Umstead North – June 7, 2009

Filed under: Event Results by admin on June 17th, 2009

The weather for the meet was sunny and a bit on the warm side. We had a decent turn out for the regular courses…though an adventure race held on Saturday kept attendance down for the advance courses. Unfortunately, we struggled with a couple of issues during the event…1) we ran out of registration forms, 2) we ran out of electronic punches (which really only effected the red course) and 3) there were three misplaced controls…one on the orange course and two on the red course (despite having flagged the control placement with tape). Kudos (I think) to the orange course runners who found the misplaced control in a ditch about 200m to the SW. I’m still trying to determine where the two misplaced red controls were actually placed. For both courses, I tried to give credit for the misplaced controls, which in turn meant compiling the results by hand. So, if you notice an error please let me know I will update accordingly.

Thanks to Ruth for helping design the courses, Ken for teaching the beginner’s class, Terese for helping out during registration and to Sandro and Bill for helping with control pickup.



White Course: 7 KP 1.6 km 

   1 Mallory Nickel                 38:09     54 48 49 51 57 59 61 60
   2 Nalina Indorf-Kaplan           42:47     54 48 49 51 57 59 61 60
   3 Paul Williams                  45:31     54 48 49 51 57 59 61 60
   4 Kathy Zophi                    45:37     54 48 49 49 51 57 59 61 60
   5 Marc Haakenson                 54:06     54 48 49 51 57 59 61 60
   6 Garrett Hamilton               56:03     54 48 49 51 57 59 61 60
   7 Nicolas Festa                1:18:28     54 48 49 51 57 59 61 60
   8 Patrick Johnny-Bos          1:48:26     54 48 49 51 57 59 59 61 60
     Blake Johnson              (no time)     54 48 49 51 57 59 61 60
     Pavl Dean                  (no time)     49 51 74 75 52 53 54 56 55 41 54 48 49 51 57 59 61 60

Yellow Course: 8 KP 2.1 km 

   1 Keith Gates                    33:16     57 53 49 44 43 47 55 60
   2 Mallory Nickel                 34:31     57 53 49 44 43 47 55 60
   3 Shani Gates                    44:02     57 53 49 44 43 47 55 60
   4 Andrew Rogers                  52:50     57 53 49 44 43 47 55 60
   5 Missy Cain                   1:04:45     57 53 49 44 43 47 55 60 60
   6 Joshua Danford               1:11:36     57 53 49 44 43 47 55 60
   7 Paul Meistrell               1:33:40     57 53 49 44 43 47 55 60
   8 Michael Madigan              1:34:04     57 53 49 44 43 47 55 60
     Randy Mills                      DNF     57 53

Orange Course: 12 KP 3.6 km 

   1 Kartik Jayaraman             1:40:32     59 68 61 56 50 45 41 42 46 49 52 53
   2 Ryan Strapp                  1:50:27     59 68 61 56 50 45 41 42 46 49 52 53

   1 Tatyana Stemkovski           1:43:41     59 xx 61 56 50 45 41 42 46 49 52 53
   2 Larisa Nord                  2:08:27     59 xx 61 56 50 45 41 42 46 49 52 53
   3 Christopher Moses            2:22:28     59 xx 69 61 56 50 45 41 42 46 49 52 53

     Deborah Pirotte                  DNF     59 xx 61 56 50 45 42 46 49 52 53 (missing 41)
     Paul Jarmul                      DNF     59 xx 61 56 50 45 42 46 49 52 53 (missing 41)
     Mark Cirhaski                    DNF     59 xx 61 56 50 45 41 42 (missing 46,49,52,53)
     Matthew Marwu                    DNF     59 69 68 61 56 50 45 (missing 41,42,46,49,52,53)
     Matt Seferyn                     DNF     59 xx 61 56 50 45 (missing 41,42,46,49,52,53)

Brown Course: 10 KP 3.7 km 

   1 Ken. Hanson                  1:01:40     63 69 70 62 58 64 65 67 66 56
   2 Terese Camp                  1:05:23     63 69 70 62 58 64 65 67 66 56
   3 William Ebenstein            1:25:33     63 69 70 62 58 64 65 67 67 66 56
   4 Paul Petersen                1:38:10     63 69 70 62 58 64 65 67 66 56
   5 Ron Brown                    1:49:56     63 69 70 62 58 64 65 67 66 56
     Andy Huber                       DNF     63 69 70 62 58 64 67 66 56 (missing 65)
     Todd Fetzer                      DNF     63 69 70 62 58 64 65 67 71 73 (missing 66, 56)
     Kacper Skakuj                    DNF     63 69 70 62 58 64 65 66 56 (missing 67)

Green Course: 13 KP 5.6 km 

   1 Vladimir Stemkovski          1:09:51     63 69 70 62 58 64 65 67 71 73 72 66 56
   2 Roman Kraus                  1:23:41     63 69 70 62 58 64 65 67 71 73 72 66 56
   3 David Butler                 1:27:10     63 69 70 62 58 64 65 67 71 73 72 66 56
   4 Miles Deforest               2:08:22     63 69 70 62 58 64 65 67 71 73 72 66 56
   5 Michael Tharp                2:21:49     63 69 70 62 58 64 65 67 71 73 72 66 56
   6 Matt Kain                    2:29:11     63 69 70 62 58 64 65 67 71 73 72 66 56

Red Course: 16 KP 7.6k km 

  1 Josef Trzicky                1:32:19     63 69 70 62 58 64 65 67 71 73 xx xx xx 72 66 56
  2 Mihai Ibanescu               2:08:45     63 69 70 62 58 64 65 67 71 73 xx xx xx 72 66 56
  3 Todd Barlow                  2:14:04     63 69 70 62 58 64 65 67 71 73 xx xx xx 72 66 56
  4 DaiWai Olson                 2:35:12     63 69 70 62 58 64 65 67 71 73 xx xx xx 72 66 56
    Sandro Gisler                    DNF     63 69 70 62 58 64 65 67 71 73 xx xx xx (missing 72, 66, 56)
    Artem Kazantsev                  DNF     63 69 70 62 58 64 65 67 71 73 xx xx xx (missing 72, 66, 56)


White Course: 7 KP 1.6 km 

  # Name                         Result   Start     1.( 54)   2.( 48)   3.( 49)   4.( 51)   5.( 57)   6.( 61)   7.( 60)   Finish.           min/km
  1 Mallory Nickel                38:09 12:49:03    1:59  1   5:58  2   8:12  1  20:08  5  25:52  5  32:02  3  36:19  1  38:09  1   38:09    23.84
                                                    1:59  1   3:59  5   2:14  1  11:56  7   5:44  7   6:10  1   4:17  1   1:50  1
                                                       0        44         0      8:54      2:59         0         0         0
  2 Nalina Indorf-Kaplan          42:47 13:03:31    3:35  5   7:07  3  10:28  3  13:30  1  17:44  1  28:15  1  38:29  2  42:47  2   42:47    26.74
                                                    3:35  5   3:32  3   3:21  4   3:02  1   4:14  5  10:31  3  10:14  7   4:18  6
                                                    1:36        17      1:07         0      1:29      4:21      5:57      2:28
  3 Paul Williams                 45:31 13:00:37    5:45  7   9:29  6  14:22  7  18:27  3  22:18  4  33:22  4  41:08  3  45:31  3   45:31    28.45
                                                    5:45  7   3:44  4   4:53  8   4:05  2   3:51  4  11:04  5   7:46  6   4:23  7
                                                    3:46        29      2:39      1:03      1:06      4:54      3:29      2:33
  4 Kathy Zophi                   45:37 13:21:36    6:14  8   9:44  7  12:38  5  17:20  2  20:51  2  31:27  2  42:20  4  45:37  4   45:37    28.51
                                                    6:14  8   3:30  2   2:54  2   4:42  3   3:31  3  10:36  4  10:53  8   3:17  3
                                                    4:15        15        40      1:40        46      4:26      6:36      1:27
  5 Marc Haakenson                54:06 12:16:36    3:36  6   8:56  5  13:37  6  21:08  6  26:54  6  42:47  5  50:17  6  54:06  5   54:06    33.81
                                                    3:36  6   5:20  6   4:41  7   7:31  4   5:46  8  15:53  6   7:30  4   3:49  5
                                                    1:37      2:05      2:27      4:29      3:01      9:43      3:13      1:59
  6 Garrett Hamilton              56:03 13:33:38    3:18  4  19:11  8  23:20  8  31:07  7  35:52  7  44:12  6  48:58  5  56:03  6   56:03    35.03
                                                    3:18  4  15:53  8   4:09  6   7:47  5   4:45  6   8:20  2   4:46  2   7:05  8
                                                    1:19     12:38      1:55      4:45      2:00      2:10        29      5:15
  7 Nicolas Festa               1:18:28 13:19:49    2:27  3   5:42  1   9:18  2  45:22  8  48:07  8  69:39  7  76:35  7  78:28  7 1:18:28    49.04
                                                    2:27  3   3:15  1   3:36  5  36:04  8   2:45  1  21:32  7   6:56  3   1:53  2
                                                      28         0      1:22     33:02         0     15:22      2:39         3
  8 Patrick Johnny-Bos         1:48:26 13:20:04    2:07  2   8:03  4  11:14  4  19:06  4  21:57  3  97:14  8 104:47  8 108:26  8 1:48:26    67.77
                                                    2:07  2   5:56  7   3:11  3   7:52  6   2:51  2  75:17  8   7:33  5   3:39  4
                                                       8      2:41        57      4:50         6     69:07      3:16      1:49   

Yellow Course: 8 KP 2.1 km 

  # Name                         Result   Start     1.( 57)   2.( 53)   3.( 49)   4.( 44)   5.( 43)   6.( 47)   7.( 55)   8.( 60)   Finish.           min/km
  1 Keith Gates                   33:16 13:17:26    2:30  1   4:22  1   7:26  1  14:29  1  16:35  1  22:59  2  26:44  1  30:53  1  33:16  1   33:16    15.84
                                                    2:30  1   1:52  1   3:04  2   7:03  2   2:06  1   6:24  4   3:45  1   4:09  2   2:23  3
                                                       0         0         3      2:51         0      2:34         0         9        51
  2 Mallory Nickel                34:31 13:36:15    3:18  2   5:21  2   8:22  2  15:26  2  18:04  2  21:54  1  28:59  2  32:59  2  34:31  2   34:31    16.44
                                                    3:18  2   2:03  2   3:01  1   7:04  3   2:38  2   3:50  1   7:05  5   4:00  1   1:32  1
                                                      48        11         0      2:52        32         0      3:20         0         0
  3 Shani Gates                   44:02 13:07:59    8:06  6  11:25  6  15:16  3  19:28  3  22:37  3  28:53  3  32:45  3  42:12  3  44:02  3   44:02    20.97
                                                    8:06  6   3:19  4   3:51  3   4:12  1   3:09  3   6:16  3   3:52  2   9:27  6   1:50  2
                                                    5:36      1:27        50         0      1:03      2:26         7      5:27        18
  4 Andrew Rogers                 52:50 12:59:46    6:59  5   9:52  4  16:46  5  28:10  4  33:11  4  39:11  4  44:08  4  49:47  4  52:50  4   52:50    25.16
                                                    6:59  5   2:53  3   6:54  5  11:24  6   5:01  5   6:00  2   4:57  4   5:39  3   3:03  5
                                                    4:29      1:01      3:53      7:12      2:55      2:10      1:12      1:39      1:31
  5 Missy Cain                  1:04:45 13:21:39    4:42  3   8:51  3  17:27  6  29:52  5  34:17  5  41:24  5  51:30  5  62:19  5  64:45  5 1:04:45    30.83
                                                    4:42  3   4:09  5   8:36  6  12:25  7   4:25  4   7:07  5  10:06  6  10:49  8   2:26  4
                                                    2:12      2:17      5:35      8:13      2:19      3:17      6:21      6:49        54
  6 Joshua Danford              1:11:36 12:25:45    6:26  4  10:48  5  15:56  4  31:32  6  36:42  6  53:07  6  57:24  6  67:55  6  71:36  6 1:11:36    34.10
                                                    6:26  4   4:22  6   5:08  4  15:36  8   5:10  6  16:25  8   4:17  3  10:31  7   3:41  6
                                                    3:56      2:30      2:07     11:24      3:04     12:35        32      6:31      2:09
  7 Paul Meistrell              1:33:40 12:11:14   14:19  8  21:57  8  37:48  7  48:20  7  54:19  7  69:53  7  80:54  8  89:16  7  93:40  7 1:33:40    44.60
                                                   14:19  8   7:38  9  15:51  8  10:32  4   5:59  7  15:34  7  11:01  8   8:22  4   4:24  7
                                                   11:49      5:46     12:50      6:20      3:53     11:44      7:16      4:22      2:52
  8 Michael Madigan             1:34:04 12:11:13   14:27  9  22:03  9  37:50  8  48:26  8  54:25  8  69:56  8  80:49  7  89:20  8  94:04  8 1:34:04    44.79
                                                   14:27  9   7:36  8  15:47  7  10:36  5   5:59  7  15:31  6  10:53  7   8:31  5   4:44  8
                                                   11:57      5:44     12:46      6:24      3:53     11:41      7:08      4:31      3:12
    Randy Mills                     DNF 13:10:40    8:14  7  12:45  7
                                                    8:14  7   4:31  7
                                                    5:44      2:39   

Orange Course: 12 KP 3.6 km 

  # Name                         Result   Start     1.( 59)   2.( 68)   3.( 61)   4.( 56)   5.( 50)   6.( 45)   7.( 41)   8.( 42)   9.( 46)  10.( 49)  11.( 52)  12.( 53)   Finish.           min/km
  1 Kartik Jayaraman            1:40:32 13:52:04    4:53  4  25:36  4  41:45  5  55:07  5  60:54  5  63:41  4  72:47  3  77:06  3  81:25  2  86:44  2  92:50  1  97:18  1 100:32  1 1:40:32    27.93
                                                    4:53  4  20:43  7  16:09  5  13:22  2   5:47  1   2:47  1   9:06  1   4:19  2   4:19  1   5:19  2   6:06  1   4:28  1   3:14  1
                                                    1:53     13:50     10:53      4:27         0         0         0      1:20         0        16         0         0         0
  2 Ryan Strapp                 1:50:27 11:44:42    3:24  2  16:32  1  23:54  2  38:43  2  46:48  2  51:32  2  65:20  1  68:19  1  78:04  1  83:07  1  95:37  2 106:15  2 110:27  2 1:50:27    30.68
                                                    3:24  2  13:08  2   7:22  3  14:49  3   8:05  4   4:44  3  13:48  3   2:59  1   9:45  2   5:03  1  12:30  2  10:38  2   4:12  2
                                                      24      6:15      2:06      5:54      2:18      1:57      4:42         0      5:26         0      6:24      6:10        58   

  1 Tatyana Stemkovski          1:43:41 12:41:48    (splits unavailable)
  2 Larisa Nord                 2:08:27 12:46:18    (splits unavailable)
  3 Christopher Moses           2:22:28 12:35:40    (splits unavailable)

    Mark Cirhaski                   DNF 14:13:59   16:54 17  30:44  5  36:45  4  45:40  4  53:05  3  57:08  3  67:05  2  74:38  2
                                                   16:54 17  13:50  3   6:01  2   8:55  1   7:25  3   4:03  2   9:57  2   7:33  3
                                                   13:54      6:57        45         0      1:38      1:16        51      4:34
    Matt Seferyn                    DNF 12:21:57   10:40 13  17:33  3  27:12  3  42:22  3  60:11  4  70:57  5
                                                   10:40 13   6:53  1   9:39  4  15:10  5  17:49  5  10:46  5
                                                    7:40         0      4:23      6:15     12:02      7:59
    Matthew Marwu                   DNF 13:50:53    3:00  1  17:19  2  22:35  1  37:35  1  44:58  1  49:42  1
                                                    3:00  1  14:19  4   5:16  1  15:00  4   7:23  2   4:44  3
                                                       0      7:26         0      6:05      1:36      1:57
    Deborah Pirotte                 DNF 12:05:29
    Paul Jarmul                     DNF 12:55:53    

Brown Course: 10 KP 3.7 km 

  # Name                         Result   Start     1.( 63)   2.( 69)   3.( 70)   4.( 62)   5.( 58)   6.( 64)   7.( 65)   8.( 67)   9.( 66)  10.( 56)   Finish.           min/km
  1 Ken. Hanson                 1:01:40 01:48:46    2:28  1   7:25  1  11:19  1  19:33  1  27:58  1  31:11  1  36:31  1  46:47  1  49:46  1  58:52  1  61:40  1 1:01:40    16.67
                                                    2:28  1   4:57  1   3:54  1   8:14  2   8:25  1   3:13  2   5:20  3  10:16  5   2:59  1   9:06  3   2:48  1
                                                       0         0         0        21         0        15        13      2:41         0        42         0
  2 Terese Camp                 1:05:23 01:44:49    3:45  2  10:46  2  15:30  2  23:23  2  31:53  2  34:51  2  40:43  2  50:10  2  53:44  2  62:25  2  65:23  2 1:05:23    17.67
                                                    3:45  2   7:01  3   4:44  2   7:53  1   8:30  2   2:58  1   5:52  4   9:27  3   3:34  2   8:41  2   2:58  2
                                                    1:17      2:04        50         0         5         0        45      1:52        35        17        10
  3 William Ebenstein           1:25:33 13:34:53    6:25  3  11:38  3  18:30  3  27:51  3  38:06  3  41:52  3  47:08  3  54:43  3  73:43  3  82:07  3  85:33  3 1:25:33    23.12
                                                    6:25  3   5:13  2   6:52  5   9:21  3  10:15  3   3:46  3   5:16  2   7:35  1  19:00  5   8:24  1   3:26  3
                                                    3:57        16      2:58      1:28      1:50        48         9         0     16:01         0        38
  4 Paul Petersen               1:38:10 12:43:32   19:18  5  26:29  5  32:45  5  46:03  5  59:17  5  63:48  5  68:55  4  78:14  4  83:14  4  93:45  4  98:10  4 1:38:10    26.53
                                                   19:18  5   7:11  4   6:16  4  13:18  4  13:14  4   4:31  4   5:07  1   9:19  2   5:00  3  10:31  4   4:25  4
                                                   16:50      2:14      2:22      5:25      4:49      1:33         0      1:44      2:01      2:07      1:37
  5 Ron Brown                   1:49:56 11:47:58    8:32  4  17:39  4  22:29  4  36:52  4  52:00  4  57:12  4  70:34  5  80:35  5  87:30  5 105:02  5 109:56  5 1:49:56    29.71
                                                    8:32  4   9:07  5   4:50  3  14:23  5  15:08  5   5:12  5  13:22  5  10:01  4   6:55  4  17:32  5   4:54  5
                                                    6:04      4:10        56      6:30      6:43      2:14      8:15      2:26      3:56      9:08      2:06
    Andy Huber                      DNF 11:58:42    3:00  1   7:25  1  11:40  2  36:30  4  42:23  4  45:06  3
                                                    3:00  1   4:25  2   4:15  3  24:50  5   5:53  1   2:43  2
                                                       0        45      2:11     19:09         0        30
    Todd Fetzer                     DNF 12:40:06    8:28  4  14:00  4  19:22  4  31:06  3  40:13  3  53:26  4  66:55  3  76:42  3  90:24  3 103:51  3
                                                    8:28  4   5:32  4   5:22  4  11:44  4   9:07  4  13:13  4  13:29  3   9:47  3  13:42  3  13:27  3
                                                    5:28      1:52      3:18      6:03      3:14     11:00     10:22      4:38      7:19      6:55
    Kacper Skakuj                   DNF 12:13:51   21:12  5  28:03  5  38:36  5  48:26  5  58:17  5  71:36  5  92:36  4
                                                   21:12  5   6:51  5  10:33  5   9:50  3   9:51  5  13:19  5  21:00  4
                                                   18:12      3:11      8:29      4:09      3:58     11:06     17:53   

Green Course: 13 KP 5.6 km 

  # Name                         Result   Start     1.( 63)   2.( 69)   3.( 70)   4.( 62)   5.( 58)   6.( 64)   7.( 65)   8.( 67)   9.( 71)  10.( 73)  11.( 72)  12.( 66)  13.( 56)   Finish.           min/km
  1 Vladimir Stemkovski         1:09:51 12:50:11    4:04  8   7:04  3   9:21  3  14:18  3  19:39  2  21:26  2  25:17  3  30:14  3  40:07  4  45:36  3  50:29  1  60:13  1  67:46  1  69:51  1 1:09:51    12.47
                                                    4:04  8   3:00  2   2:17  2   4:57  2   5:21  3   1:47  2   3:51  6   4:57  3   9:53  9   5:29  1   4:53  1   9:44  3   7:33  7   2:05  3
                                                    1:59         9        26        15        49        10      1:08        55      5:20         0         0      2:30      2:44        23
  2 Roman Kraus                 1:23:41 12:46:57    2:49  2   6:50  2   9:19  2  15:17  4  21:04  4  23:12  4  26:27  4  33:00  4  39:05  3  45:45  4  65:48  3  74:58  2  81:32  2  83:41  2 1:23:41    14.94
                                                    2:49  2   4:01  4   2:29  4   5:58  4   5:47  5   2:08  5   3:15  3   6:33  8   6:05  3   6:40  4  20:03  4   9:10  2   6:34  4   2:09  4
                                                      44      1:10        38      1:16      1:15        31        32      2:31      1:32      1:11     15:10      1:56      1:45        27
  3 David Butler                1:27:10 12:12:07    3:03  4   7:20  5  11:31  5  23:08  8  28:51  7  31:04  7  35:10  6  41:22  7  49:33  7  56:28  6  65:02  2  77:49  3  84:51  3  87:10  3 1:27:10    15.57
                                                    3:03  4   4:17  5   4:11  8  11:37  9   5:43  4   2:13  7   4:06  7   6:12  7   8:11  6   6:55  5   8:34  2  12:47  8   7:02  6   2:19  6
                                                      58      1:26      2:20      6:55      1:11        36      1:23      2:10      3:38      1:26      3:41      5:33      2:13        37
  5 Miles Deforest              2:08:22 12:00:09    7:37 10  15:10 10  19:48 10  35:33 10  47:30 10  51:10 10  56:10 10  63:27 10  75:09 10  88:24 10  97:08  5 114:47  5 124:17  5 128:22  5 2:08:22    22.92
                                                    7:37 10   7:33  9   4:38 10  15:45 10  11:57 10   3:40 10   5:00 10   7:17 10  11:42 10  13:15 10   8:44  3  17:39 10   9:30 10   4:05 10
                                                    5:32      4:42      2:47     11:03      7:25      2:03      2:17      3:15      7:09      7:46      3:51     10:25      4:41      2:23
  6 Mihai Ibanescu              2:08:45 12:44:35    3:42  6   7:12  4   9:34  4  14:16  2  20:18  3  21:55  3  24:38  2  28:40  2  33:13  2  39:49  2 115:00  6 122:14  6 127:03  6 128:45  6 2:08:45    22.99
                                                    3:42  6   3:30  3   2:22  3   4:42  1   6:02  6   1:37  1   2:43  1   4:02  1   4:33  1   6:36  3  75:11  9   7:14  1   4:49  1   1:42  1
                                                    1:37        39        31         0      1:30         0         0         0         0      1:07     70:18         0         0         0
  8 Michael Tharp               2:21:49 12:37:12    3:11  5  15:08  9  17:44  9  24:11  9  31:06  8  33:01  8  35:58  8  42:33  8  48:45  6  55:54  5 115:30  7 129:44  8 138:23  8 141:49  8 2:21:49    25.32
                                                    3:11  5  11:57 10   2:36  5   6:27  5   6:55  8   1:55  4   2:57  2   6:35  9   6:12  4   7:09  7  59:36  7  14:14  9   8:39  8   3:26  9
                                                    1:06      9:06        45      1:45      2:23        18        14      2:33      1:39      1:40     54:43      7:00      3:50      1:44
  9 Matt Kain                   2:29:11 12:12:14    2:59  3   7:31  6  11:59  6  23:04  7  28:18  6  30:29  6  35:28  7  40:57  6  49:38  8  58:45  8 129:34  9 139:49  9 146:45  9 149:11  9 2:29:11    26.64
                                                    2:59  3   4:32  6   4:28  9  11:05  8   5:14  2   2:11  6   4:59  9   5:29  4   8:41  7   9:07  9  70:49  8  10:15  5   6:56  5   2:26  8
                                                      54      1:41      2:37      6:23        42        34      2:16      1:27      4:08      3:38     65:56      3:01      2:07        44   

Red Course: 16 KP 7.6k km 

  # Name                         Result   Start     1.( 63)   2.( 69)   3.( 70)   4.( 62)   5.( 58)   6.( 64)   7.( 65)   8.( 67)   9.( 71)  10.( 73)  11.( 77)  12.( 75)  13.( 74)  14.( 72)  15.( 66)  16.( 46)   Finish.           min/km
  1 Josef Trzicky               1:32:19 01:35:31    2:05  1   4:56  1   6:47  1  11:57  1  16:29  1  18:23  1  21:44  1  25:49  1  30:23  1  36:17  1  74:41  4  84:34  4  90:03  4  92:19  4 1:32:19    16.49
                                                    2:05  1   2:51  1   1:51  1   5:10  3   4:32  1   1:54  3   3:21  4   4:05  2   4:34  2   5:54  2  38:24  5   9:53  4   5:29  2   2:16  5
                                                       0         0         0        28         0        17        38         3         1        25     33:31      2:39        40        34
  2 Mihai Ibanescu              2:08:45 12:44:35    3:42  6   7:12  4   9:34  4  14:16  2  20:18  3  21:55  3  24:38  2  28:40  2  33:13  2  39:49  2 115:00  6 122:14  6 127:03  6 128:45  6 2:08:45    22.99
                                                    3:42  6   3:30  3   2:22  3   4:42  1   6:02  6   1:37  1   2:43  1   4:02  1   4:33  1   6:36  3  75:11  9   7:14  1   4:49  1   1:42  1
                                                    1:37        39        31         0      1:30         0         0         0         0      1:07     70:18         0         0         0
  3 Todd Barlow                 2:14:04 12:17:31    5:07  9  11:17  8  14:56  8  22:28  6  33:05  9  35:43  9  40:10  9  45:46  9  52:31  9  59:33  9 116:04  8 126:43  7 132:12  7 134:04  7 2:14:04    23.94
                                                    5:07  9   6:10  8   3:39  7   7:32  7  10:37  9   2:38  9   4:27  8   5:36  5   6:45  5   7:02  6  56:31  6  10:39  7   5:29  2   1:52  2
                                                    3:02      3:19      1:48      2:50      6:05      1:01      1:44      1:34      2:12      1:33     51:38      3:25        40        10
  4 DaiWai Olson                2:35:12 12:22:50    3:42  6   9:32  7  12:20  7  19:46  5  26:30  5  28:44  5  32:21  5  38:06  5  47:28  5  56:31  7 133:07 10 143:34 10 152:53 10 155:12 10 2:35:12    27.71
                                                    3:42  6   5:50  7   2:48  6   7:26  6   6:44  7   2:14  8   3:37  5   5:45  6   9:22  8   9:03  8  76:36 10  10:27  6   9:19  9   2:19  6
                                                    1:37      2:59        57      2:44      2:12        37        54      1:43      4:49      3:34     71:43      3:13      4:30        37
    Sandro Gisler                   DNF 12:44:41    4:13  3   7:53  2   9:57  1  16:11  1  23:08  1  28:23  2  31:30  2  36:39  2  43:54  2  54:22  2
                                                    4:13  3   3:40  1   2:04  1   6:14  2   6:57  3   5:15  3   3:07  1   5:09  1   7:15  2  10:28  2
                                                    1:13         0         0        33      1:04      3:02         0         0        52      3:56
    Artem Kazantsev                 DNF 13:29:45    3:32  2   8:42  3  12:36  3  18:17  2  24:32  2  26:45  1  30:34  1  36:17  1  42:40  1  49:12  1
                                                    3:32  2   5:10  3   3:54  2   5:41  1   6:15  2   2:13  1   3:49  2   5:43  2   6:23  1   6:32  1
                                                      32      1:30      1:50         0        22         0        42        34         0         0

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