Night-O at Bond Park – Results

Filed under: Event Results by misa on February 19th, 2012

It was a dark, windy night. Blood was slowly dripping from the fresh open wounds…

You are indeed reading the description of our Night-O, not a random horror story. The weather suddenly changed in the afternoon, and the temperature plunged below freezing (27°F at 9:30PM, compared to 52°F around 3:30PM).

Brian wins the bloody reference from the first paragraph (literal blood, not the expression a Brit like Ian would normally use) – his legs deserved a picture when he got back. Unfortunately, my fingers were already frozen so I couldn’t get my cell phone quick enough.

Nobody fell for my two fake controls on the course. I need to be more cunning next time.

Many thanks to the folks who ventured back in the woods in the freezing wind to pick up controls: Ken. & Terese, Ian & Pat, Roman & Christian. Leaving me in the even more freezing parking lot, fortunately with a cup of hot chocolate, courtesy of Roman.

As usual, please let me know if you spot inaccuracies.

— Mihai


Course: Long

 #. Name                   Time  pts ptt pen
 1. Vladimir Stemkovski   59:52  159  159   0  4#46   4#40   5#57   5#58   6#62   8#71   8#70   6#64   6#63   5#56   4#41   5#55   6#61   5#50   6#60   4#43   4#42   4#44   4#45   4#47   5#54   5#59   6#66   7#67   6#69   6#68   6#65   5#52   5#51   5#53
                                              00:38  02:34  04:21  05:56  07:20  09:03  11:57  14:33  15:33  16:55  19:49  21:58  24:49  26:31  28:10  29:32  30:39  33:05  34:33  36:58  39:34  40:40  42:08  43:31  45:28  48:37  51:00  52:27  54:16  57:03
                                              00:38  01:56  01:47  01:35  01:24  01:43  02:54  02:36  01:00  01:22  02:54  02:09  02:51  01:42  01:39  01:22  01:07  02:26  01:28  02:25  02:36  01:06  01:28  01:23  01:57  03:09  02:23  01:27  01:49  02:47
 2. Brian Thompson        61:00  148  151   3  4#40   5#57   5#58   6#62   8#71   8#70   6#64   6#63   5#56   5#55   6#61   5#50   6#60   4#43   4#42   5#51   5#52   6#65   6#68   6#69   7#67   6#66   5#53   5#59   5#54   4#47   4#45   4#44
                                              02:03  04:18  06:04  07:00  08:57  12:05  14:31  15:30  16:49  18:10  20:42  22:14  23:53  25:15  26:32  30:14  31:36  34:32  36:25  37:58  40:35  41:37  45:38  48:44  49:44  52:04  54:26  55:35
                                              02:03  02:15  01:46  00:56  01:57  03:08  02:26  00:59  01:19  01:21  02:32  01:32  01:39  01:22  01:17  03:42  01:22  02:56  01:53  01:33  02:37  01:02  04:01  03:06  01:00  02:20  02:22  01:09
 3. Roman Kraus           59:17  132  132   0  4#47   5#54   5#59   6#66   7#67   6#69   6#68   5#52   6#65   5#51   4#40   5#57   5#58   6#62   8#71   8#70   6#64   6#63   5#56   5#55   6#61   5#50   4#42   4#46
                                              02:02  05:17  06:57  09:12  11:22  13:44  16:23  19:25  22:10  26:35  29:27  31:16  33:13  34:52  36:46  41:03  44:51  46:13  47:48  49:55  51:34  53:22  54:55  58:32
                                              02:02  03:15  01:40  02:15  02:10  02:22  02:39  03:02  02:45  04:25  02:52  01:49  01:57  01:39  01:54  04:17  03:48  01:22  01:35  02:07  01:39  01:48  01:33  03:37
 4. Christian Hansen      57:44  126  126   0  4#47   5#54   5#59   6#66   7#67   6#69   6#68   5#52   6#65   5#51   4#40   5#57   5#58   6#62   8#71   8#70   6#64   6#63   5#56   5#55   5#50   4#42   4#46
                                              02:08  05:21  06:56  09:14  11:21  13:46  16:25  19:26  22:08  26:33  29:24  31:19  33:19  34:47  36:48  41:04  44:48  46:14  47:53  49:53  51:34  53:08  56:41
                                              02:08  03:13  01:35  02:18  02:07  02:25  02:39  03:01  02:42  04:25  02:51  01:55  02:00  01:28  02:01  04:16  03:44  01:26  01:39  02:00  01:41  01:34  03:33
 5. Liz Flannery          58:45  108  108   0  4#45   4#44   4#43   4#42   5#50   6#60   6#61   5#55   4#41   5#56   6#63   6#64   8#70   8#71   6#62   5#58   5#57   4#40   5#51   4#46   4#47
                                              01:57  03:39  07:42  09:45  11:46  15:00  20:31  22:38  24:58  27:50  29:39  30:53  35:23  41:34  43:59  45:54  48:24  50:11  52:31  55:06  57:31
                                              01:57  01:42  04:03  02:03  02:01  03:14  05:31  02:07  02:20  02:52  01:49  01:14  04:30  06:11  02:25  01:55  02:30  01:47  02:20  02:35  02:25
 6. Ken. Hanson           58:51   93   93   0  4#46   5#51   5#52   4#40   5#57   5#58   6#62   8#71   8#70   0#70   6#64   6#63   5#56   5#55   5#50   4#43   4#44   4#45   4#47
                                              00:49  04:42  09:32  14:28  18:47  20:50  23:33  28:13  35:37  35:41  40:15  41:34  43:40  45:36  47:48  49:18  53:21  54:56  57:26
                                              00:49  03:53  04:50  04:56  04:19  02:03  02:43  04:40  07:24  00:04  04:34  01:19  02:06  01:56  02:12  01:30  04:03  01:35  02:30
 7. Terese Camp           58:53   93   93   0  4#46   5#51   5#52   4#40   5#57   5#58   6#62   8#71   8#70   6#64   6#63   5#56   5#55   5#50   4#43   4#44   4#45   4#47
                                              00:52  04:46  09:35  14:33  18:52  20:57  23:36  28:02  35:39  40:03  41:37  43:33  45:39  47:41  49:13  53:17  54:59  57:22
                                              00:52  03:54  04:49  04:58  04:19  02:05  02:39  04:26  07:37  04:24  01:34  01:56  02:06  02:02  01:32  04:04  01:42  02:23
 8. Harold Meder          61:05   75   83   8  4#40   5#57   5#58   6#62   8#71   8#70   6#64   6#61   5#55   5#50   4#43   4#42   4#44   4#45   4#47   5#54
                                              02:15  04:36  06:30  08:13  10:30  20:56  25:06  31:55  35:22  37:12  40:00  44:48  47:50  48:54  52:32  56:35
                                              02:15  02:21  01:54  01:43  02:17  10:26  04:10  06:49  03:27  01:50  02:48  04:48  03:02  01:04  03:38  04:03
 9. Holly + Bryan         59:59   67   67   0  4#45   4#47   5#59   5#54   6#66   7#67   6#69   6#68   6#65   5#52   5#53   4#46   4#44
                                              02:06  07:30  14:49  18:08  22:03  26:01  28:53  33:43  38:47  43:53  51:01  54:36  58:15
                                              02:06  05:24  07:19  03:19  03:55  03:58  02:52  04:50  05:04  05:06  07:08  03:35  03:39
10. Joseph Huberman       60:42   64   67   3  4#46   4#42   4#43   5#50   6#61   5#55   5#56   6#63   6#64   8#70   8#71   6#62
                                              06:37  13:31  15:44  17:21  24:34  26:48  28:57  31:06  34:36  44:45  51:45  54:43
                                              06:37  06:54  02:13  01:37  07:13  02:14  02:09  02:09  03:30  10:09  07:00  02:58
11. Ruth Bromer           57:32   55   55   0  4#46   5#52   5#51   6#65   6#68   6#69   6#66   5#54   4#47   4#45   4#44
                                              04:33  14:16  18:06  23:48  29:50  32:57  35:30  39:43  46:12  51:30  54:03
                                              04:33  09:43  03:50  05:42  06:02  03:07  02:33  04:13  06:29  05:18  02:33
12. Kate Blackwell        57:53   46   46   0  4#46   5#51   5#52   6#65   6#69   6#66   5#53   5#54   4#47
                                              00:56  14:22  17:52  21:59  29:15  40:11  41:52  52:50  56:14
                                              00:56  13:26  03:30  04:07  07:16  10:56  01:41  10:58  03:24
13. Tatyana Stemkovski    57:41   43   43   0  4#45   4#44   4#43   5#50   5#55   4#41   4#40   4#42   4#46   5#51
                                              02:00  04:11  08:13  10:26  13:35  20:07  25:06  30:27  35:11  48:47
                                              02:00  02:11  04:02  02:13  03:09  06:32  04:59  05:21  04:44  13:36
14. Aaron Hunter          53:02   42   42   0  4#46   4#42   4#43   6#60   5#50   5#55   6#61   4#41   4#40
                                              02:01  08:24  12:42  17:12  22:28  28:19  37:33  43:54  47:38
                                              02:01  06:23  04:18  04:30  05:16  05:51  09:14  06:21  03:44
15. Megan Mallard         54:06   42   42   0  4#45   4#46   5#51   5#52   5#53   6#66   7#67   6#69
                                              05:27  08:52  14:00  23:31  31:50  35:04  41:55  46:37
                                              05:27  03:25  05:08  09:31  08:19  03:14  06:51  04:42
16. Ron Brown             43:03   35   35   0  4#46   4#42   5#50   6#60   4#43   4#44   4#45   4#47
                                              01:28  06:46  09:46  13:37  16:59  22:02  24:51  34:54
                                              01:28  05:18  03:00  03:51  03:22  05:03  02:49  10:03
17. Ian Shields           56:16   19   19   0  4#47   6#66   5#53   4#46
                                              06:47  32:16  44:54  54:22
                                              06:47  25:29  12:38  09:28
18. McQuaid Pat           56:31   19   19   0  4#47   6#66   5#53   4#46
                                              07:21  32:28  44:40  54:18
                                              07:21  25:07  12:12  09:38
19. Susan Carl            66:19   13   46  33  4#45   4#47   5#59   6#66   6#69   6#68   5#52   5#53   5#51
                                              01:55  06:05  21:23  26:02  29:26  33:03  36:51  40:40  48:38
                                              01:55  04:10  15:18  04:39  03:24  03:37  03:48  03:49  07:58
20. Matt Taylor           51:58    4    4   0  4#46

One Response to “Night-O at Bond Park – Results”

  1. I’m an Assuie, not a Brit. There’sa world of difference. 🙂
