40 47 4 2:08 3 4:41 3 5:47 3 6:54 3 9:55 3 12:18 3 14:21 3 15:21 3 18:47 3 22:22 3 23:15 3 23:15 10.11
47 4 1:21 2 2:33 5 1:06 4 1:07 5 3:01 4 2:23 1 2:03 4 1:00 2 3:26 3 3:35 4 53 6
8 17 45 20 16 54 0 27 8 1:09 1:01 18
4 Roman Kraus 25:29 10:17:38 40 2 2:42 4 5:00 4 6:07 4 7:08 4 10:34 4 14:48 4 16:43 4 17:50 4 21:18 4 24:44 4 25:29 4 25:29 11.08
40 2 2:02 6 2:18 4 1:07 5 1:01 3 3:26 7 4:14 8 1:55 3 1:07 5 3:28 4 3:26 3 45 3
1 58 30 21 10 1:19 1:51 19 15 1:11 52 10
5 Robert Enochs 29:38 10:49:30 2:52 16 4:29 13 6:46 7 7:45 7 12:16 12 15:13 8 17:42 6 21:01 6 22:05 6 25:47 6 28:49 5 29:38 5 29:38 12.88
2:52 16 1:37 4 2:17 3 59 3 4:31 16 2:57 3 2:29 2 3:19 9 1:04 4 3:42 5 3:02 2 49 4
2:13 33 29 13 3:40 50 6 1:43 12 1:25 28 14
6 Ken. Hanson 31:28 10:29:24 1:07 8 3:43 8 6:56 8 8:19 8 9:28 7 12:49 6 16:47 5 19:11 5 20:37 5 25:32 5 30:31 6 31:28 6 31:28 13.68
1:07 8 2:36 11 3:13 9 1:23 8 1:09 6 3:21 5 3:58 7 2:24 5 1:26 8 4:55 9 4:59 9 57 8
28 1:32 1:25 37 18 1:14 1:35 48 34 2:38 2:25 22
7 William Mason 34:23 10:26:22 1:13 9 2:56 5 5:36 5 6:45 5 7:42 5 11:07 5 20:01 8 23:33 8 24:58 7 29:17 7 33:31 7 34:23 7 34:23 14.95
1:13 9 1:43 5 2:40 6 1:09 6 57 2 3:25 6 8:54 12 3:32 10 1:25 7 4:19 7 4:14 8 52 5
34 39 52 23 6 1:18 6:31 1:56 33 2:02 1:40 17
8 Tim Devine 38:54 10:45:48 53 5 2:56 5 6:03 6 7:12 6 8:57 6 14:20 7 26:13 12 28:46 10 30:00 10 34:18 9 38:00 8 38:54 8 38:54 16.91
53 5 2:03 8 3:07 8 1:09 6 1:45 10 5:23 10 11:53 14 2:33 7 1:14 6 4:18 6 3:42 6 54 7
14 59 1:19 23 54 3:16 9:30 57 22 2:01 1:08 19
9 Ian Shields 40:25 10:52:40 1:17 10 4:22 11 7:43 12 9:19 11 10:49 9 17:56 11 21:31 9 26:58 9 28:42 9 34:04 8 39:14 9 40:25 9 40:25 17.57
1:17 10 3:05 14 3:21 10 1:36 11 1:30 7 7:07 14 3:35 6 5:27 15 1:44 10 5:22 10 5:10 11 1:11 10
38 2:01 1:33 50 39 5:00 1:12 3:51 52 3:05 2:36 36
10 Kevin Wilkinson 42:25 10:13:19 1:26 12 3:48 9 7:31 11 9:33 12 11:26 10 15:57 10 25:14 10 29:04 11 31:17 12 35:49 11 41:17 10 42:25 10 42:25 18.44
1:26 12 2:22 9 3:43 12 2:02 15 1:53 13 4:31 8 9:17 13 3:50 12 2:13 12 4:32 8 5:28 12 1:08 9
47 1:18 1:55 1:16 1:02 2:24 6:54 2:14 1:21 2:15 2:54 33
11 Ruth Bromer 43:28 10:35:23 57 7 3:55 10 7:01 9 8:33 10 10:33 8 15:27 9 18:48 7 21:19 7 25:42 8 34:42 10 41:19 11 43:28 11 43:28 18.90
57 7 2:58 13 3:06 7 1:32 10 2:00 14 4:54 9 3:21 4 2:31 6 4:23 15 9:00 15 6:37 14 2:09 14
18 1:54 1:18 46 1:09 2:47 58 55 3:31 6:43 4:03 1:34
12 Tatyana Stemkovski 43:29 11:43:01 2:54 17 5:43 16 10:06 16 12:24 16 14:03 15 20:19 13 25:33 11 29:25 12 31:11 11 36:38 12 41:43 12 43:29 12 43:29 18.91
2:54 17 2:49 12 4:23 16 2:18 17 1:39 9 6:16 12 5:14 9 3:52 13 1:46 11 5:27 11 5:05 10 1:46 12
2:15 1:45 2:35 1:32 48 4:09 2:51 2:16 54 3:10 2:31 1:11
13 William Ebenstein 53:30 11:11:24 1:18 11 5:55 17 10:49 17 12:30 17 20:34 17 26:11 16 32:00 14 35:47 14 39:05 15 44:56 13 51:42 14 53:30 13 53:30 23.26
1:18 11 4:37 17 4:54 17 1:41 13 8:04 17 5:37 11 5:49 10 3:47 11 3:18 14 5:51 12 6:46 15 1:48 13
39 3:33 3:06 55 7:13 3:30 3:26 2:11 2:26 3:34 4:12 1:13
14 Terese Camp 55:14 11:36:10 55 6 4:59 14 9:04 14 11:00 14 12:52 13 20:39 14 33:19 15 36:10 15 37:42 13 45:31 14 49:25 13 55:14 14 55:14 24.01
55 6 4:04 16 4:05 14 1:56 14 1:52 12 7:47 15 12:40 15 2:51 8 1:32 9 7:49 13 3:54 7 5:49 16
16 3:00 2:17 1:10 1:01 5:40 10:17 1:15 40 5:32 1:20 5:14
15 Tony Lawrence 55:55 11:08:30 1:51 15 4:22 11 8:33 13 10:12 13 11:50 11 18:48 12 26:16 13 35:35 13 38:26 14 47:20 15 54:25 15 55:55 15 55:55 24.31
1:51 15 2:31 10 4:11 15 1:39 12 1:38 8 6:58 13 7:28 11 9:19 16 2:51 13 8:54 14 7:05 16 1:30 11
1:12 1:27 2:23 53 47 4:51 5:05 7:43 1:59 6:37 4:31 55
16 Chorney Family 1:15:50 10:06:13 3:26 18 8:56 18 16:33 18 18:55 18 22:16 18 30:53 18 43:37 16 48:59 16 55:05 16 67:06 16 73:30 16 75:50 16 1:15:50 32.97
3:26 18 5:30 18 7:37 18 2:22 18 3:21 15 8:37 16 12:44 16 5:22 14 6:06 16 12:01 16 6:24 13 2:20 15
2:47 4:26 5:49 1:36 2:30 6:30 10:21 3:46 5:14 9:44 3:50 1:45
Patrick Sears DNF 11:31:05 1:36 13 3:38 7 7:09 10 8:32 9 16:37 16 30:02 17 52:43 17
1:36 13 2:02 6 3:31 11 1:23 8 8:05 18 13:25 18 22:41 17
57 58 1:43 37 7:14 11:18 20:18
Rob Ward DNF 12:26:52 1:37 14 5:25 15 9:27 15 11:43 15 13:34 14 23:53 15
1:37 14 3:48 15 4:02 13 2:16 16 1:51 11 10:19 17
58 2:44 2:14 1:30 1:00 8:12
DejaVu2 Course: 11 KP 2.3 km
# Name Result Start 1.( 52) 2.( 53) 3.( 54) 4.( 55) 5.( 56) 6.( 57) 7.( 58) 8.( 59) 9.( 60) 10.( 61) 11.( 62) Finish. min/km
1 Vladimir Stemkovski 19:04 10:30:08 33 4 2:40 4 4:59 1 6:55 4 8:55 4 11:00 2 13:15 2 14:02 1 15:10 1 16:40 1 18:24 1 19:04 1 19:04 8.29
33 4 2:07 4 2:19 1 1:56 10 2:00 5 2:05 1 2:15 1 47 1 1:08 2 1:30 2 1:44 3 40 2
11 8 0 52 39 0 0 0 5 1 14 4
2 BJ Creehan 20:14 10:40:50 26 3 2:29 3 5:00 2 6:04 1 7:25 1 9:45 1 12:55 1 14:15 2 15:48 2 17:17 2 19:38 2 20:14 2 20:14 8.80
26 3 2:03 3 2:31 2 1:04 1 1:21 1 2:20 2 3:10 2 1:20 7 1:33 4 1:29 1 2:21 9 36 1
4 4 12 0 0 15 55 33 30 0 51 0
3 Josef Trzicky 24:03 10:48:04 34 5 3:31 7 6:58 6 8:25 6 10:09 5 13:03 3 16:13 3 17:20 3 19:04 3 21:14 3 23:17 3 24:03 3 24:03 10.46
34 5 2:57 7 3:27 6 1:27 6 1:44 4 2:54 4 3:10 2 1:07 4 1:44 5 2:10 4 2:03 6 46 3
12 58 1:08 23 23 49 55 20 41 41 33 10
4 Kevin Wilkinson 27:31 12:05:37 37 6 3:45 8 7:10 7 9:17 7 13:11 8 16:34 6 19:45 5 21:04 5 23:00 4 25:03 4 26:35 4 27:31 4 27:31 11.96
37 6 3:08 8 3:25 5 2:07 13 3:54 14 3:23 6 3:11 4 1:19 6 1:56 6 2:03 3 1:32 2 56 6
15 1:09 1:06 1:03 2:33 1:18 56 32 53 34 2 20
5 Roman Kraus 28:19 11:04:39 44 10 3:17 5 6:55 5 7:59 5 12:51 7 16:09 5 19:43 4 20:52 4 23:32 5 26:03 5 27:33 5 28:19 5 28:19 12.31
44 10 2:33 5 3:38 7 1:04 1 4:52 18 3:18 5 3:34 5 1:09 5 2:40 11 2:31 7 1:30 1 46 3
22 34 1:19 0 3:31 1:13 1:19 22 1:37 1:02 0 10
6 Robert Enochs 31:30 10:07:55 39 9 3:18 6 14:03 17 15:19 14 17:53 13 20:35 11 24:11 9 25:13 7 26:16 6 28:30 6 30:19 6 31:30 6 31:30 13.70
39 9 2:39 6 10:45 19 1:16 3 2:34 8 2:42 3 3:36 6 1:02 2 1:03 1 2:14 5 1:49 4 1:11 12
17 40 8:26 12 1:13 37 1:21 15 0 45 19 35
7 Tim Devine 32:12 10:07:17 53 16 4:10 9 8:14 8 9:56 8 11:56 6 15:54 4 24:42 10 25:44 9 26:53 7 29:10 7 31:00 7 32:12 7 32:12 14.00
53 16 3:17 9 4:04 8 1:42 7 2:00 5 3:58 11 8:48 16 1:02 2 1:09 3 2:17 6 1:50 5 1:12 13
31 1:18 1:45 38 39 1:53 6:33 15 6 48 20 36
8 Ken. Hanson 33:59 11:39:45 52 15 4:13 10 9:14 10 11:00 10 13:56 9 17:47 7 23:02 6 24:54 6 27:08 8 30:10 8 32:38 8 33:59 8 33:59 14.78
52 15 3:21 10 5:01 13 1:46 8 2:56 9 3:51 10 5:15 14 1:52 9 2:14 8 3:02 8 2:28 10 1:21 14
30 1:22 2:42 42 1:35 1:46 3:00 1:05 1:11 1:33 58 45
9 Alan McNeely 35:53 10:36:10 57 17 5:10 13 9:36 12 11:41 12 15:59 12 20:11 10 24:42 10 27:04 10 29:27 10 32:48 10 35:03 9 35:53 9 35:53 15.60
57 17 4:13 14 4:26 11 2:05 12 4:18 15 4:12 13 4:31 8 2:22 13 2:23 9 3:21 9 2:15 8 50 5
35 2:14 2:07 1:01 2:57 2:07 2:16 1:35 1:20 1:52 45 14
10 Ruth Bromer 36:07 11:48:40 38 8 4:44 12 9:24 11 11:40 11 15:30 11 19:05 9 23:36 7 25:33 8 28:23 9 31:59 9 35:08 10 36:07 10 36:07 15.70
38 8 4:06 13 4:40 12 2:16 15 3:50 13 3:35 7 4:31 8 1:57 10 2:50 13 3:36 11 3:09 14 59 8
16 2:07 2:21 1:12 2:29 1:30 2:16 1:10 1:47 2:07 1:39 23
11 William Mason 37:24 11:08:40 37 6 4:15 11 8:39 9 10:27 9 15:11 10 18:53 8 23:58 8 27:14 11 29:54 11 33:51 11 36:24 11 37:24 11 37:24 16.26
37 6 3:38 11 4:24 10 1:48 9 4:44 17 3:42 8 5:05 12 3:16 16 2:40 11 3:57 14 2:33 13 1:00 9
15 1:39 2:05 44 3:23 1:37 2:50 2:29 1:37 2:28 1:03 24
12 Patrick Sears 39:56 10:31:21 44 10 11:23 19 15:44 18 17:58 17 20:11 15 24:20 13 28:03 12 29:47 12 32:16 12 36:37 12 38:49 12 39:56 12 39:56 17.36
44 10 10:39 19 4:21 9 2:14 14 2:13 7 4:09 12 3:43 7 1:44 8 2:29 10 4:21 16 2:12 7 1:07 10
22 8:40 2:02 1:10 52 2:04 1:28 57 1:26 2:52 42 31
13 Ian Shields 40:19 10:00:20 1:21 19 5:14 14 12:11 13 14:15 13 20:21 16 24:08 12 29:06 13 31:04 13 33:15 13 36:41 13 39:12 13 40:19 13 40:19 17.53
1:21 19 3:53 12 6:57 15 2:04 11 6:06 19 3:47 9 4:58 11 1:58 11 2:11 7 3:26 10 2:31 12 1:07 10
59 1:54 4:38 1:00 4:45 1:42 2:43 1:11 1:08 1:57 1:01 31
14 Tony Lawrence 47:07 10:12:14 49 13 5:24 15 13:30 14 16:16 15 20:38 17 26:58 16 32:08 15 35:50 15 39:34 15 43:10 15 45:39 14 47:07 14 47:07 20.49
49 13 4:35 15 8:06 17 2:46 18 4:22 16 6:20 16 5:10 13 3:42 17 3:44 15 3:36 11 2:29 11 1:28 15
27 2:36 5:47 1:42 3:01 4:15 2:55 2:55 2:41 2:07 59 52
15 William Ebenstein 51:29 12:08:39 49 13 6:41 16 13:52 16 16:32 16 20:00 14 26:52 15 34:48 16 37:00 16 40:41 16 44:58 16 50:01 15 51:29 15 51:29 22.38
49 13 5:52 16 7:11 16 2:40 16 3:28 12 6:52 17 7:56 15 2:12 12 3:41 14 4:17 15 5:03 16 1:28 15
27 3:53 4:52 1:36 2:07 4:47 5:41 1:25 2:38 2:48 3:33 52
16 Terese Camp 53:40 10:08:58 47 12 7:40 18 13:35 15 18:26 18 21:51 18 26:24 14 31:08 14 33:31 14 39:20 14 43:04 14 52:42 16 53:40 16 53:40 23.33
47 12 6:53 18 5:55 14 4:51 19 3:25 11 4:33 14 4:44 10 2:23 14 5:49 17 3:44 13 9:38 17 58 7
25 4:54 3:36 3:47 2:04 2:28 2:29 1:36 4:46 2:15 8:08 22
17 Tatyana Stemkovski 1:02:44 10:28:11 58 18 7:01 17 16:17 19 19:00 19 22:00 19 26:59 17 45:16 17 47:56 17 53:25 17 57:56 17 61:12 17 62:44 17 1:02:44 27.28
58 18 6:03 17 9:16 18 2:43 17 3:00 10 4:59 15 18:17 17 2:40 15 5:29 16 4:31 17 3:16 15 1:32 17
36 4:04 6:57 1:39 1:39 2:54 16:02 1:53 4:26 3:02 1:46 56
David Waller mp 10:56:22 22 1 2:21 1 5:20 3 6:45 2 8:06 2
22 1 1:59 1 2:59 3 1:25 4 1:21 1
0 0 40 21 0