Condes Step by Step Instructions for BOK


Start by downloading the program from . Click on “download”.

After downloading and installing the program, you have a “light version” with limitations on the number of controls and courses you can create.

You start Condes by using the “Condes 9” icon under “Programs” in the Windows Start menu. When you have started the program, you can enter the above license code. Use the “Register” button in the greeting window, or use the menu Help / Register software.

Be careful to enter the club name exactly as above, otherwise Condes will not recognize the code.

Instructive Material

There is a wide range of instructive material on the Condes web site. If you are new to Condes, you might want to look at the demo videos, which go through in detail how to work with the program. And there is extensive on-line help in the program. Just press F1 at any time, and you’ll get help relevant to where you are in the program.

On the Condes web site, there is also a support forum, where you can ask questions and post comments that others could benefit from. You are also welcome to contact me at any time if you have questions and/or comments.


I regularly release program updates for version 9. These updates are included in your license, and you can download them from the Condes web site at: Do check the web site for an updated version before you start your course planning.

Occasionally, the file format for Condes data files will change. Newer versions of Condes can always open files generated by previous versions. However, the opposite is not the case. This means that you cannot expect to open files generated by a newer version of Condes. Thus, make sure that all course planners on an event use the same version, if they plan to exchange files among themselves.

License terms

The license is valid for all club members, as long as they work on an event which is organized by the club. It is not permitted to use your license for events organized by another club than the licensing.

Please be aware that your license cannot be used by members of other clubs for other clubs’ events.


Here are the older Condes 8 instructions with many thanks to BAOC for creating this instruction file.

Condes is a PC computer program with tools for control descriptions, course design and course printing using the course layout editor. This allows one to print maps from OCAD, complete with the control description sheets. It also makes it easy to cut control circles and connecting lines. The final Condes file is quite small, which makes it easy to e-mail to others.

Download and install the Version 8.xx Condes program from BOK has a club license.

  1. Create the subdirectory c:\condes for your Condes data files and maps. If we all use the same path it simplifies sharing the data. (This is not where you install your Condes program files.)
  2. Put the map into your Condes subdirectory My Documents\CONDES.
    1. You should get the map from Joseph sized to the area that you will be using.
    2. The map is an encrypted self extracting file, so click on it to extract it into OCAD format
    3. You should get the password from Joseph
  3. Open Condes.
    1. From the File menu, choose register software
      Club: “Backwoods Orienteering Klub”
      Code: Get the code from Joseph
    2. In “File/Standard settings for this PC/Folder Settings/” enter the complete path to the subdirectory that you will be using (defaults are safe, generally your user’s My Documents/CONDES).
  4. Create new event file from File/New event.
    1. Make one file for all courses on one day. Make separate files for each day of a multiday event.
    2. Enter name of file, usually the name of the event.
    3. Choose OCAD file
    4. Select map file
    5. Click OK
  5. Open Course Layout Editor (CLE) by going to Course overprints/Edit course layout
  6. Add start point
    1. Click on New Control icon on toolbar on right hand side of screen.
    2. Position cursor at location of start
    3. Left click and add control number, e.g. “st”
    4. Right click and choose “Control properties”
    5. Under “control type”, choose “start point.”
    6. Hit “close” button.
    7. Repeat process if there is more than one start point.
  7. Add finish point
    1. Click on New Control icon
    2. Position cursor at location of finish.
    3. Left click and add control number, e.g., “fin”
    4. Right click and choose “Control properties”.
    5. Under “Control type”, choose “Finish point with full marking” or “Finish point without marking” as the case may be.
    6. Hit “Close” button.
  8. Add controls
    1. Click on New Control icon
    2. Position cursor at location of control.
    3. Left click and add control code number, e.g. “A”
      1. At this time it is useful to have a list of the control codes from the flags you will be using, if you don’t have that information then just let it assign the default numbers (starting at 31) and you can easily change them later when you get the controls.
    4. Right click and choose “Control properties.”
    5. Define control.
      1. In column “C”, choose “Which feature” if more than one of the same features is in control circle.
      2. In column “D”, choose the feature.
        1. Features are grouped into categories, such as landform, rock, water, vegetation, etc.
        2. Choose appropriate tab.
        3. Click appropriate feature.
      3. In column “E”, choose modifier, crossing (X) or junction (Y) symbol if applicable.
      4. In column “F”, include dimensions if applicable.
        1. Click “3×5” button on tool bar.
        2. Enter dimensions in box to the right of “2/3” button.
      5. In column “G”, add location of control marker if applicable.
      6. In column “H”, add water control if applicable.
      7. When finished defining control, hit “Close” button.
    6. Continue adding controls.
    7. Editing controls
      1. Control properties can be added later if desired
        1. Go to the “Window” menu item, and choose the Current File Name from the list of window choices
        2. Double click control to be edited. Add or change control properties as desired.
      2. To delete control,
        1. From CLE, hit red “X” in top of tool bar, and click on control to be deleted. Confirm that you want to delete this control. OR
        2. From main control list, select control to be deleted and hit delete button. Confirm that you want to delete control.
      3. To change position of control, just click on it and drag it to new location.
      4. To change position of control number, click on it and drag it to new location.
  9. Add courses
    1. From Course/New, add new course name.
      1. If using the Course Layout Editor, the length will automatically be calculated if “Use Calculated Length” box is checked.
      2. Otherwise, manually calculate climb and insert in climb box.
      3. To print descriptions as text as opposed to symbols (desirable in white and yellow courses), check box “Print as text”
      4. Add controls
        1. Select first control and click “Insert” button.
        2. Add subsequent controls and insert.
        3. If you want to remove a control or change its position, select it from list and click “Edit” “Delete”.
        4. If you want to insert a new control between other controls, highlight control BELOW control to be added. Then select control to be inserted and hit “Insert” button.
      5. In Course Layout Editor, select appropriate course from “Course” button.
  10. Edit, delete, or rename existing courses
    1. Click the Window menu item and select the current file name from the list of windows
    2. From this new window (which is always hidden below the map image) you can
      1. modify a course or rename it
      2. delete a course by selecting it and then using the menu bar “edit” “delete”
  11. Modifying course markings
    1. Cutting control circles
      1. From CLE, right click on control.
      2. Choose control properties.
      3. Click on “Circle” tab
      4. Click on arcs of circle to be deleted.
      5. To replace an arc, click on desired portion of circle.
      6. Hit close.
    2. Cutting connecting lines
      1. From the CLE, click on connecting line. It will become a thick red line.
      2. Click on “Cut Line” icon on CLE toolbar.
      3. Click on connecting line where you want to break it.
      4. Adjust length of line by dragging black ends to desired position.
    3. Bending connecting lines around out of bounds areas
      1. In the CLE, click on the connecting line.
      2. Click on “Add point” icon in CLE toolbar
      3. Click on connecting line where you want to bend it.
      4. Drag black point to desired position.
  12. Changing control code numbers with Global Substitution
    1. If you want to use different code numbers from those you initially used, use this feature to preserve database correlation.
    2. Go to Window, and select event
    3. Double click control from list
    4. Click on “Global Subst.” button.
    5. Enter new code number.
    6. Click OK
    7. Close control dialog box.
    8. Repeat process for each control that needs a new code number.
  13. At this point you should save your work and email the *.wcd file to Joseph for approval by the park and printing of the maps. Read on if you want to do your own printing.
  14. Print control description sheets
    1. Go to Print/Control descriptions
      1. Highlight course or courses to be printed and hit “Select” button.
      2. If only one course is selected, as many copies of the clue sheet as possible will be printed on one sheet of paper.
      3. If multiple courses are selected, one copy of each clue sheet will be printed on the same piece of paper.
    2. Print Master Control Sheet:
      1. Go to Print/All Controls.
      2. Select printer and click OK.
    3. Printing course as text for white and yellow courses
      1. Go to main window.
      2. Double click on desired course.
      3. Check box “Print as text”.
      4. Condes does not yet support text translations along with the symbols.
  15. Printing Control Course Diagram
    1. Lists all controls and on what courses they are.
    2. Go to Control/Control Course Diagram.
    3. Control-P to print report.
    4. If control numbers are truncated, widen column with control numbers by dragging right line to the right.
  16. Export courses to OCAD
    1. Prepare map for export with CLE (Course Layout Editor).
      1. Add registration mark by clicking icon (cross-hair) in Course Layout Editor and place mark someplace on map.
      2. Position course description sheet on map by dragging it to desired location.
      3. If control circle covers important feature, it may be broken
        1. Select control by right clicking it from CLE and choosing Control Properties, or double click from list of controls
        2. Click on “Circle” tab
        3. Click on arcs of circle to be deleted.
    2. Go to Course Overprints/Export courses to OCAD
      1. Add overlay colors to OCAD file. This only has to be done once for each OCAD map.
        1. Click “Colors” button.
        2. Click “Add Colors” button.
        3. Choose original OCAD file by navigating with browse button. You can change name of file to preserve original OCAD file if desired. Click “Save” button.
      2. Select course to be exported as OCAD file.
        1. Name file, such as “Orange”
        2. Put in same folder as original OCAD map.
        3. Click “Save” button.
    3. Add courses to OCAD map.
      1. Open original OCAD map file with the Condes colors added.
      2. For first course before OCAD coordinates of reference point have been entered
        1. Go to File/Import
        2. Select course file
        3. Select “position by using mouse.”
        4. Drag courses with mouse to correct location. You may use magnified view to position controls more precisely. Do not hit enter or click mouse outside of box until controls correctly positioned.
        5. Click cursor outside of box.
        6. Go to View, Choose 32X, and position box over reference mark.
        7. Place cursor over exact center of reference mark
        8. Write down coordinates of cursor.
        9. Go back to Condes, Course Overprints/Export courses to OCAD/OCAD Coordinates
        10. Enter coordinates that you wrote down at location of reference mark.
      3. For subsequent courses after OCAD coordinates have been entered.
        1. Go to File/Import
        2. Select course file.
        3. Choose “Place with offset” and leave measurements as 0.00 for both horizontal and vertical offsets.
        4. Imported course map will now be correctly positioned on OCAD map.
      4. Maps with courses may then be printed.
  17. Export data file for import into OE/MT 2000
    1. Go to File/Export Data.
    2. Name file and location.
    3. In OE/MT 2000, choose Courses/Courses/Import
      1. Under File format, choose “Condes export file”
      2. Select name of file exported from Condes. Remove quotation marks before and after file name if present.
  18. Send courses to consultant, vetter or mapping director
    1. Entire Condes file may be e-mailed. It is quite small, usually less than 10K.

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