Results – Radio-O, 80m Classic, Oct-29, Carolina North Forest

Filed under: Event Results,Latest News,Radio Orienteering by Patrick Sears on October 31st, 2017

Six orienteers decided to brave the threatening weather. They were well rewarded. We only had a couple short showers. This was the longest ARDF at CNF and we’ve reached the limits of this venue for classic events. We had two special participants. Imre showed up with a receiver kit he built himself and took first place. Kudos! We also had a surprise visit from Artem, a long time BOK member that had moved away. It was great to see you again Artem.

As usual, we placed pictures from the event on one of our home web pages. Enjoy.

A big thanks to Imre who helped with transmitter pick-up.


The ‘x’ column notes the number of foxes found. For each control found, the fox number is noted followed by the time from start. The ‘H’ denotes the homing beacon.

Red course – 5 foxes – 5.6 km

#  name                x  time     start     finish     1           2           3           4           5           6        
-  -----------------   -  -------  --------  --------   ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
1  Imre Pólik          5  1:31:16  11:41:05  13:12:21   3 0:14:24   4 0:38:32   1 0:56:37   2 1:11:47   5 1:22:38   H 1:31:16
2  Joseph Huberman     5  1:33:55  11:51:14  13:25:09   5 0:21:30   1 0:42:52   4 0:59:46   3 1:15:10   2 1:24:43   H 1:33:52
3  Nadia Scharlau      5  1:35:44  11:26:03  13:01:47   3 0:15:41   2 0:27:24   4 0:44:20   1 1:01:26   5 1:22:52   H 1:35:38
4  Ruth Bromer         5  2:30:34  11:56:08  14:26:42   5 0:30:52   2 0:57:29   1 1:21:06   4 1:45:16   3 2:16:24   H 2:30:29

Green course – 3 foxes – 3.4 km

#  name                x  time     start     finish     1           2           3           4        
-  -----------------   -  -------  --------  --------   ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
1  Artem Kazantsev     3  1:26:04  12:16:40  13:42:44   3 0:12:27   2 0:51:39   5 1:16:04   H 1:26:03
2  Joseph Marincel     3  1:27:18  12:40:00  14:07:18   5 0:21:45   2 0:48:18   3 1:09:54   H 1:26:14

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